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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. Yeah, I guess they must teach them that in dental school. Granted, the ice I eat daily now is nugget ice from a machine, so nowhere near as hard as ice from a freezer. Another "bad thing" I used to do a lot is eat lemons. As a kid, used to have a beautiful lemon tree in our back yard, and all the kids in the neighborhood carried around the little Morton salt shakers in our pockets. Would eat 1-3 lemons a day most times. Something my dentists in later years claimed was taboo and terrible for the enamel.
  2. Oh, those smart enough to care DO know the origins of the of the plandemic. Those who wish to remain in the dark have their "safe places", of course. But those who choose to see the light do so.
  3. One doesn't just "sign up" for FFDO. It's a process, and a LOT of responsibility and hassle.
  4. Not needed if you have a front-load washer. The clothes come out so dry I have literally thrown on a freshly-washed shirt to answer the door when someone rang unexpectedly while I was hanging the clothes up.
  5. Humidity, we have in spades, so we hang our clothes inside. Just two of us, so not an issue like it would be for a larger family.
  6. Sweet, hope it lasts for y'all like it should.
  7. Thanks for all the great articles, TB! What alarms me more than reading them, since I've known for a long time what is going on, is how little public outcry there is about the lies and duping that went on the past 2-3 years. It's almost as if those who were lied to, and believed, are ashamed to admit it. Instead, they SHOULD be shouting from the rooftops for vindication and reparation.
  8. Another, and much simpler option, is to share the dryer circuit with the car. Just don't dry and charge at the same time. Or do like I do and hang your clothes to dry (helps your clothes last longer, plus saves on electricity. Haven't used a dryer in years.)
  9. Sad state of affairs, eh? A buddy of mine who is a pilot working out of Orlando airport says that for months now, when he tries to go thru known crew member screening (a method for airline crews to skip the normal TSA security), he has been getting "randomed" about 80% of the time and has to go thru regular security. Has gotten so frequent that he now refuses to walk thru the machine, he insists on a personal pat down, in uniform, in front of all the passengers.
  10. Mod whims, eh? All depends on the direction the wind is blowing on any particular day. Welcome to CEHST, kiddo.
  11. No coke in this house. And if I DO have a soda, never one with fake sweeteners. That stuff makes me ill.
  12. Been doing it for 50+ years, doc, and my dentist tells me I have very strong teeth with no gingivitis. And no cavities in the past 20 years.
  13. Have never been to Antarctica, but HAVE had a glacierita... a margarita made with freshly-calved ice from a glacier in Alaska. Have also drank several glasses of parasite-ridden water from a melting glacier and survived. Hands down THE best water I have tasted in my life.
  14. *Quietly raises his hand while ducking his head* "Huh?"
  15. Certified professionals never let themselves have issues the next day. Practice makes perfect. Water is the key. (And about 7 other anecdotes that I can offer as an excuse to make drinking more fun). Your ice maker is similar to many running-water makers that flow water over a freezing "probe" and that dump quickly, and produce clearer cubes than those that sit in a receptacle and freeze slowly. The outside freezes first, and traps air that tries to escape but cannot. But truly clear ice comes from devices such as what I shared above from Amazon, or you can to the same thing using a cooler filled with water, and allowed to freeze for about 36-48 hours... the top freezes first, allowing air to escape downwards into the water (which freezes much slower underneath). When the ice is thick enough, one pulls the block of ice from the cooler, cuts it into cubes, and enjoys that harder/less bubbly CLEAR ice. The only drawback is that it takes about 36 hours (or more) to achieve these beautiful cubes/spheres, and they take up a lot of freezer space. I only have one because I have a neighbor with two freezers, and he lets me use one. "Professional drinkers" love that clear sphere because it melts MUCH slower than normal freezer ice, therefore cooling while not watering down the beverage of choice. I also have a nugget ice maker on the counter... it is my GO-TO ice maker. So much so that I turned off my regular ice maker in the freezer and fill the bin manually from my nugget maker. Yeah, the ice melts FAST (because it isn't frozen after it is created), but I LOVE chewing on the ice (think Sonic ice). https://www.amazon.com/GE-Profile-XPIO13SCSS-Stainless-Nugget/dp/B0964BF4N7/
  16. And while hybrids seem to be all the rage these days, they aren't all they are cracked up to be either... https://jalopnik.com/consumers-may-have-been-misled-on-plug-in-hybrid-effici-1850095950
  17. So on another forum I habit, there was a recent fridge thread, so I went back thru 5 pages of posts to see what was recommended. LG & Samsung responses were mixed, roughly 50/50 loved/hated them. Subzero got honorable mention (but pricey), Bosch seemed to fare well anecdotally, but the OP ended up buying the Samsung Bespoke. GE profile seemed to do well also. Sorry I can't really nail it down any better for you. I haven't bought a fridge in over 25 years. Also, please report yourself for taking this thread off topic. Normally doesn't happen here in CEHST...
  18. Regular ice cubes that melt quickly. I know you're not a drinker, but when people talk about "clear ice", they typically are referring to this: Uber clear, no white bubbles, and last longer.
  19. And EV charger reliability is not doing so well in the UK and the US. https://insideevs.com/news/652195/ev-charging-stations-reliability-low/
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