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Posts posted by Aussieinsocal

  1. 1 hour ago, N-o-l-a said:

    I wonder if you are having some adjustment issues and micro-focusing them on things like guns, gangs, and Trump supporters.  Often times when there are larger issues, it kind of manifests in this absolute hatred/fear/disgust towards smaller things.  I've been there and it is a common enough issue for people living somewhere new.   


    As to California, yes you are there for your in-laws, but a state that they could easily visit but that might suit you better might be an idea.  I, as an American, have made it my life's goal to never step foot in California and have yet to meet a Californian that I am fond of.  (Relax a little Californians, it isn't a personal insult).  For me, my unexpected great fit and happy place came in a remote place 2 hours north of Fargo, which for a native New Yorker was an interesting choice, but something that works well for everyone in my family.

    I 100% agree that this is what i think I'm doing! I actually contacted a place today so I can go and talk it out with a professional! I think i needed to get it down in writing to really see that there are bigger issues than what i see. Thank you for your comment!! It shows my thinking is on the right track!! 

  2. Thanks all for your feed back! Its nice to see that I'm not alone! Im feeling much better now. Im going to sit down and get a bit of a plan together tonight. I would LOVE to live on Portland. That is 100% where I 'fit in' so we will see if i can make some magic happen there!!! 

    The Trump stuff. I know I'm over thinking it. It was just another nail in the coffin for me. I don't give many hoots about politics, everyone be kind and leave me alone and we will get on just fine! lol. 

    As far as how I got pregnant!!! This made me laugh reading it all! Yes, Im a women and so is my wife! We did IVF to make these guys!!! Def not a dude in jail with a uterus lmao!!! 

    Thanks again for all of your supportive words and encouragement. Christmas, I miss my family, scared about starting my own, yada yada... 

  3. 53 minutes ago, jstryker said:


    True.   True. and  Mostly True.




    Contrary to popular belief - Trump is not under your bed and not going to eat your children while you watch.    :jest:  Check the stock market prices since the Hildabeast was booted. This should assist you some in a few months looking for work.





    Im trying to wrap my head around how you came to be pregnant - I must have misunderstood something.   Nevertheless congratulations.



    Im trying to wrap my head around how you came to be pregnant - I must have misunderstood something.   Nevertheless congratulations.

    IVF!!! Lol. 

  4. 1 minute ago, bcking said:

    I totally understand. My wife hates the fact that Texas is so "gun friendly". The UK is the same way. Pretty much everyone in their 20's or younger have grown up with very minimal gun violence so it's a big change. So Cal in general does have a gang problem, though it isn't everyone. Someone else mentioned it, but just to reiterate - Most gun violence in those areas are gang related and therefore not random. They aren't random people being attacked on the street, they are people involved with gangs being shot at by other people involved in gangs. Still scary and violent, but at least a little reassuring I think.

    Excellent point! I need to remember that! Its gone from a small worry to full blown panic attacks when I leave the house. I know I need work on challenging some of my thoughts! I can imagine your wife shared several of my concerns! UK and Aus are so similar! 

  5. 4 minutes ago, EmilyW said:

    OP, plenty of idiot Trump supporters wherever you go.  Along with idiotic Hillary supporters.  And idiotic Bernie supporters.  Crazy partisanship has no party boundaries.

    I live in Charlotte (which is a state that went with Trump).  I am mixed race.  I am a female.  And I'm an immigrant.  All the supposed top things Trump supporters despise.  Haven't had a single issue.  Not one.  I got a job easily, made friends easily and haven't had a moment where I felt unafraid / unwelcome.

    My brother moved here from Boston with his American (and white) wife earlier in the year.  They got ALOT of heat in Boston for being inter-racial.  Once again, welcomed here in Charlotte with no issues.  My brother keeps on saying 'I'm kinda always waiting for someone to attack, but it never happens'.  

    I've only spent a few days in LA.  And hated every moment of it.  But, once you see the rest of the country, you'll realize that LA (and alot of the bigger cities) are very different to the US in general.  They have their own cultures, mores, way of doing things.

    How do you find it compared to Aus though? Where did you live in Aus? Im so pleased that you've settled in there! Hopefully I find my place soon! Maybe I just need a little more time!

  6. Just now, SeanRN said:

    My fiance is from the Philippines. My children will be half Filipino. Simply wanting immigration laws respected and our borders enforced does not make one Hitler. BTW, Australia's immigration laws are MUCH tougher about who they let in than ours.

    My issues have zero to do with immigration. I actually tend to agree with coming through the boarders legally! 

    The whole Trump thing isn't my big issue and I apologies if it offended. For my family it does have some implications and Ive only had to deal with my republican inlaws and social media (Which is the devil!) 

    Coming from Aus there are things that USA just so different. Guns- scare the out of me. We don't have guns. Gangs- We don't have gangs, just that sort of thing.


  7. Thanks all! We would love to move somewhere else (Another state) but the only reason we moved to the USA was to be with my wife family. Now especially that the babies are arriving soon! It would break everyones heart if we moved away from them, they are such a close family, they al love each other so much. Sadly, I just grew up in a totally different way and find there closeness frustrating and weird. (I know thats my issue though)

    I think it comes down to being isolated and living in areas where my ideals are not matched by the other residents! I pay near $2000 a month rent for the worlds smallest house so we don't live in a ghetto but run the risk of getting robbed every night because the crooks target the nice suburbs. Last week a guy got shot at the end of my street. 6 bullets to his person and dead. I expect that In LA or somewhere sketchy but i live in a super suburban area where we all have tire swings in the front yard and wave to each other as we walk the dogs. Its awful. 

    I honestly should have done more research before I got here. I just have really high expectations of the USA so its met with disappointment each time i encounter something new. 

    The Trump thing is a whole other ball game. I love that everyone has there own opinion and love a good debate but this situation is just so divided. Im scared that my boys will be targeted for having 2 moms. But on the other hand i hope something crazy happens just so my wife will pull us out of here so we can move home. 

    Anyways. Thanks for giving me a place to put this down on 'paper', I think i need to go and talk to someone about my thoughts and get them in check. Lets hope its the baby hormones flaring up giving me a bad few months!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE and i hope next year brings all the gifts this one didn't!! 

  8. Good morning all! 

    Ive lived here in SoCal for just over 2 years now and I HATE it here. Its not the area (Im blessed to live in a wonderful area, near great inlays and my wife has an amazing income, etc.) 

    Its the culture (Or lack thereof) Everyone is rude and seems to be out to scam you for a buck. No one shows kindness or class. Work is so hard for me to get and now with the election i can't stand the thought of leaving the house for fear of having to deal with some moron Trump supporter. 

    Im heavily pregnant and am dreading raising my boys (Twins) in this country, moving home means we have to start the visa process again so my wife can get her immigration to Australia plus the cost of moving nd wasted money of immigrating here. 

    Im so lost and lonely. None understands whats its like to be here from somewhere (That i consider) better. 


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