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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. You should paint the walls a color darker than black, then paint the ceiling black to lighten the room. Also, your pic isn't showing. Also, also, isn't the cement floor spoda come BEFORE the walls?
  2. What was this topic split off into, and why?
  3. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/03/19/not-true-joe-biden-contradicts-hunters-confession-of-china-payout/
  4. And yet so many politicians and their offspring get off scott-free for far more heinous crimes. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2023/03/15/woman-who-faked-being-sick-marine-purple-heart-gets-6-years-in-prison/
  5. Even MSN recognizes this as an effing joke. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/twitter-s-elon-musk-predicts-trump-will-win-re-election-in-landslide-victory-if-arrested/ar-AA18N1iX?OCID=ansmsnnews11
  6. Interesting, grew up living among cicadas, and never heard of anyone eating them. Might hafta give them a try. But if it's clean protein, it's likely nutritious. Chicken gizzards, hearts, intestines, feet, beef tripe, balut, insects (minus silkworm larvae, never could bring myself to try that stinky delicacy).... I have eaten all of those and survived. People who turn their noses up at those foods have simply never been hungry enough in their life.
  7. To be clear, sushi is rice with vinegar, and has nothing to do with either shrimp or crickets. Insects are not (for the most part) poison. While not my preferred dish, I have eaten them more than once and experienced no ill effects. And many people who live in poverty conditions (the likes of which most of us cannot even imagine) have survived by eating insects.
  8. I agree. My personal red line is left of the one below. WAY left. Too far left to fit the "family friendly" requirements of VJ, let's say.
  9. The people who can afford EVs make too much to qualify for the rebates. The people who qualify for the rebates cannot afford the EVs. Bizarro world...
  10. I don't get it. Didn't ole Stormy already take Trump to court, lose the case, and had to pay Trump? Why this, now?
  11. Complete and utter BS. It only took TWO WEEKS to flatten the curve!!
  12. Well, they finally got him. For good, this time. https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/03/17/trump-could-be-indicted-as-early-as-next-week-report-says/?sh=165039b32c4c
  13. It's actually more than just 2 banks. 3 in the US, 2 in EU.
  14. I'm betting this bank run will lead to a US-sanctioned crypto currency, probably run by the FED.
  15. DeSantis is about to remove DEI/ESG from Florida. Love that guy!
  16. SVB collapse highlights $620 billion hole lurking in banks’ balance sheets https://fortune.com/2023/03/10/svb-collapse-fdic-takeover-martin-gruenberg-620-billion-hole-banks-balance-sheet/
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