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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. I read the 2A about 37 times the other day. Couldn't find ANYTHING about the gubmint trying to prevent citizens from owning guns. Recently bought two cans. Now I think I will buy two more guns I don't really need, plus cans for them, and sit back and smile bigly!
  2. Despite the attempts by the leftinistas (and notably CNN)to politicize the tragic event, DeSantis and his people actually managed the crisis very well.
  3. I doubt it's fake news. When your restaurant is very popular, more people show up to order, meaning longer wait times. I will say that Chik-Fil-A is about the only FFR I have ever seen that puts people outside to take orders in addition to the drive-up speaker. Business must be REAL good!
  4. The only people who should give their kids the experimental covid drugs are those who cannot stand their kids being around or those who truly believe abortion should be allowed up to 1 week after birth.
  5. LOL, I somehow missed your post. But it's great to know that GMTA!! (Great Minds Think Alike)
  6. It's not a "cross post". It's me trying to keep this thread all about the harm that the experimental jabs that millions were duped (and in many cases, FORCED to take) into taking. Feel free to contribute any on-topic posts here as you see fit. That other thread is about covid, not about the harm being done to humanity from a man-made disease and a VERY under-tested set of experimental drugs that were forced on humanity.
  7. https://www.internationalfreepress.com/2022/10/cdc-wont-release-review-of-post.html
  8. She actually said, "We had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market". Not "Let's test this thing and see if it is safe", nor "let's see if it actually helps prevent covid". It was more about the market. Markets are where people sell things to make a profit. Perhaps a better link: https://thelibertydaily.com/pfizer-director-admits-before-european-parliament-the-vaccines-were-never-tested-for-stopping-transmission-of-covid-19/
  9. They are not "out of touch". They are attempting to fulfill an agenda. Totally different.
  10. The video won't embed. Mods, has anyone looked into turning this feature on for tiktok videos like others are able to do? Or does the current software not support TT yet? At any rate, a good watch, as well as a link to the story behind it. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/pfizer-bomb-goes-off-in-european-parliament/
  11. You are just misunderstanding him. OBVIOUSLY, he said" "Maiden America" Duh...
  12. Nope, never smoked "dope" in my life. I just know how to find better sources than you do. https://disa.com/maps/marijuana-legality-by-state It' even uses pretty colors so simple folk can count more gooder. How many orange states do YOU see?
  13. Gotta love Florida. One of the LEAST locked-down states, whose economy wasn't damaged nearly as badly as other draconian states, now has THIS to say: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/10/09/florida-surgeon-general-warns-against-young-men-getting-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-whats-his-justification/
  14. Absolutely NOTHING to see here. Please go about your business is if nothing were amiss... https://www.infowars.com/posts/fda-withholds-autopsy-results-of-those-who-died-after-covid-shots/
  15. https://www.wnd.com/2022/10/insurance-company-finds-triple-vaxxed-likely-get-covid-unvaxxed/
  16. So it's the fault of the Biden administration that gas prices are where they are today, but Douchesum wants to punish the oil companies? How about the US government stop sending billions of OUR tax dollars in aid to Ukraine, and give it back to Americans?
  17. Progress is being made. But just like with prohibition, it is slow. And while I agree that alcohol is a "worse drug", don't be fooled into thinking that MJ crimes don't happen. They are on the uptick.
  18. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dc-drivers-irate-climate-protesters-block-rush-hour-traffic?dicbo=v2-1c8cf826bce4fb55ffe04020bad98d4b
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