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    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    Let's add some facts to your claim, instead of all that thurr hyperbole...

    The Canadian National Energy Board approved the pipeline in March 2010 but Mr Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, did not issue the presidential permit required in the US.

    Then, around July 2020 - 
    The U.S. Supreme Court refused to let construction start on TC Energy Corp.’s Keystone XL oil-sands pipeline, rejecting a bid by President Trump’s administration to jump-start the long-delayed project.
    The justices, without explanation or noted dissent, left in force part of a federal court order that blocks use of a key federal permit. Although the justices cleared the way for other oil-and-gas pipeline construction projects to use the permit, they refused to do so for Keystone XL.
    The rebuff means almost all Keystone XL construction is delayed until 2021, according to court papers filed by TC Energy. The company told the high court that lifting the order probably would have let construction start by August on the pipeline, which would carry more crude than some OPEC members produce.

    So the reason that the K-XL wasn't built under Trump boils down to legal blocking by judges that favored Obama.
  2. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    Naw, he cannot do that, because he is attempting to create a fake oil-related good news story on how Biden is improving things.  Which has been shown to be false already.  With over 140,000 oil production sites in the US and GOM,  we re just fine.  

    Biden isn't improving the oil situation, just as Trump did nothing to harm it.  Presidents don't control big oil, other than perhaps assessing taxes on them.
  3. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6   
    The narrative, she crumbles, just like the fake "Russian collusion" and both failed impeachment attempts.

  4. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6   
    The narrative, she crumbles, just like the fake "Russian collusion" and both failed impeachment attempts.

  5. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in There's a Chinese spy balloon floating over the US   
    It can also disperse a payload in the atmosphere, if need be.   Here's hoping that wasn't the case though.

    But yeah, why make up this story about "3 flew by Trump when he was president"?

    Anyone who buys that nonsense doesn't have a clue about how NORAD works.
  6. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from TedsGirl in There's a Chinese spy balloon floating over the US   
    Tik tok, DJI drones, all those "what do you think about this" bot accounts on FB... yeah, they know a lot already.
  7. Sad
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from TedsGirl in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    Sure sucks to die suddenly from coincidence.  Sadly, it's becoming the new normal.
  8. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from TedsGirl in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
  9. Haha
    LIBrty4all reacted to Mike E in Sunday Smiles   
    Well there is always next week. 
  10. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
  11. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in There's a Chinese spy balloon floating over the US   
    Tik tok, DJI drones, all those "what do you think about this" bot accounts on FB... yeah, they know a lot already.
  12. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Biden Laptop Emails   
    Lyin' Joe says the Hunter laptop rumors are just Russian disinformation.  Glad we can just put this one to bed and get on with fixing the border.  Or shooting down balloons.
    Oh, he also blamed Trump for it.
  13. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    I live in the city.  I have access to 15/30/50A hookups.  And I STILL won't buy one because they are WAY over-priced.  If one pays $20-35k more for an EV than an equivalent ICE, how many years of fuel did they just pre-pay?

    At LEAST a decade.  Maybe two.  And then that battery replacement will be due...
  14. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    +1,000.  This is the reason we did not buy an EV for my wife when it was time to get her a new vehicle.  When the plan is to only keep the vehicle 3-4 years, the cost difference and payback period do not make economic sense.  Add to that the fact that EVs are not truly “green”, the decision was easy.
  15. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
  16. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
  17. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    Sure sucks to die suddenly from coincidence.  Sadly, it's becoming the new normal.
  18. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Tell your kids marriage is more important than money or career — because it IS   
    Marriage is an outdated custom.  Needs to go away.  It is nothing more than an excuse for the gubmint to get involved in a relationship gone wrong.
  19. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    I live in the city.  I have access to 15/30/50A hookups.  And I STILL won't buy one because they are WAY over-priced.  If one pays $20-35k more for an EV than an equivalent ICE, how many years of fuel did they just pre-pay?

    At LEAST a decade.  Maybe two.  And then that battery replacement will be due...
  20. Haha
  21. Thanks
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Lemonslice in Netflix password-sharing crackdown details released Netflix has said it plans to launch the paid-sharing   
    ZOMG, that is awesome, thank you @Lemonslice!!  Juat found Airplane I & II, been looking for them for a coupla years now!
  22. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Lemonslice in Netflix password-sharing crackdown details released Netflix has said it plans to launch the paid-sharing   
    Or... use an adblocker and swatchseries[DOT]ru  can be useful for movies and series you cannot find elsewhere.  
  23. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Lemonslice in Tell your kids marriage is more important than money or career — because it IS   
    Marriage is an outdated custom.  Needs to go away.  It is nothing more than an excuse for the gubmint to get involved in a relationship gone wrong.
  24. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from TedsGirl in Did George Santos lie about everything?   
    Having never been on the inside as regards politics, this is by no means an insight, just opinion.  But it's my belief that a fair number of people get into those positions with good intentions, wanting positive change, but are then overwhelmed by the sheer volume of lies/bribery/trickery, etc.  Then the only options are get out or get crooked and enjoy the rewards.  Just my 2 scents.
  25. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Did George Santos lie about everything?   
    Having never been on the inside as regards politics, this is by no means an insight, just opinion.  But it's my belief that a fair number of people get into those positions with good intentions, wanting positive change, but are then overwhelmed by the sheer volume of lies/bribery/trickery, etc.  Then the only options are get out or get crooked and enjoy the rewards.  Just my 2 scents.
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