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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. At least we are able to put this entire family of "domestic terrorists" behind bars so the American public can rest easier. America is now a safer place. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jan-6-texas-family-of-5-prison-time/
  2. And let's not forget that "software update" that happened in the middle of the night. SMH
  3. I'll do you one better. The folks who claim that the election were stolen are "wackos" & "domestic terrorists" and don't have ANY credibility at all. BIDEN WON!!! But let's take a stroll down memory lane...
  4. FalseBook is trying to shut people down, but the truth keeps rising to the surface, like cream on milk. 299,000 members in just a few short weeks. Many, many with tragic stories to share. Stories were pouring in hourly of all those destroyed by side effects from the EUA drugs. Very sad to read.
  5. Very S.A.D.S. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/healthy-young-student-is-dead-one-day-after-covid-vaccine/
  6. Layla will NEVER support your repulsive toxic masculinity, and I know you are not online right now, but these await your intense appreciation whenever you once again have interwebz access...
  7. I have had many male friends over the years tell me... "If you can touch them, they're REAL!"
  8. What a dumb . That's a "Bumblebee" Blackhawk. They fly 2-5 KM South of the DMZ on a regular basis. in SOUTH Korea
  9. From someone who pays way more to politics and foreign affairs than I: If US nukes UK, and blames it on Russia: 1. Truss is gone. 2. War machine starts up saving the British Pound. 3. Kills many to satisfy Klaus. 4. Allows US to declare war via Article 5, and cancel midterms. So many things solved with 1 simple bomb. 6:25 PM
  10. Not enough to raise many eyebrows. Especially here, with all the supporters of the experimental covid drugs. https://americafirstreport.com/1354-athlete-cardiac-arrests-or-serious-issues-922-of-them-dead-since-covid-vaccine-rolled-out/
  11. That was very sweet of you to worry about him. I'm sure he will appreciate your concern. I took the liberty of passing along your thoughts.
  12. Texted @Neonred again today. Power is still out, cell service is sketchy. Can only send brief texts. House has some downed trees, office is ok. He's working hard, but declined an offer of assistance, so I guess he has it all under control (of course he does, for he possesses Toxic Masculinity!). He said the surge damage in downtown Naples was pretty bad. Glad that missed him!
  13. Not elevated at all. In fact, living on a canal, we are constantly about three feet away from a flood. Make that 18 inches during King Tides.
  14. I'm sure it was just "her time to go". https://mymedicalfreedom.org/woman-drops-dead-at-pharmacy-within-15-minutes-of-booster-shot/
  15. We are fine. Had some flooding last night, and some winds today, but nothing alarming. Part of the problem is that it has rained here nearly every day for nearly 20 days, and the ground is saturated, so the water drains VERY slowly. I am lucky where I live, but just 2 miles from me, people have been under 4-6 inches of water. Thanks for asking!
  16. Awww, too bad. I live in Davie. Was hoping to link up with a fellow Pinay aficionado. Too few Pinays around here.
  17. If you like the Windy site, consider the MyRadar app for phone. Looks remarkably similar. Do you still live in Pembroke Pines?
  18. He's fine. He got some middle-band winds and rain, I believe. Nothing like the 125 mph winds that Fort Myers received around 5 pm earlier tonight. No electricity or internet, and cell signal is weak, but I'll keep checking on him as time goes on.
  19. There's more to this story than meets the eye. I cannot find the link now, but someone sent it to me. Allegedly, this teacher is NOT trans, but got in trouble from the school a year or two back for expressing his opinion against "woke" policies surrounding LGBTQ(fl;eofusjeh). Nearly lost his job, IIRC. So in an attempt to fight back, he has developed this stunt to over-exaggerate what the woke culture is supporting/praising/forcing down everyone's throats. If this is true, then this guy deserves one of the longest slow claps ever...
  20. And how many people here, back when covid was about to destroy life on earth, and those who were smart enough to reject the experimental drugs were facing a "dark winter of death", swallowed it hook, line, and sinker? And how many attacked anyone else who had anything negative to say about Fauci/EUA drugs/etc.?? Pepperidge Farms remembers...
  21. Cracks me up how the media is claiming it was Putin. You know, the dumb guy who is willing to blow up his own pipeline, right before the Baltic pipeline goes into operation, therefore killing a huge revenue stream for Russia. Yes, THAT theory makes sense. Thank goodness we have the MSM to make it all clear.
  22. Maybe Brandon feels responsible for the above, and wants to help look for the lost $9 trillion??
  23. $9 Trillion in private wealth wiped out in just eight months. https://www.lucianne.com/2022/09/28/bidenomics_9_trillion_in_private_wealth_wiped_out_in_stock_plunge_94573.html
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