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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. 8 minutes ago, Neonred said:

    Wow, do you have one of these?


    I'm impressed.


    No wonder my wife calls me a red neck.  I just use the square cubes from the (now Whirlpool) ice maker.

    Why yes, I do.  Makes splendiferous ice!!  Slower to melt, and beeyootiful to look at while sipping.

  2. No one mentioned this yet?  Wow....


    Animals are falling sick and dying near the site of a hellish Ohio train derailment last Friday which released toxic chemicals into the air, according to reports — sparking fears of the potential health impacts the crash could have on humans.


    Taylor Holzer, owner of a dairy farm just outside the evacuation zone in East Palestine, told WKBN several foxes he keeps on his property have become mortally ill.


    “Out of nowhere, he just started coughing really hard, just shut down, and he had liquid diarrhea and just went very fast,” Holzer told the outlet of one of his animals.



  3. 15 hours ago, laylalex said:

    Trust me, it is me who wants the more economical fridge choice, but it is pure projection: "If my wife wants a refrigerator that makes craft ice* for whisky and has a screen in the door to look in at food and a strange little snack door which makes reaching the snacks she** likes happen more quickly, she should have this."


    *Those large-ish ice globes of very clear ice

    **Read: he likes

    Avoid Samsung.  They have sadly gone WAY downhill in quality.




    For beautiful, clear ice balls.  He will cherish you.

  4. Will all those who tried to claim that Ivermectin was a safe, effective drug against covid, and who denigrated those who knew better, please raise their hands, if it's not too much to ask?



    "Gold-Standard" RCT from Gates-Funded Company Proves Ivermectin Works Against COVID

    MedinCell, a Bill Gates-funded company, recently issued a benchmark randomized clinical trial proving Ivermectin successfully treats COVID.



    For nearly two years, Dr. Pierre Kory has been trying to tell the United States and the world that Ivermectin is highly effective in preventing COVID-19. On January 5, following the release of “the 16th positive, statistically significant trial” reinforcing the effectiveness of the affordable drug, Kory reiterated that same message. Indeed, the latest study proving Ivermectin’s effectiveness was a gold-standard randomized clinical trial (RCT) conducted by MedinCell. 


    The study, conducted on 399 patients, met its primary efficacy endpoint with a reduction of 75 percent of COVID-19 infection in the group treated with daily oral administration of Ivermectin compared to the placebo group. All participants were unvaccinated adults and had been exposed to the virus within five days of screening after documented close contact with a person who had a PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. After administering Ivermectin for 28 days, the drug showed acceptable safety and tolerability with zero unforeseen safety signals.




  5. 1 hour ago, yuna628 said:

    You might like cauliflower, but would you go "man I'ma rush right down to the local chick fil a and get me a fried cauliflower sandwich?" I just don't know who this would appeal to. I like pretty much any veggie except for cauliflower. I'd rather have a plateful of sauerkrout, kale, or brussels sprouts than that. In fact, I've often thought their sandwiches would taste pretty good with some sort of brussels slaw on top.

    Naw, I am not much of a fast food person in general.  I mean, I do eat a Chik Fil A chicken sandwich about once a year or so.  But no, I wouldn't go there to try a cauliflower "burger".  Had it as pizza crust once, and it wasn't very good.  But I do love to eat it steamed at home.  Haven't had a McDo burger in probably 10 years or more, though I do hit them up for a breakfast burrito if traveling out of town in the morning.





    18 hours ago, Ontarkie said:


    Oh yes I do. We now only eat meat and not a single veggie. Best thing ever. All my IBS, GERD, Asthma, inflammation. Everything has gone away, well asthma is still here but way way better. Husband reverse his T2D, and NAFLD. I can go on and on, just wish I listened to my allergist 15 yrs ago. 

    Wow, that's awesome!! I want to know more, will shoot you a PM soon.  Thanks for sharing!

  6. Those who knew masks were ineffective, knew before this covid mess started.  Those that had no clue, they chose to mock and deny over and over.  They seem to have a bit of egg on their faces now, but will never admit it.


    On 2/9/2023 at 5:18 AM, Dashinka said:

    For those that want to read the actual study.




  7. 5 hours ago, yuna628 said:

    Well apparently this has been in development since 2018, which is a very long time to have a debate about cauliflower, a vegetable which I personally hate and think it tastes like soap and metal. I also dislike cilantro for the same reason, according to studies part of the population will have that same genetic predisposition. 



    Cilantro, culantro, and cauliflower are amazing foods.  Those who eat them, as well as other anti-oxidants, are more likely to be healthy than those who avoid them.

  8. 25 minutes ago, iwannaplay54 said:

    First post.  Where did I say “biden” did something again?  

    Nah, I pointed out that red hatters do nothing and produce nothing but memes and slogans.  


    So far you’ve pretty much produced nothing but that here 😂 


    You realize that if you're going to quote something, you are supposed to provide the link to give credit to the author(s), right?

    Also, what's a red hat?  And who says they aren't the ones producing oil?

    But like I said... rigs come and they go.  Been that way for decades.  Why did the count used to be 2,000?  Where did THOSE go?  

    But let's get back on topic, eh?  How did Biden screw up the oil rigs in the US?

  9. 3 minutes ago, TXRancher said:

    You're definitely thinking of The Former Guy. 

    LOL, no.  I remember the rallies that Trump and Biden held.  Thousands upon thousands of attendees vs. all 9 staffers.  Bigly diference.

    But I must admit, I thought it was PERFECT when so many people spoke up, on the spot last night, and called Joe out for the liar he is when he tried to blame SS on the republicans.  Awesome response!!

    Just now, Dashinka said:

    Another swing an a miss.  0 and 2.  

    Technically, he's made 10 posts thus far since his return.  So that would be O & 10.

  10. 14 hours ago, TXRancher said:

    The POTUS wiped the floor of the chamber with the gorgon from GA. The GOP reply,, delivered by Auntie Fester, was a huge joke. America wins again.

    If by "wiped the floor" you are referring to his being the ONLY president ever publicly (and vehemently) being called a liar during the address... yeah, PedoJoe certainly knocked this one outta the park.  Jimmy Carter just moved up another spot in the ranks.

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