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    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in The “Energy Transition” Delusion: A Reality Reset   
    How can there be SO many ignorant people out there?
  2. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in The “Energy Transition” Delusion: A Reality Reset   
    Heard a Mark Mills interview on the Lars Larson show.  A great analysis of the realities the climate change acolytes and idiot Democrats want to ignore.  I guess there will be more delusional zealots gluing themselves to things.
    The “Energy Transition” Delusion:  A Reality Reset
    Despite ever-escalating rhetoric, an “energy transition” away from society’s dependence on hydrocarbons is not feasible in any meaningful time frame, and it is a dangerous delusion to base policies on the idea that such a transition is possible. Data, not aspirations, show just how critical hydrocarbons are and, in the wake of the Ukraine invasion, the consequences of failing to realize what reality permits. A different understanding of “transition” is required, one that recognizes that new energy sources should be considered additives, not outright replacements, for oil, natural gas, and coal.
    Demands that hydrocarbons no longer be used—to generate electricity, heat homes, power factories, or transport people and goods from one place to another—emerge from climate-focused objectives. Observations that they aren’t being replaced and can’t be in any meaningful time frame evoke specious claims of “climate denialism” or the equivalent. But the realities of the physics, engineering, and economics of energy systems are not dependent on any facts or beliefs about climate change.
    Meanwhile, current policies and two decades of mandates and spending on a transition have led to escalating energy prices that help fuel the destructive effects of inflation. The price of oil, which powers nearly 97% of all transportation, is on track to reach or exceed half-century highs, and gasoline prices have climbed. The price of natural gas, accounting for 40% of all industrial energy use and one-fourth of global electricity, has soared past a decadal high.[1] Coal prices are also at a decadal high. Coal fuels 40% of global electricity; it is also used to make 70% of all steel and accounts for half its cost of production.[2]
  3. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Swiss look to ban use of electric cars over the winter to save energy   
    Not cancelled, just fell short in a quality survey I read recently.  I think it was Consumer Reports, but didn't save the link.  Just kind of surprised me because usually Toyotas get high marks.
  4. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in LOL! CNN Fired Chris Cillizza!   
    What is this "Communist News Network" ye speak of?
  5. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Swiss look to ban use of electric cars over the winter to save energy   
    Yanno, I love the concept of EVs.  And while I have given @Mike E a modicum of grief over the past few months, I respect the fact that he bought his for FUN (and anyone who has not test-driven a Tesla is MISSING OUT ON LIFE!!).

    That being said, people need to be aware of the TCO (True Cost to Own, compliments of Edmunds.com) of owning an EV.  "Saving money on gas" comes at a very high pre-paid bill.  EVs have been trying to become mainstream since the late 1800's, and the tech might almost be here now, but the infrastructure as well as the initial outlay of $$$ is not quite where it needs to be just yet.  Maybe in a year or two.

    The demise of the Toyota Tundra is a telling sign of the times, to be sure.
  6. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from TedsGirl in Wave of civil unrest grips China 'in largest anti-government protests since Tiananmen Square': Police attack anti-lockdown activists on bus and rallies openly call for Xi to resign as fury over Zero-Covid policy flares for THIRD day after deadly flat fire   
    Not to mention the CCP control of digital passports that allows their citizens to travel, purchase groceries, bank...

    And our politicians are trying to point things in that same direction.  If we allow it to happen, our phones, passports, and EVs will be under government control.
  7. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from TBoneTX in Election 2022   
    I was just saying to my spouse recently that I wondered how you fared.  Don't despair, buddy... losing the battle does NOT mean that the war is un-winnable.  Just have to keep plugging ahead.  We need more honest Americans such as yourself to put themselves into positions where they can balance the leaning scales once again.

    Having tried and lost is MUCH better than never trying at all.
  8. Thanks
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    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    I'm sure someone will come along soon and tell us this LARGE study has been debunked, or is invalid because "blah-blah-blah".

    Meanwhile, people are dying "suddenly" who have no underlying health issues other than the jabs.  And morticians and embalmers are seeing fibrous growths in blood vessels the likes of which they have never seen their entire careers.
    Must be aliens...
  10. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Cyberfx1024 in Election 2022   
    Sorry every for being a bit busy and depressed since the election. I wanted to give an update on my election results to everyone in here that helped out and encouraged me. Well I put up a good fight but I did not win the election but I did get 47% of the vote in a leans Democrat district.  I was depressed for a few weeks but now I am ok and just ready to strive forward an keep pushing my opponent to where he needs to be
  11. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Ban Hammer in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    that would have been a better video with this playing in the background
  12. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from midwinterrose in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    The jabs are 100% effective, as shown in this collection of reports over time...
  13. Thanks
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    The jabs are 100% effective, as shown in this collection of reports over time...
  14. Sad
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    Old Joe and his woke staff can sure pick 'em.  I suppose his defense will be he was planning to test this luggage as a nuclear waste transport device.
    Biden’s nonbinary head of nuclear waste admits to snatching luggage worth over $2,000 from airport
    Sam Brinton, recently celebrated by the Biden Energy Department as the “first gender fluid person in the federal government,” is facing felony charges and has been placed on leave after being accused of stealing luggage at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
    Brinton, 35, is due in district court in Hennepin County, Minnesota, on Dec. 19 on felony theft charges that carry a five-year prison term. 
      According to court documents, police used video surveillance to catch Brinton on Sept. 16 taking a woman’s hard-sided Vera Bradley roller suitcase from the airport’s baggage claim area.
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  16. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Airlines want you to get comfortable with flying without a co-pilot. Pilots—and fliers—are not convinced   
    How can you tell who is a pilot when you walk into a bar?

