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  1. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Netflix to End Password Sharing in 2023   
    I can assure you that not all of us that elected to ditch Netflix did so because we were spending more time outside the home.  Some of us did it due to disgusting shows.
    I think I shall have to add netflix (who tries weekly to get me to come back) to my blocked senders list.
  2. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in WNBA receives top grades for racial and gender hiring   
    Do you REALLY think Russian prison guards need a DNA test to prove anything?

    At least "Brucelyn" Jenner had the balls back then (as well as the other appendage) to be honest about it.

    (And I give you a plus 1 for attempting to affiliate this concept with Michael Obama.  Very creative!)

  3. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, attacked at home [merged threads]   
    Whlle I like to think of myself as a man of higher-than-normal moral character, I gotta say, I'd probably do the same thing for $45,000,000,000,000.  One can buy a LOT of facial cleanser and mouthwash with that kinda payout!
  4. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, attacked at home [merged threads]   
    Whlle I like to think of myself as a man of higher-than-normal moral character, I gotta say, I'd probably do the same thing for $45,000,000,000,000.  One can buy a LOT of facial cleanser and mouthwash with that kinda payout!
  5. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Boiler in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    It certainly can and I would put a lot of money on that it will.
  6. Haha
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in [Master Thread] BIDEN CORRUPTION, COMPROMISE, BRIBERY, ETC.   
    Biden Nervous As Boss Drops By Unexpectedly
    WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sources say Biden is feeling nervous after an unexpected visit from his Ukrainian boss Volodymyr Zelensky just as the White House was wrapping things up to go home for the holidays. 
    "Oh no! Vocab Zikorsky is here! What am I supposed to be doing? Everybody, look busy!" said a frantic Biden to White House staff as Zelensky's limo pulled up. "Darnit all! Jill hates it when I have the boss over to dinner unannounced. Someone make some perogies or something. Do Ukrainians eat perogies?" Biden then sniffed a nearby staffer, something he always does when he gets nervous.
  7. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, attacked at home [merged threads]   
    Welcome to CEHST.  You're only about a month late.

    1894 happened, as pointed out by one of our astute members.
  8. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    And the hits just keeeeepppp on comin'.  And some will keep denying the facts, no matter what.
  9. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from TedsGirl in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    And the hits just keeeeepppp on comin'.  And some will keep denying the facts, no matter what.
  10. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    New German University Study Links Sudden Death Cases to Vax Shots
  11. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    So bad that not one single resident liberal has tried to defend it.  Telling...
  12. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    Just a disgusting example of where our country is today.  We are quickly losing credibility among other nations of the world.
  13. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    Haven't worn a mask anywhere in about 16 months.  That includes Commiefornia, NYC, Boston, outside the CONUS, etc.  

    For those that are still disillusioned into thinking that masks "protect" them at all... think about a fart.  It passes thru two layers of material, offends the senses, and is about 1,000 times larger than a viral particle.
    Masks only help sheeple feel better about themselves, that is all.
  14. Thanks
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    Just a disgusting example of where our country is today.  We are quickly losing credibility among other nations of the world.
  15. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to TBoneTX in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    "Have lost credibility" may be equally accurate.
  16. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in ESG: Woke to broke   
    So much common sense.  ESG, a completely made up subjective rating/ranking is a joke, makes no sense, and drives no innovation or profit.
  17. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Artemis I   
    Cuz we didn't silly!!  That was just a Hollywood stage set, remember?
  18. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    So is the mayor of El Paso going to bus these folks to NYC?
  19. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Geminids Meteor Shower 2022   
    Tomorrow night is the peak.  For you non-city dwellers, should be a good show!
  20. Haha
    LIBrty4all reacted to Boiler in FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried arrested in the Bahamas after U.S. files criminal charges   
    I could not help but wonder why they did not go for him tomorrow after he testified to Congress.
    I would certainly not want to be holding his Life Assurance.

  21. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Boiler in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
  22. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Crazy Cat in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    Weakest POTUS in my lifetime....and beyond.  
  23. Like
  24. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in Guilt-free green travel at last! New Airbus hydrogen powered fuel cell could be the key to eco-friendly flights   
    You are just not listening properly to all those eco/woke individuals that glue themselves to things.
  25. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Elon Musk Releasing Full Details About How Twitter Censored Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal   
    Where are all  our resident liberals who were crowing and talking schmack right after the election??  No election fraud?  BS.  Election wasn't stolen?  Again, BS.

    I get it that in their ignorance they are PLEASED that their candidate won, the sad part is their lack of understanding that our democratic process has been destroyed, and one day, they will come to realize they have no voice at all.  THEN they will cry foul, but it will be too late.
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