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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. I don't understand how she can act like this is something new. It's not.
  2. It’s that time of year again. Friendly reminder - your political party is not better than the other party. Both parties are trash. They are private businesses unaffiliated with the government looking to expand their power and influence over you, the individual citizen. Neither is out to protect We The People. End of PSA.
  3. Am I the only one who has always found Moore to be a disgusting being?
  4. One of the most influential women-with-a-####### in the past 5 years, I read. Oh, language filter. I reckon that would be a woman-without-a-#######. My bad.
  5. Right behind Fauci. And the $5 million he made the past two years should be re-distributed among all the families who had loved ones die from the experimental jabs.
  6. Uh huh. Just what we need. More experimental jabs for a virus that has mostly run its course and is now more like the common cold. And yet, people continue to die daily from taking the jabs. It would be comical if it weren't so saddening.
  7. I'll be sure to wear some depends that are manufactured using that same stuff so I don't pee my pants.
  8. No, I have not seen this yet, thanks so much for sharing!! I watched Drs. Malone and McCullough testify before government officials, and a few of the other doctors present in other settings, but not this particular one. Currently have a couple of lawsuits pending (one that I am friends with the defendants, not a defendant myself), as well as several people who are working on a Medical Freedom Act, but it's hard/slow going. Far too many medical professionals are afraid to speak out because of those who have been ostracized over this debacle. Our own PCM wanted my wife to take Ivermectin after a recent heart attack that is being attributed to her jabs last year, but sadly, was unable to prescribe it due to government restrictions, so I had to find some that fell off the back of a truck. Hopefully this as well as a detox regimen that she is on will chart her course to a full recovery, but we won't know for a long time.
  9. My local SCUBA store gives them out instead of the cheap plastic bags. While not quite as robust as some I have seen for sale, I have been using these poly bags for about 3-4 years now. One handle is about to go, so I guess it's about time to go buy something I don't need from the SCUBA store to get it replaced.
  10. He's also "campaigned" about 3,000% more for other dems than he did for himself in 2019-2020.
  11. Yup, agree on all of that. And no amount of "green pushing" by the current admin is going to overcome the need for diesel for at least the next 10-20 years. I like that the interest rates are slowing (will soon be reversing, hopefully) the gross over-pricing of homes the past two years. I have been refusing to buy when the prices are so high, and now the interest rates are up, so waiting on both to come back down again.
  12. https://bombthrower.com/no-there-will-not-be-any-pandemic-amnesty/#
  13. You're missing the point. Loans are NOT the driving force of our inflation. Energy and food are. I can live without a new car. I cannot live without food.
  14. Amnesty to the people who accepted the lies they were told, while vilifying those of us who held the truth in higher regard? LOL. Not on MY watch. Let the fools suffer as karma dictates. Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder saw this coming more than two years ago.
  15. https://www.forbes.com/sites/petercohan/2022/11/02/why-fed-interest-rate-increases-wont-bring-inflation-down/?sh=63c319b510c3
  16. Well, that didn't age well, eh? Vaxxed/Boosted Food Writer, 49, Who Relished “Anti-Vaxxers/Mask Dying in Legions,” Dies Suddenly from Cardiac Arrest https://www.infowars.com/posts/vaxxed-boosted-food-writer-49-who-relished-anti-vaxxers-mask-dying-in-legions-dies-suddenly-from-cardiac-arrest/
  17. As someone who has been tracking this debacle closely, I didn't really find much to be "eye-opening", but it certainly served to validate much of what I have learned from various sources.
  18. It's been happening for years now. Hunter's laptop, the election, covid, and so many others. We are screwed as a divided nation.
  19. I posted about it here: But it sure doesn't hurt having its own thread. It wasn't what I'd call eye-opening (unless one has their head in the sand the past two years, and those people would never watch it for fear of having their narrative crumble before their eyes), but it certainly bears out a lot of what has been going on behind the scenes.
  20. Now the illegal immigrant, drug-smoking, nudist-camp-living, guy who "broke in and attacked Paul" is a friend, in Paul's own words??? SMH Some interesting stuff about Fetterman and other "fake news" regarding GOP attacks in addition to the Pelosi "8th wonder of the world" event: https://headlineusa.com/narrative-unravel-paul-pelosis-friend/
  21. I wonder why the Pelosi's won't release the security footage from that night? It's ALMOST like a nice old octogenarian was NOT attacked after all, eh?
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