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  1. Hello, In November, my husband attended his interview, passed his english and civics test and was told that everything looked great , but he could not be approved until the I-751 was 'looked at' which would take 4-5 weeks (The interviewer's words). He was specifically told he would not need another interview nor another test. That the only thing holding everything up was the i-751. Fast forward to late April and nothing until the i-751 was approved, husband was now on a 10 year green card. At this point we were already making contact/inquiries with representatives and senators for more information, but they came back with "This is still being looked at" We also filed an outside of normal processing times. Two days ago, after 7 months of waiting including the approval of an i-751 which contained the same information and the same answers to the same questions, we received a request for information asking for an entire criminal history for any offenses (originals or certified copies). They asked for a bunch more stuff (if available) like court minutes, dispositions, etc. My husband already gave this information several times (It was a simple failure to stop conviction for bumping into a parked car and driving away without realizing he had bumped it -- he had a fine and had to pay some minor damages, no suspension of license, no drugs/alcohol related crimes. Nothing major at all and this was also more than 15 years ago at this point). At this point we didn't know what they wanted, except that we noticed we only included the court records that showed the fine amounts We quickly responded by including the ACRO (Which showed No Live Trace) and the Subject Access Request we made all the way back during the beginning of the K-1 process. And then we re-included the court record. Is this what they were asking for? Beyond this we have no idea what more information they could possibly want as this was the only information we were able to get when talking to the courts/police in the UK when we tried to get this information the first time. I'm just hoping its because we forgot to add in the ACRO and the Subject Access Request and only included the court record that they just needed this (though I don't understand why they didn't just check either the K-1, or the AoS for it...not sure if we put it into the i-751) Is there anything else we can possibly get for them? (UK records) At this rate we just want to get an answer and they seem hung up on information they already have. I understand its partially our oversight but they also completed the whole process up to the interview and were able to approve a K-1, an AoS and an i-751 then sit on an interview for 7+ months before asking for this and only after we made an 'outside of processing times' request. ..its exasperating.
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