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Shia and Ash

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Posts posted by Shia and Ash

  1. 2 minutes ago, spike198 said:

    Three months more or 3 months from applying? Funny how different each persons answers are. Why even bother taking calls if they just make up answers?!? Did they say the AP process is delayed? 

    Im in UT so not sure if it's the same as yours. For the aos, they're processing those from March 2017 same numbers last month when we called. It's like they arent processing at all. For the AP they're just on October 2017. Last month they're on Sept 2017. So 2 more months before I'd hear anything from the AP. Which by that point, I wont need anymore. Useless. 

    To answer your question, 3 months from when they received it. I sent mine out on the 12/21 and they received it on the 27th. So 3 months from the 27th. Supposedly march 27th, though, tbh I really do t trust anything they say anymore. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, spike198 said:

    Yup.  Said our case hasn't even been assigned to an officer yet.  She talked in circles really... I think that they assume we are all idiots and don't understand the process because when you ask a question they change their answer and it conflicts with the info they gave previously.  I just emailed my Senator and have an infopass appointment later in the month.  It's complete BS.

    That was friggin rude of her to hang up on you. And wth 5 months?!

    We called this week and they told us it would be 3 months no matter how the aos and the travel doc is delayed. Im sorry if you had to go through that #######. I undestand that it's frustrating not being able to work thoug  maybeyou could try doing freelance online? 

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