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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. On 10/20/2022 at 11:56 AM, Dashinka said:

    Been to the DPRK, or to the border/DMZ area?  I was at an area near the border once and went down in one of the tunnels, interesting work.  I mentioned to my Korean colleague that this is why the ROK would succeed as the DPRK spent a lot of labor to blast a tunnel through solid granite, and the ROK turned it into a tourist attraction. 

    Oh yeah, I did the tour, also been on the DMZ (and along it for many miles where most are not allowed to traverse) for reasons other than tourism...

  2. 22 hours ago, TBoneTX said:


    There are differences between Mexican and all other Latin American fare -- Mexican food is spicy, and elsewhere it's not.

    Not to mention that very few of these illegals are from Mexico.  They are from all OVER the world.  It's easy to get from Africa to Mexico, and thence to the US for example.

    And now they are increasing the trek across the Northern border, coming in from Canada.  Biden has opened a pandora's box that I am afraid only heavily-armed forces at both borders can ever hope to slow.

    Other locales from whence they are pouring:





    Sri Lanka








  3. 6 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Must be silenced!  Regardless, why would any parent subject their children to these experiments is baffling.


    Doctor rips White House shielding COVID vaccine data as CDC OKs shot for immunization schedules: Shame on them


    "Right now, parents are asking where is the clinical data to support this vaccine in young healthy children. For the new omicron vaccine, which is the current vaccine that is being recommended, the human trials were never made public. Instead, Pfizer and Moderna gave a top-line announcement in a press release, the underlying data is top secret," Makary explained.


    "Shame on them," he continued, calling out the FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf, White House COVID response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha and CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.


    "That data should be public information. Why is it top secret?" Makary asked. "We believe it's because it’s similar to the baby vaccine data, which was not favorable, it showed no clinical benefit. So, 94% of Americans have said no to this new omicron vaccine because the clinical trial data is not public."



    Thankfully, I live in one of the "safe states" that are pledging to NOT follow CDC guidance on the EUA jabs for kids.  There need to be MANY more states getting on board, however.

  4. 3 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Very much like the DPRK today.  This was from 2019, and I expect it got worse as the country closed down due to Covid19.



    Been there.  Seen it wif my own two eyes.  

    Also, S. Korea was heavily deforested by Japan back in the day.  It is nothing short of AMAZING how the S. Korean people have re-planted and made their country so amazing, both from a landscape point of view as well as technological.  "Climate change" had nothing to do with the amazing transformation.



    And here's N. Korea today:



    And THIS is what happens when a government lies to its citizens, and they succumb and believe the lies.  Beware, America of 2023...

  5. 11 hours ago, Mike E said:

    It’s private land. It sucks trees are being cut down, but short of suing the land owners after their neighbors get flooded (because deforestation causes floods) not seeing the outrage or recourse. 

    The hypocrisy of Paris Accord signers knows no bounds though.  Climate change “science” is so fluid and fascinating. 



  6. Suddenly...



    Brignole’s death came as a shock to all those who have been part of the bodybuilding world for a long time. While the cause of death has not been revealed until now, there have been unverified reports of him allegedly passing away due to a heart attack.

    Although Brignole was a popular personality, but he did not have a Wikipedia page. No detailed information on his health history is available online, hence it remains unknown if he had been sick recently.



  7. Quote

    A gifted 17-year-old singer died suddenly late last week after collapsing on stage at an all-state choir event, the family says.

    Daniel Moshi was performing Friday at the All-State Honors Show Choir for the Illinois American Choral Directors Association at Naperville North High School when he suddenly collapsed.


    Daniel was unconscious when first responders arrived at the school, the report said. When Daniel arrived at the hospital, he was pronounced dead.





  8. On 10/17/2022 at 8:00 AM, Dashinka said:

    Personal anecdote, went and got a flu shot yesterday, and talked to the pharmacist.  She seemed to indicate that there was not a lot of demand for the latest Covid19 booster(s).

    And sadly enough, with over 1,000 comments to the contrary, the CDC just voted 15-0 to add the experimental EUA jabs to required vaccines for children.



  9. 2 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    Had to laugh at that list of counties one must be considerably wealthy to live in (the housing market is an overpriced dumpster fire). 😉 Though Berlin is nice for a day trip, got family roots there, no opportunities for the husband in a lot of these places. I happen to like Baltimore and still go back frequently, for all it's ills. No offense, am not a FL fan, no desire to go there. We're good where we're at right now with job stability, even though it's a dump of an unpleasant place. 

