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Michael Lombardi

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Everything posted by Michael Lombardi

  1. Oh, and about the A-number, the spouse is a citizen by birth, so no A-number there.
  2. That's interesting, thanks for the info. We are just reviewing through the client portal, so maybe our view as the reviewer is different than the lawyer's view somehow, which could explain the confusion we are having.
  3. OldUser, here's the pics of the form attached, with identifying info blacked out.
  4. OldUser, the question is on the online form that our lawyer filled out and we are making sure is filled out correctly. The offline form has instructions to ignore that, but the online form does not say that anywhere so we were just making sure it's okay to leave it blank on the online form. Also, I am aware the N-400 is filled out by the lawful permanent resident. My wife is filling out the form (she's the LPR, I'm the citizen spouse), but I had the VisaJourney account set up so I'm the one posting the question here. Sorry if any of the wording is odd because of that, and thanks for any help.
  5. It is the same address. Because we are doing the online form and it doesn't have 4d. It never asks "Is your current spouse's present physical address the same as your physical address". Instead, it just has a place for the current spouse's present physical address, and the lawyer left it blank. We're trying to figure out if this is okay.
  6. We're filling out the N-400 with the help of a lawyer and there's something that is confusing us. We are doing the online form, and there are two questions that the lawyer wants us to leave blank. One is the spouse's address and the other is the spouse's employment. Looking at the offline form, the spouse's employment is only needed in a specific situation (that we are not in) but the online form doesn't have those same instructions. Also, looking at the offline form, the spouse's address is only needed if it is different (it is not), but again the online form doesn't have those same instructions. Is it okay to leave these blank on the online form, or do we push back against the lawyer and tell her those need to be filled out? Thanks!
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