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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. Quote

    Kavanuagh Rape Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man



    It has been admitted by at least one Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee that from the outset top Democratic senators had been coordinating with the protesters – many of them paid – to disrupt the hearings and to create a false sense of outrage, some in the most despicable manner imaginable.


    Then there was what now appears to be the wholly fabricated accusations of Christine Blasey-Ford that involved so many Deep State/Democrat operatives that a scorecard is required to identify all of them.

    There’s every reason to believe that radical leftist, Democrat Senator Kamala Harris had a hand in Munro-Leighton’s claims because she was the person who brought Munro-Leighton’s letter to the committee’s attention.



  2. 9 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    I went on a test drive in a model 3 performance today. Fairly impressive.  Took a second to figure out how to open it and start it

    Fairly impressive?   Did you push the pedal more than halfway to the floor?  I test drove a base model 3 over two years ago and was blown away.  Have since tested a Y performance, and it was even more amazing.  Would love to test a S performance, but since I would never buy one, feel too guilty to ask to drive one.

  3. 9 hours ago, MarJhi said:

    Humans are stubbornly proud creatures. The deeper they dig into their positions, the harder it for them to admit they were wrong even in the face of actually doing physical harm to themselves. Any changes in thinking aren't likely to be made public, but when they are alone with their thoughts there is a lot of hand wringing. I have known plenty of people on both sides of the covid vaccination issue that have quietly confided in me at one point in time or another they questioned their thoughts on it. 


    By the way, the term "anti-vaxxer" is the silliest thing I have ever heard and I cannot believe anyone with an ounce of intelligence would use it other than to try to make the other side look crazy. I have never met a single person in my life who hasn't had vaccinations for a multitude of things (tetanus, pneumococcal, flu, measles, mumps, polio, chicken pox and so on). But if you don't take this one particular vaccine you get some nonsensical label thrown on you, which I can only assume is an attempt to bully or shame people into taking it. It's like saying you are anti-dog because you don't own a golden retriever or anti-car if you don't own a Kia, it's moronic.

    Agree 100% with all of this.  It just sucks when one loses friendships over it.  Or family.  Fortunately for me, my entire family felt the same I did, even though we never really talked about it until WAY into the mess.  But I have friends whose families essentially disowned them for not falling for the lies and taking the jabs.  Now that the truth is being realized, their families are way too proud to admit they were wrong, and the harm may never be undone.  Sad.

  4. 25 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Approximately Zero


    We now have the most authoritative estimate of the value provided by wearing masks during the pandemic: approximately zero.  [...]



    Impossible.  Let's sit back and see how many of the VJ posters who told us they WERE effective let their voices be heard here and debunk this #fakenews for what it is.


    In 3, 2, 1...

  5. Quote

    California utilities commission advised to block solar and storage microgrid application

    In a move that was “shocking” to solar and storage provider Sunnova, the California Public Utilities Commission made yet another decision in favor of the investor-owned electric 




  6. 5 hours ago, Neonred said:

    I was not big on wifi connected anything, but two years ago I added a connected thermostat to my place in the Keys.  It has been great.  When I am headed down I lower the temp to a nice temp so that when I arrive it is comfortable.  Also am able to monitor humidity when I am not there to be sure the dehumidifier is doing it's job.

    You know a humidistat that is not connected to the interwebz does the same thing, right?  Well, the humidity part, not the cooling it off on the way down part.

    Sadly, I am stuck with a non-digital system, and cannot install a web-capable thermostat where I live.  But I dream about it from time to time...

  7. 8 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Another mega thread started by the one and only true middle of the road semi famous VJ legend.


    I have not posted much lately and I know my fans miss it. As I have aged I have become very controversy avoidance.  It could be the new SSRI. I just avoid conflict like the plague. 

    Admitting when one is wrong is often a difficult thing to do, so it's an understandable part of human nature to hide after one begins to realize the error of their ways.  We still love you though!

  8. Quote

    A Michigan teen who collapsed on a high school basketball court has now died, according to reports.

    Cartier Woods, 18, collapsed while playing basketball at Northwestern High School in Detroit, Michigan, on Jan 31. Only minutes into the game, Woods told his coach he was “feeling dizzy” and that he was not feeling well just before he collapsed, according to the Detroit Free Press.


    Before his coach could even react, the teen went into cardiac arrest and fell to the floor. The coach, George Tyson, immediately began CPR until first responders arrived about ten minutes later. The teen remained on CPR with an automated defibrillator until he reached the hospital, where he returned to normal heart rhythm.

    Cartier’s cousin, Shantell Woods, was shocked by the collapse. “He was very healthy,” she said, according to Fox 2.


    However, he remained on life support and never regained consciousness until he passed away on Feb. 6, the Free Press added in a separate report on Monday.





  9. 3 hours ago, Mike E said:

    You’ve never met my last front load washer.  And it will be my last front load washer too. I’m back to standard top loaders that don’t have all that fancy water saving, energy saving technology that tries and fails  to detect how wet the clothes are  before stopping the spin cycle. $518 new.  If it lasts year that is under $2 a day.  

    There are front load washers that are combo wash / dryers. They take about 6 hours to run a full wash / dry cycle.  And then they come out wet.  

    Yeah, the dual-purpose ones suck, IMO.  Used one in Korea for a coupla years, and just gave up on drying.  It got HOT, hot enough to melt/shrink some clothes, but they would still be wet as you say.


    I don't even remember the brand of mine, but I know it's a 1999 model, and still going strong.  As I said above, when I set it to high spin, the clothes are barely damp when I pull them out.  Put it this way... I have NEVER had a single drop of water hit the floor when extracting the clothes.

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