    Well, life is certainly all about choices.  If you choose to live in a dump of an unpleasant place because it's just easier, then you must be able to see the value in that.

    The housing markets EVERYWHERE are a mess right now.  Have been putting off buying a house for over two years, will probably be able to get serious in another coupla years.  Still looking for our personal Nirvana, but have yet to locate it.  So many choices and opportunities, it's hard to decide.  I am starting to think I actually need TWO homes for retirement.  

  10. 37 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    Well moving out from Baltimore, and your options aren't much better, which is what I'm saying. Crime, drugs, homelessness isn't a Baltimore specific thing that's only confined to it's borders. It's out there, and it's bad in even red counties.

    Maryland is nice overall.  But don't just limit yourself to there.  TN is much better overall IMO.  FL is pretty legit, if you can stand the heat.  Thousands upon thousands of cities/areas that are much safer than Baltimore.

    Here's some not too far from there:  https://moneyinc.com/safest-places-live-maryland/

  11. 18 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    Well I voted some time ago. As always, our process is easy, though the wording on the ballots this year is incomprehensible. We have several constitutional amendments and local changes to charters. The big one of course is marijuana legalization, but I'm more excited about an amendment to force politicians to actually live in the county they represent (we have plenty of idiots representing my county that don't actually live here). Unfortunately the rest of the ballot is predictable - Wes Moore is the frontrunner for governor and he should win easily... everybody else? Well, most are running uncontested for my always red county and they are considered idiots. No one likes them, but no one else is ever put forward. Some moderate republicans have been resigning in protest and frustration over some very serious corruption issues ongoing (it's messy pile of sex, drugs, and bribes) and not even the police support who is in charge. Ballot initiatives for forming ethics committees are popular but it seems hopeless that they will go anywhere. There have been some write-in campaigns this year, so I hope they will do well. None of the people that are currently sitting safe and uncontested will ever do anything about the massive drug problem, growing crime problem, and homeless issue. That's just in this county...  everyone always talks smack about Baltimore's problems, but never actually look at the problems going on in their backyard.

    There's a reason why it's almost always in the top 10 worst/most unsafe/high crime listings year after year.  

    Moving is always an option.

  12. 7 hours ago, Mike E said:

    I think  that the past 7 years have  shown us agencies don’t consider themselves subject to administration rule. 

    As for statements from scientists assuring us  there is nothing dangerous, as I recall the scientists assured in early 2020 us; Covid wasn’t a danger, masks were useless, Covid wasn’t airborne, masks were critical for people to use, it couldn’t have come from a lab, we’d eventually get herd immunity, the vaccines would prevent re-transmission, lockdowns are needed, the vaccines don’t cause myocarditis, etc.  


    I believe and trust nothing the scientists say about Covid.  I felt differently nearly 3 years ago, and then the scientists did everything possible to erode trust.  


    I agree.  We were duped, lulled into a sense of security by those we elected and hired to operate in our best interest.  However, their greed caused them to throw the mantle of trust for profit and politics.  Just use Fraudci as an example... his net worth jumped from $5 million to $12.6 million since the pandemic began.


  13. 4 hours ago, Mike E said:

    The point is not to do this in secret on a secure facility. The point is to do this in public to send a message to the enemy 

    I seriously doubt that.  No one in our current administration has those kind of cajones.


    Also, if you go back and re-read the article, it is full of misleading statements, like:



    they have developed a new COVID strain that has an 80% kill rate following a series of similar experiments first thought to have started the global pandemic that began in China.

    "In…mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80 percent,"

    The new strain has five times more infectious virus particles than the omicron variant, researchers said.

    In a statement, the university stressed that the replicated strain was less dangerous than the original strain.

    "First, this research is not gain-of-function research, meaning it did not amplify the Washington state SARS-COV-2 virus strain or make it more dangerous. In fact, this research made the virus replicate less dangerous,"

    Also, mice are immune to covid:


  14. 8 hours ago, Mike E said:

    If you believe that the Covid-19 was deliberately:


    * engineered in a lab, and

    * released to the public 


    by a hostile foreign power, then the country that took the biggest losses in life might want to send a message to that hostile foreign power: “we can do this too and we are ready to do it if you attack or threaten us again”

    Follow the money. Was there a federal agency that funded the BU gain of function research? Which one?

    Most likely the same federal agency that funded Wuhan in the first place.


    But I doubt this was a ploy by our government to fight back.  We have biowarfare special facilities run by the military for that sort of thing.  MUCH more secure.

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