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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. Nothing more than a leftist attempt to keep Trump from running, because the left KNOWS he would decimate them.
  2. https://get.dailywire.com/the-greatest-lie/subscribe
  3. Put out an experimental drug that nets you billions, but is unproven and causes people to develop heart problems and some to die. Then put out ANOTHER experimental, money-making drug that supposedly reverses the effects of the first drug you screwed up with in the first place. Makes perfect sense (from a profit standpoint)
  4. Moderna releases new mRNA injection to “repair heart muscle” while people’s hearts are being damaged by mRNA covid jabs https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-10-13-moderna-injection-repair-heart-muscle-covid-vaccine.html#
  5. Sudden Adult Deaths Since 2021: Ed Dowd (Ex BlackRock Manager) w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew
  6. https://basedunderground.com/2022/10/13/covid-jabbed-kids-4423-more-likely-to-die-than-unvaxxed-children-official-government-data-show/
  7. Forgiving college debt. Allowing mass immigration of illegals. Putting off higher gas prices. Just some examples of ways to "buy" votes. I'm sure I missed three or 12 other ways.
  8. It is. Beyond the shadow of ANY doubt. But ONE juror didn't agree with the other 11, and this kid who decided he wanted to live after taking 17 of the 20 lives he planned to take gets his wish. Unbelievable.
  9. Kill 17 humans, get one juror to dissent, and you get to live. This has GOT to stop. Murderers in cases such as Parkland need to die, period. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/10/13/parkland-shooting-nikolas-cruz-sentencing-verdict/10475032002/
  10. I'll have to try both of those. I usually avoid steak stuff at Taco Bell because it is typically a cheap and tough cut of meat, and over-cooked, but if you swear by it, I'll take the risk.
  11. Yeah, I enjoy Arby's. Again, don't go often, but have never been disappointed, ever. KFC is ok. Used to work there. Quality is consistent because corporate sends the same things to ALL restos. Ditto Domino's. I would LOVE to eat some local TX Mexican food. Best I have had anywhere, hands down, is on the streets of Mexico City. Street tacos are to die for. My all-time favorite food is Thai. Home made or restaurant (usually), it is amazing. And some Pho soup, too.
  12. I really don't eat much fast food. But CFA has never let me down. I do love a McDo pair of breakfast burritos on a long road trip (maybe 3 times a year?). Other than that, never stop in. Haven't eaten at a BK in about 11 years, and that was just an experiment to see if things had improved after avoiding them for nine years initially. Nope! Wendy's isn't bad, but the last time I was in one was three years ago, ordering a meal for my home-bound neighbor. Don't think I've partaken personally in more than 10 years. I guess my most-visited FF resto is probably Taco Bell. My partner won't touch it. But a crunchwrap supreme or ultimate burrito really goes a long way. I also haven't had cable TV in over 17 years. I'm probably not the norm here.
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