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Posts posted by dswan388

  1. 58 minutes ago, Lucky Cat said:

    We filed in March 2019........have been waiting for an interview since May 2019....

    Yikes! Well I guess I'm not alone then. I also found the October 2019 filers thread and looks like a lot of the same. I guess we'll just remain patient in the meantime. I'll only start to panic once spring rolls around and my wife's extension letter due date is coming up. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it...

  2. Hi everyone! Fellow October filer and MSCer. I hadn't checked our status in a long time to avoid driving myself crazy. May 13 ready to schedule the interview but no notification. My heart sunk thinking we had missed the letter, but it sounds like people here are going through a similar situation. My wife is good into June of next year so I'm not too worried, but I saw some of the estimations for spring of 2021 and that's a little close for comfort. I'm certain that with everything going on, there will be extensions granted for most cases, but crossing my fingers this gets done sooner rather than later! Hope you guys are all safe and hanging in there!

  3. I haven't been keeping track of my case status for a while based on everything going on in the world. I figured they would contact us when they were ready to schedule an interview. I finally got around to checking our status today (September 26) and it says that as of May 13, 2020 they were ready to schedule an interview. It states that they will schedule the interview and send us a notice about it. Now I'm a little paranoid we missed the letter somehow, but I figure things are taking longer than normal. Anyone else waiting for months for an interview to be scheduled? Always appreciate the support here! 

  4. 9 hours ago, mrahman14 said:

    I would suggest you to wait at least 7-10 business day before you start calling them

    Just curious why you say 7-10 days? Seems like it's either delayed because I don't say anything or delayed because I call them up. If I'm going to be delayed, I'd at least like to be proactive about it. 


    I'd be curious to hear from anyone whose NVC paperwork was received in a timely manner from the TSC.

  5. 8 hours ago, Nattie_Bry said:


    So our case still showing "Received" online and we received today the response to our inquiry (we made before we received the NOA2 mail) which is equally crappy, just saying they sent us a NOA2.

    We started calling NVC after 2 weeks still nothing in the system yet maybe we should call USCIS and check if they have sent it out?


    One thing i can be sure is the NVC officers are really nice.

    Anyone having similar NOA2 PD date (Aug 31) and have you received your NVC case number yet and in what format (mail or email)?

    Another couple I'm in touch with got their NOA2 on 8/23 and haven't heard anything about their case yet on the NVC side so...looks like even when we're done with TSC, they still find ways to make our lives miserable! Call USCIS daily and be a squeaky wheel.

  6. 12 hours ago, Elisa Segovia said:

    Congratulations on your approval! It took a long, but I saw in your timeline you received a RFE... what did they ask for? It was the birth certificate of the beneficiary!? 

    Actually they did NOT ask me for a birth certificate, however we were prepared to include it. They asked for:

    • Passport photos - I forgot them in our original packet
    • Marriage certificate - They must have lost this
    • Proof of US Citizenship - Also must have lost this...
    • Evidence that intent to marry was bona fide - I thought this was done during the next phase and I didn't include anything extra

    My return packet included:

    • Cover Sheet from RFE
    • Copy of RFE Letter
    • My response to the cover letter which included an itemized list of everything included in the packet
    • Passport photos for me and my wife
    • Copy of our marriage certificate
    • Copy of my birth certificate
    • Copy of my passport photo page
    • Copy of all of the passport pages with Japan visitor visas
    • Copy of her family registry in Japanese and English
    • Copy of an itinerary for a vacation we took a few months before we got married
    • List of important milestones for our relationship with dates and locations
    • Copy of bank statement for combined bank account
    • Explanation of photos that I attached

    I wanted to make sure I had too much information this time. I wasn't prepared to wait another month for them to ask for more stuff.


  7. Just now, Sundee said:

    Yes this process keeps u stressed and frustrated. I know when my husband finally joins me I can sleep for a change as I'm surely not doing it now...

    I guess it's a good thing we have this forum to gripe to each other about it. Like our own personal group therapy!


    7 minutes ago, Lazybones18 said:

    You will get a update on your case tomorrow or in 1 week max ... 

    This is definitely not true. Cases all around ours were being approved a month ago. They don't look at these alphabetically. It could be tomorrow and it could be 3 months from now. There is zero method to their madness. Sorry, but it's not fair to make promises that might get people's hopes up.

  8. 51 minutes ago, JohnnyintheUSA said:

    It is my understanding and the clear opinion of many..... That is not a good option. They can and most likely refuse entry as it will show up in the system as pending petition. That will be heartbreaking!  Our is very close to yours. And while it is very frustrating. NOA1 and nothing since. Your turn will come up very soon. Patience... That is all I can tell you. 

    I'm not sure you understood 100%. I understand going on an airplane and showing up at immigration trying to get in is probably not the best course of action. Rather, going to the embassy ahead of time to plead our case with someone beforehand. I'd think that if you can have face time with someone you'd have a better chance of convincing them to grant a B-2 visa. Worst case they say no and you don't have to get back on an airplane. 


    I guess what im trying to see is if anyone has spoken with an embassy ahead of time. 

  9. So I gave USCIS a call and managed to speak with whoever is one above the immigration officer level. The only new information I was able to get is that their official date for submitting service requests is January 1. I think he might have been mistaking that with the I-129F processing time.


    Anyway, during our conversation I asked him about various avenues for visiting each other during the process. I know that it is very risky for my spouse to try and fly here and get a visa at the boarder, but the immigration officer I spoke with talked about physically going to the embassy and applying for a B-2 visa. I was wondering if anyone here has tried that route and had any success with it. We are NOT trying to circumvent out I-130 immigration process, but we want to take any legal route available to us to be together, even if it is only for 90 days at a time.


    Any info would be helpful and appreciated. Thanks for providing daily updates about all of your processes. As frustrating as this has been, it's good to know I'm not the only one sometimes!

  10. 6 minutes ago, OKAAjide said:

    Ok, I see. try this.

    Call 1-800-375-5283

    Press #1 for English

    Press #2 for Questions

    Press #1 

    Enter Receipt SRC

    Press #1 for Texas (SRC)

    Press #1 If correct

    Listen to the latest update of your case

    Press #3 To speak to a representative

    Hope this helps...


    Definitely does! Thanks! I think I'm just calling during off hours so they never give me that last #3. 

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