    You don't have to,, they will tell you.
  17. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Airlines want you to get comfortable with flying without a co-pilot. Pilots—and fliers—are not convinced   
    How can you tell who is a pilot when you walk into a bar?

    You don't have to,, they will tell you.
  18. Haha
    LIBrty4all reacted to TBoneTX in Airlines want you to get comfortable with flying without a co-pilot. Pilots—and fliers—are not convinced   

         Pierre and Boudreaux was flying Cajun Airlines to da Mardi Gras.  Boudreaux was flying da plane and Pierre was in da back foolin wit da cargo equipment an stuff.
         Da plane hit some turbulence an start bouncin around an Boudreaux got knock unconscious.  Den da plane start driftin.  Pierre come run up to da front an Boudreaux was sprawl out over da steerin wheel.
         Well, Pierre don't know nuttin bout flyin an he start to get panaky.  He grab da microphone and holla "May Day!  May Day!  Dis is Cajun Airline 90210.  Boudreaux, him knock unconscious an I don know nuttin about flyin dis plane!"
         "Dis is da control tower," someone answer.  "Doan you worry about nuttin.  We gonna splain how you to land dis plane, step by step, ah gar-own-tee!  Jus leave anyting ta us.  Fus, how high you are an whas you position?"
         Pierre think a minute, den say, "I'm five foot ten an I'm all da way to da front of da plane."
         "No! No!" answer da tower.  "What you altitude an where you location?"
         Pierre say, "Man ah got a po attitude, an I'm from Thibodeaux!"
         "No! No! No!" came an exasperated voice.  "Ah needs to know how many feet you got off da groun an how you plane in relation to da airport!"
         Pierre he start to panic by dis time.  He say, "Countin Boudreaux's an mine, we got four feet off da groun an I don believe dis plane related to you airport!"
         A long pause... de silence was deafenin.  "We needs to know who you next of kin."
  19. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Tether, the next FTX? Will it bring down the crypto market?   
    I have seen quite a few LETS GO BRANDON bills though.
  20. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from seekingthetruth in Social Security factoids for the younger crowd   
    And I forgot to add... thank you for debunking the myths!
  21. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from seekingthetruth in Social Security factoids for the younger crowd   
    I did not take the time to vet the text, my bad.  But let's look at some of it.

    As to Myth 1 from your link, it WAS voluntary, at least at first.
    Myth 2 appears to in fact be completely wrong.  (The original wording though!)
    Myth 3 - yeah, bunk.

    Myth 4 - Kinda sorta.  While the SS fund is a stand-alone fund, the government DOES "borrow" money from it, with the promise of paying it back with interest.  However, the SS fund for years has suffered from a declining balance, hence Dashinka's fear that he will never see his just returns (somewhere around 3034 or so, the SS fund is expected to be near zero).
    Myth 5 - Pretty much NOT a myth.  SS wasn't taxed until 1983.  At that time, the fund was in danger of running out of money, so a law was passed to start taxing payouts as well as adding member of Congress to the SS plan in an effort to put more working people in the position of paying into FICA.

    Will SSB remain for those of us in the earlier years of our lives?  Not at the current rate it's being paid out at.  Something must be changed to keep the plan in place.  Depopulation of the elderly certainly helps the fund as much as it helps the earth.
  22. Thanks
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    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Airlines want you to get comfortable with flying without a co-pilot. Pilots—and fliers—are not convinced   
    THE biggest.  But real-time monitoring of aircraft systems grows constantly.  Heck, even 15 years ago computers on the ground were able to detect a problem before a part failed, and said part and maintenance personnel were on the ground waiting to change the (not quite yet) defective part when the plane landed.

    Of course, there are those failures that happen in the air, but between a computer, a pilot in a room, and a pilot onboard, just about everything that can happen can be dealt with, save for the plane coming apart mid-air.
  24. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Social Security factoids for the younger crowd   

    I'm planning on not needing to use mine until I have to take it at 70.  IFF there's any left after you drain the fund even further.
  25. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Tether, the next FTX? Will it bring down the crypto market?   
    It's all backed by a "promise".  From people who prove constantly they are corrupt and are there mostly for themselves, not We The People.

    And the more money that is printed (see: 1980-2020 but especially 2021 & 2022), the less value our $$ has.
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