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    LIBrty4all reacted to mam521 in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    Unfortunately, most of the new top loaders have "fancy" tech these days too.  You have to load your items into the drum in a donut shape, leaving the space where once upon a time there was an agitator, free and clear.  If you don't, the new fangled tech doesn't work properly to actually wash your clothes.  
    I dunno...tech doesn't necessarily make things easier IMO.  
  2. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from mam521 in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    Humidity, we have in spades, so we hang our clothes inside.  Just two of us, so not an issue like it would be for a larger family. 
  3. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    Humidity, we have in spades, so we hang our clothes inside.  Just two of us, so not an issue like it would be for a larger family. 
  4. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    Oh, those smart enough to care DO know the origins of the of the plandemic.  Those who wish to remain in the dark have their "safe places", of course.  But those who choose to see the light do so.
  5. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in How the jabs are affecting people around the globe   
    Thanks for all the great articles, TB!  

    What alarms me more than reading them, since I've known for a long time what is going on, is how little public outcry there is about the lies and duping that went on the past 2-3 years.  It's almost as if those who were lied to, and believed, are ashamed to admit it.  Instead, they SHOULD be shouting from the rooftops for vindication and reparation.
  6. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Animals falling sick, dying near hellish Ohio train derailment site   
    One doesn't just "sign up" for FFDO.  It's a process, and a LOT of responsibility and hassle.
  7. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Animals falling sick, dying near hellish Ohio train derailment site   
    Sad state of affairs, eh?

    A buddy of mine who is a pilot working out of Orlando airport says that for months now, when he tries to go thru known crew member screening (a method for airline crews to skip the normal TSA security), he has been getting "randomed" about 80% of the time and has to go thru regular security.  Has gotten so frequent that he now refuses to walk thru the machine, he insists on a personal pat down, in uniform, in front of all the passengers.  
  8. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to TBoneTX in Daily update on Biden tanking america   
    Ohio is burning but Buttigieg is obsessed with racism in construction… and there's only confusion on the Chinese balloon threat… what kind of a White House has nothing to say about what Americans REALLY care about?
    [...] Three decades of America's superpower status have emboldened these navel-gazing neoliberals, who now stalk the halls of the White House squawking about bigotry supposedly hiding under the beds, while China works out its designs on world domination.  [...]
  9. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Dashinka in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    We have an indoor drying rack that we use.  I never put t-shirts in the dryer, and of course the wife has some clothes that do not do well in the dryer.  We just put the rack in the guest bedroom and turn on the ceiling fan.
  10. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Mike E in The Fetching Raquel Welch, Dead at 82   
    Awww man, that sucks.  She had a good long run, though.
  11. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from laylalex in BREAKING. FAA Shuts Down Air Space in Montana Due to National Security   
    Mod whims, eh?  All depends on the direction the wind is blowing on any particular day.  Welcome to CEHST, kiddo.
  12. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Mike E in Animals falling sick, dying near hellish Ohio train derailment site   
    Sad state of affairs, eh?

    A buddy of mine who is a pilot working out of Orlando airport says that for months now, when he tries to go thru known crew member screening (a method for airline crews to skip the normal TSA security), he has been getting "randomed" about 80% of the time and has to go thru regular security.  Has gotten so frequent that he now refuses to walk thru the machine, he insists on a personal pat down, in uniform, in front of all the passengers.  
  13. Haha
    LIBrty4all reacted to beloved_dingo in Did George Santos lie about everything?   
    Breaking News: George Santos is Actually a Cartoon Villain 
  14. Haha
    LIBrty4all reacted to Mike E in BREAKING. FAA Shuts Down Air Space in Montana Due to National Security   
    Just When The Primate Thought Appliances Were Out, They Pull Them Back In! 
  15. Thanks
    LIBrty4all reacted to Mike E in Animals falling sick, dying near hellish Ohio train derailment site   
    Chemical spill soon after in Texas (Sunday) and another  one in Tucson  last night. 
    * Comparatively little news reporting while we are distracted by balloons, earthquake deaths in Turkey, Ukraine, etc 
    *   No emergency alert on my phone for the Tucson spill. Nextdoor has nothing 
    * Even Chest under comments 
    We got back from a vacation and the only thing that was amiss was that the navigation app rerouted us to get off I-10 sooner than normal. I figured the usual  late night freeway construction or accidents. It was an “accident”.  Nitric acid spill. Truck driver dead. 
    America is under attack and no one who was “elected” to do something about it is doing a thing.  But don’t worry. CBP sent us to secondary inspection to look at our dried pork rinds.  Good god the inanity.  
    The rhetorical  question is why  are these chemical ”accidents”  being under reported? We know why. 
  16. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Refrigerators, Ice, etc. [split topic]   
    DD, or so I heard?
  17. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Refrigerators, Ice, etc. [split topic]   
    Been doing it for 50+ years, doc, and my dentist tells me I have very strong teeth with no gingivitis.  And no cavities in the past 20 years.
  18. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    Solar is the key if you're going to buy an EV.  Get off the grid.
  19. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Refrigerators, Ice, etc. [split topic]   
    No coke in this house.  And if I DO have a soda, never one with fake sweeteners.  That stuff makes me ill.
  20. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Refrigerators, Ice, etc. [split topic]   
    DD, or so I heard?
  21. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in BREAKING. FAA Shuts Down Air Space in Montana Due to National Security   
    Mod whims, eh?  All depends on the direction the wind is blowing on any particular day.  Welcome to CEHST, kiddo.
  22. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Neonred in Refrigerators, Ice, etc. [split topic]   
    So on another forum I habit, there was a recent fridge thread, so I went back thru 5 pages of posts to see what was recommended.  LG & Samsung responses were mixed, roughly 50/50 loved/hated them.  Subzero got honorable mention (but pricey), Bosch seemed to fare well anecdotally, but the OP ended up buying the Samsung Bespoke.   GE profile seemed to do well also.
    Sorry I can't really nail it down any better for you.  I haven't bought a fridge in over 25 years.
    Also, please report yourself for taking this thread off topic.  Normally doesn't happen here in CEHST...
  23. Haha
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Refrigerators, Ice, etc. [split topic]   
    *Quietly raises his hand while ducking his head*

  24. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    I live in the city.  I have access to 15/30/50A hookups.  And I STILL won't buy one because they are WAY over-priced.  If one pays $20-35k more for an EV than an equivalent ICE, how many years of fuel did they just pre-pay?

    At LEAST a decade.  Maybe two.  And then that battery replacement will be due...
  25. Like
    LIBrty4all got a reaction from Dashinka in Electric vehicles more expensive to fuel than gas-powered cars at end of 2022: consulting firm [merged threads]   
    And while hybrids seem to be all the rage these days, they aren't all they are cracked up to be either...
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