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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. 1 hour ago, Dashinka said:

    Ahh, now we know.  This was all Trump’s fault.


    Biden says Silicon Valley Bank managers should be FIRED over collapse and defends his response: Says money is safe, taxpayers won't cover losses and blames Trump for rolling back regulations


    What regulations did Trump roll back?

  2. So real, that there threat...



    They are talking about the possibility of the London Mayor Sadiq Khan resisting a possible lockdown for London.


    The Department of Health adviser suggests: "Rather than doing too much forward signalling, we can roll pitch with the new strain."


    Mr Hancock says: "We frighten the pants of everyone with the new strain."

    The adviser responds: "Yep, that's what will get proper behaviour change."

    The minister then asks: "When do we deploy the new variant."

    Mr Hancock announced the new variant the following day.

    In a separate WhatsApp conversation from January 2021, when lockdown measures were in place, Mr Hancock is seen discussing possible changes with Mr Case.

    Mr Case warns against making small changes to the rules as looking "ridiculous". He talks about "ramping up messaging" adding the "fear/guilt factor" was "vital".





  3. 55 minutes ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    He said some are worth a 1000 bucks.  Seems like an easy problem to fix.

    It's not easy to fix.  And yes, $800-1000 seems to be the norm.  And about what it costs (or a tad more) for the victims to replace them.  Recently had a body shop close to me get hit, they stole 8 CCs in one quick raid.  And the shop had to replace them all.  Theft hurts all of us.  Dead criminals are never repeat offenders.

    I installed a system on my new truck to detect shocks and tilts (commonly, thieves jack up one side, cut the CC out with a battery sawzall, and are gone in less than 5 minutes).

    If I get the alarm on my phone, I can be outside and steadily aimed in less than 30 seconds.  Since a head shot might damage my undercarriage, I figure a nut shot will have to do.  And will likely stifle most of any potential conversation.  Dead criminals are never repeat offenders.  (Heard that somewhere afore).

  4. 20 hours ago, Mike E said:

    I’ve seen one report on Reddit r/personalfinance of this happening. I don’t think it was just big firms. It seems silicon valley startups routinely used SVB.


    My wife is an Etsy seller and she says some sellers didn’t get their periodic payouts because Etsy puts pending payouts in an SVB bank account   

    My wife wasn’t affected; her last sale was over a week ago abd she was paid. I suppose she will pause her listings. If enough sellers do this, Etsy will be in trouble: it’s effectively the same as a run on bank.


    If Biden doesn’t have a plan in place by Sunday night, I think the stock markets will be Armageddon on Monday. 



    I hope you are right.  I'm poised to make back the thousands and thousands Biden has taken from my accounts the past 2 years.

  5. 13 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    I tend to agree.  One wonders, this being a private flight, if this woman felt she did not have to adhere to safety rules.

    Probably took her seatbelt off after takeoff and never felt the need to put it back on.  Or was up walking around when it occurred.

    That's why the cockpit always says, "... but we ask that when you are seated, you fasten your seatbelt in the event we encounter any unexpected turbulence..."

  6. 10 hours ago, yuna628 said:

    Typically is the key word here. And evidence shows historically, that deaths can and do occur. Thankfully it's mostly injuries - from minor all the way to severe (we're talking about people that did get spine and head injuries here). It usually almost always happens when the person is not following safety protocol. She was on a private small jet, and I'd imagine people are less likely to follow protocols. We don't know the circumstances, other than there was severe turbulence (and there were many instances of that with severe injuries in Feb-Mar already). People can take small bumps to the head during skiing (like Natasha Richardson) and appear fine for hours, before dying - where someone else may be perfectly fine. A lot of it is fluke luck of the bad draw. Some people don't care about their safety on flights.

    My point was that few ever die from turbulence.  In fact, more died in bathtubs last year than have died from turbulence in a plane, since planes have existed.

    Most people don't care about their safety, ANYWHERE.  Especially if being safe can be construed as taking away from fun.  It's more about instant gratification for most people, methinks.

  7. 11 hours ago, yuna628 said:

    On this one flight from London to Baltimore... man it was severely turbulent the whole time. Not only were most of the passengers absolutely green with projectile vomiting, but because they told us you couldn't walk around some people were getting especially agitated. The flight took even longer because the pilot diverted us around some weather system into NYC. It was a nice distraction for a while but then they told us we all needed to buckle up again.


    Well this one woman had enough. No one was going to tell her what to do. She was big and hulked over the flight attendant, shouting and being disruptive. Other attendants came over and tried to talk sense into her. Eventually she sat down again, and the attendants took their seats. Soon after the turbulence started, man it was BAD.... and then we noticed the woman was standing up again. Then it happened.. the plane violently shuddered and just dropped straight down. It was terrifying! Standing angry woman flew up into the air, her shoes went flying, her head struck the ceiling and she was flung back down like a ragdoll. Blood started pouring from her head/face. Even being buckled in my seat, I felt like I had been in a car accident for a while.


    It's not hard to imagine a person dying on a plane in turbulence and there are notable cases where it has happened. 

    I can find about 7 since 1980, and two of those died weeks after the event.  This one is the first since 1997 during a brief web search.   Typically it's just injuries, not deaths.

  8. Amazing that we even have to have this fight at all.  So glad my kids are grown already.

    One comment to the video:


    The most incredible, disturbing and scary part is that we even need to have a political fight about hacking up kid’s sex organs, breasts and whether or not to inject kids with with body and mind injuring pharmaceuticals. 


