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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. 13 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    I'm sure you were all waiting for an update... :lol: We selected a hood and it is arriving on Wednesday, along with the induction range and the fridge. 


    Now we have moved on to different, equally thrilling dilemmas, like which toilet will we select for the powder room. We have narrowed it down to two, and just waiting on the contractor to tell us whether we need a 10" or a 12" rough in. We have a definite aesthetic for the powder room -- dark fantasia, aka the GothBog (as my husband calls it). We already chose a black sink to go along with the Benjamin Moore Salamander paint (walls, ceiling, and inside the large walk in closet off the GothBog). After briefly considering a gold toilet (!) we decided to match the sink and have a black one, too. Next up: choosing a suitably witchy mirror. 


    House is looking great -- kitchen cabinets are partly in, counters are in, all the floors are finished throughout the house, all paint is done (except for touch ups). Bathrooms have showers now but no sinks yet. The "basement" has drywall up, and the cement floor goes in this week. Laundry room and the new "basement" both have utility sinks. Still need to finish the fireplace in the master bath, still need to get ceiling fans up in two rooms. Still need to get built ins in both the studies (mine are considerably smaller). Shooting for mid-April still, fingers crossed!


    We also found a vintage console long enough (90") for the 83" television which is in my future. I bought too many rugs the other day.


    Basement construction shot from the middle of last week -- MUCH further along yesterday when we were there:



    You should paint the walls a color darker than black, then paint the ceiling black to lighten the room.  

    Also, your pic isn't showing.

    Also, also, isn't the cement floor spoda come BEFORE the walls?

  2. Quote

    Joe Biden Contradicts Hunter's Confession of China Payout

    President Joe Biden contradicted Hunter Biden’s confession the family business received payments in 2017 out of China.


    “That’s not true,” Joe Biden protested to reporters Friday when questioned about recent revelations the family’s bank accounts were enriched with funds from communist China.


    Despite Joe Biden’s claims, Hunter admitted on Thursday the family business did accept China money in 2017. Hunter not only admitted the Biden family business received China money, but he also acknowledged he, along with James, Hailie, and unknown “Biden,” all received $1.3 million collectively.



  3. 21 hours ago, Ontarkie said:

    They are going after the kids because they are the ones that can be easily manipulated. They have done this in more then a few classes. Making chips out of crickets and other junk food. Telling kids its healthier 🙄


    Why do you think they built that huge cricket plant in Ontario. It sure isn't for the pet industry. 


    And yes when you are sitting there telling kids if you eat this you will get extra credit. That just shows the amount of manipulation they are going to use on them. 

    Really lends credence to home schooling one's children, eh?

  4. On 3/17/2023 at 10:24 AM, yuna628 said:



    Cicadas are a local delicacy around these parts, beloved by humans and pets. They are extremely similar to shrimp, in both taste and genetics to the point it is unadvisable to eat them if you are allergic to seafood. People eat frogs, snails, crabs and lots of bottom feeding creatures. Crab 'mustard' which many people still consume is essentially 'waste product'. I don't really see the issue, if people willingly want to eat something and it won't hurt them. Our ancestors ate them, sometimes out of necessity.

    Interesting, grew up living among cicadas, and never heard of anyone eating them.  Might hafta give them a try.

    But if it's clean protein, it's likely nutritious.  Chicken gizzards, hearts, intestines, feet, beef tripe,  balut, insects (minus silkworm larvae, never could bring myself to try that stinky delicacy).... I have eaten all of those and survived.  People who turn their noses up at those foods have simply never been hungry enough in their life.

  5. On 3/17/2023 at 9:26 AM, Mike E said:

    I can remove the indigestible outer chitin layer of a shrimp before eating it. And as shrimp mostly swim in saltwater the chitin is less likely to carry toxic microbes.


    Never heard of sushi restaurants serving up raw crickets. Of course if you google for it, you will find that sure enough there are chefs serving insect sushi. But being a thing doesn't make it a main stream thing.

    It is a puzzle to me why I am expected to embrace food I consider to be trash, while billions  are not expected to embrace my food preferences: pork, beef, crustaceans, shell fish, booze. I am really getting tired of forced accommodation. 


    Insects = poison. Not happening:. WEF, UN, EU, Ds, public schools, and whomever else are shoving this agenda can all go pound sand while I grill a steak on my gas grill. 

    To be clear, sushi is rice with vinegar, and has nothing to do with either shrimp or crickets.

    Insects are not (for the most part) poison.  While not my preferred dish, I have eaten them more than once and experienced no ill effects.  And many people who live in poverty conditions (the likes of which most of us cannot even imagine) have survived by eating insects.  

  6. On 3/17/2023 at 12:12 AM, Lemonslice said:

    Serious question, what is the difference between eating a cricket and a shrimp? A veal steak and a dog steak?  

    As long as the ingredients of what you are eating are disclosed, why is it a problem? 


    (for reference, I am an omnivore - I eat some weird things [to Americans], but I am still picky)

    I agree.  My personal red line is left of the one below.  WAY left.  Too far left to fit the "family friendly" requirements of VJ, let's say.


  7. On 3/17/2023 at 11:26 AM, Dashinka said:

    Hmm, unsustainable?


    Oregon to temporarily suspend popular EV rebate program


    Oregonians looking to purchase an electric vehicle this year should do so soon, before the state suspends its popular EV rebate program due to lack of funds.


    The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality will temporarily suspend the Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate program starting May 1 until funds for the program are replenished next year. This is the first time DEQ has paused its rebate program, which began in late 2018. The program offers two levels of rebates based on a person’s income, and it was designed to encourage the purchase or lease of zero-emissions vehicles as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions statewide.



    The people who can afford EVs make too much to qualify for the rebates.  The people who qualify for the rebates cannot afford the EVs.  Bizarro world...

  8. 10 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Go woke, go broke.  Gotta keep that ESG score in good standing.


    Go woke go broke! SVB hired board obsessed with diversity, invested $5BN for 'healthier planet' and held month-long Pride celebration - but had NO chief risk officer for eight months last year


    DeSantis is about to remove DEI/ESG from Florida.  Love that guy!

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