    It’s all pushed by criminal doctors and criminals running pharma companies. In a properly functioning society they would never be given the opportunity to do it. However, now that they are, they should all be stripped of their wealth, tried, convicted and suffer death sentences. 


    The parents and guardians of these kids that allowed it to happen the their kids also deserve the ultimate penalty. It wouldn’t be happening if parents parented.





  9. On 3/6/2023 at 7:40 AM, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    and this is why I rarely contribute here any longer. I simply point out that It is my belief that the party I support would do better in national close elections if they would soften or filter  their rhetoric on 1960s style gay phobic comments that that make them cannon fodder.


    All of sudden I am a left winger. I am only worried about things that happen in Florida.  How could I dare point out a weakness in GOP strategy when there are crazy liberals elsewhere I did not point out. 

    It just blows my mind that one little observation on how the GOP could improve their optics turned into such a dog and pony show, without one person commenting on the topic or suggesting if they thought it may actually be a good idea for the GOP to actually evolve a bit.


    I mean I did start the question with Desantis is my guy and I fully support him. It's like nobody can even process anything that dares suggests improving conservative strategy. 


    This made me go back and re-read the entire thread from the beginning.  Gotta say, I am not sure how you got any of that from the comments herein.  All from one comment about CNN?  C'mon, man!  :jest:

    There's a reason I don't register under either party.  As Dashinka said, both parties are broke.  And the more "woke" we try to become, the more broke we get.

  10. On 3/4/2023 at 11:56 PM, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Who would thunk there is estrogen in our water.

    Are you saying this is not true, based on your understanding of water filtration systems?


    “The level of testosterone in men broadly in America has declined by 50 points in the past 10 years. You know, and so, maybe that’s a part of it.”


  11. I kid you not...



    The New York Times, that intrepid warrior for anything and everything that the Left is hysterical about, on Friday published a lengthy piece about a source of systemic racism that no one has ever noticed before: It seems that equestrian helmets are racist because they don’t accommodate the dreadlocks that some black horse riders wear. One black rider’s mother lamented: “Mostly everything in this sport isn’t designed for us.” Well, that’s got to change, and these Jackie Robinsons of the Coiffure, with the Times’ generous help, are leading the way to the Equestrian Helmet Justice that our society so desperately needs.



  12. 13 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Kind of shows how the Democrats, and Joe Biden could not care less about anyone else but themselves.  We all know Trump was a narcissist, he made no bones about it, but for some reason intelligent people get gaslighted by the Democrat elite leadership as to their compassion toward others.  People need to wake up.

    I think your brush is a tad too wide for the picture you are trying to paint.  Agree with the waking up part though.

  13. On 3/1/2023 at 12:37 PM, TedsGirl said:

    I wish there was an angry emoji to check against your post. The Lancet which WAS considered a highly respectable and notable medical journal is now best used to line cat boxes😠 Appreciate your use of the word activists!

    Yes because prior to March 2020 there was natural immunity and for some reason when the race was on for the “vaccine” that went right out of the window! Out of the mouths of some so-called highly intelligent people, among them science himself, Fraudi, doctors and others, natural immunity no longer existed!! Poof! Just like that! Gone! INSTEAD if you took this “vaccine” all would be well with your immunity. You’d never get sick they said, you can’t spread it, they said, you won’t need a mask because you have it’s protection they said. All I see on commercial breaks is that Paxlovid and I want to scream!!! They. Can’t. Stop. With. This. Agenda. They will NEVER admit that what they did worldwide was harmful. Never! 

    It all comes down to the almighty dollar; follow the money.  At the end of the day, the human body is a machine that is designed to take care of itself very well.  Right up until we had to deal with a man-made mutation against which our DNA had little ability to fight.   There were a few smart doctors who spoke out against the mRNA BS, such as the founder of them, and they were mocked and shut down via social media.  NB and others here mocked those who put faith in time-tested and proven drugs such as ivermectin... all they did was support the rush to get rich, as opposed to the desire to actually heal people.  It has been perhaps THE greatest human experiment of the century.  

    Sadly, I expect there is more to come.  Combined flu and covid shots?  Toxic shots for children?  No thanks.  I am out.  

  14. On 2/28/2023 at 7:40 PM, Dashinka said:

    It is amazing that so many people were branded negatively for simply asking the question.  We had our own microcosm of that here in CEHST.  Why are most on the Left so trusting in the bureaucrats from DC that seem to have no idea how real people think.  Personally I think Trump had a good idea related to spreading the Federal Departments around the country and getting them out of the DC/Maryland/Virginia elite bubble.

    Spot-on.   And those who were wrong two years ago expect those who were right, and were demonized and ostracized to just forget it ever happened.  They will never admit they were duped and fell for the lies.  *sigh*



  15. Inconvenient truths just seem to keep popping up.  If only someone here on VJ had posted accurately about this a coupla years back...




    WASHINGTON—The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.


  16. 12 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    Looks like he changed the seam lines but its the same outfit



    Check out the pattern.  Unless it's just due to a really fuzzy pic, the pattern at the neckline seems different.


    0:06-0:27 is definitely two distinct patterns.

    0:30 & forward might well be the same design, just lighting and angle differences.  Add in the scarf and the blurry left pic, and I can see it being the same top.

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