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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. 12 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Sometimes people like you who lead elite lifestyles lose touch with us guys busting their buts 20 hours a week. While you jet around the world with trophy chick's eating lingua and sipping champagne on yachts.


    Btw. Ever had the shingles?  I am on the sidelines watching the night agent eating anti herpes pills and taking pain meds. 


    But I was willing to lose my job over my beliefs.  Not many can say that.

    It's lengua (what ARE you, a Kano??), and I don't like champagne nor do I hang out on yachts.  I think you're getting confused here.  Small boats and vodka or bourbon.  Or just a beach and said drinks.  Mai Tais in a pinch.  

    Don't think so, though I've had chicken pox twice, once as an adult, which they say is the same thing?  Not really sure, just know the doc called it chicken pox. Just stayed home til the signs went away.  This was in my mid twenties.  Nothing since.

  2. 2 hours ago, elmcitymaven said:

    From the headline of your link:



    Donald Trump indicted; 1st ex-president charged with crime

    NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury, prosecutors and defense lawyers said Thursday, making him the first former U.S.

    By Michael R. Sisak, Eric Tucker

    Updated Mar. 31, 2023 12:37 AM

    A little odd, eh?  
    Posted Mar. 30, 2023 8:55 PM by moi.

  3. I don't think it serves much of a purpose, but what you said about it preventing politicians from using the info without our knowledge has a bit of truth to it.  Unfortunately, we never know if we are getting the actual truth or not; all we know for sure is that the media, all of which are owned by elites in our country with their own agendas, will tell us what those elites want us to know.


    I don't trust that "news" from the media.  Look at the Las Vegas shooting.  All the food plants catching fire.  The recent spate of train wrecks.  We know of the events, but we will only know the details they want us to believe.


    The reality is, for anyone who doesn't live under a rock, that guns are not the problem, nor is youth, nor is one particular sex (though most shootings ARE done by biological males).  The real issue is mental illness.  Nearly every mass murderer in history has had a few screws loose upstairs.  I mean, think about it... who even goes around planning to murder people they don't even know?

  4. 12 minutes ago, yuna628 said:

    Another mentally ill person easily obtains weapons and murders kids? At some point it's a bit overwhelming to talk about, the story is always the same, and the discussion turns non-productive. In our town we were made aware of a violent kid that has weapons and has brought them to school property, and has made threats off of school property. Kids are now too frightened to go to school, and the cops won't do anything. Some parents went and confronted the kid's father... it did not go well. My neighbor's kid tells me he knows that kid is going to snap one day.

    So what are you doing about it?

  5. 8 hours ago, Neonred said:

    Shouldn't be a problem if you kill them Quickly.  Smash them with a fly swatter, fry them with a bug zapper, spray them with Raid, or my personal favorite from my childhood days...burn them to a crisp on a sunny day with a magnifying glass.

    Or an insulated wire attached to an electric fence.  Works even on cloudy days.  I was always amazed at just how many ants traveled across barbed wire every hour.  A few thousand didn't make it thanks to me, but they never stopped trying.

  6. The only reason they are searching for him is because he's a republican.

    And he "lived a lavish lifestyle" on the $276,000 he stole from MD residents?  I don't think lavish means what the MSM wants us to think it means.



    McGrath faces decades in prison if he’s convicted of all the charges against him, though the Justice Department acknowledged that actual sentences are typically less than the maximum penalties.

    And what is Hunter Biden facing today?  GMAB

  7. 19 minutes ago, yuna628 said:


    Have you tried chapulines? Apparently they are popular in Washington state now as snacks at the baseball games. 

    It's always crazy when we get brood emergence in Maryland, because the dogs will gorge on them like it's candy and then they get a bad tummy from eating too much. Our ancestors certainly weren't opposed to eating insects, we've just forgotten about it. I'm not an organ meat person, but I'm pretty sure my grandparents ate that sort of thing during war time.


    Well like any creature on this planet, insects deserve some amount of care and respect. Our ancestors understood they were good food sources too. If we don't solve the bee problem we're going to be in trouble...  and we have outbreaks and many non-native harmful insects that we're struggling to get rid of. Lanternflies are the big new ones. Beautiful and clever insects, but terribly bad. Unfortunately I don't think they are safe to eat either. 

    Nope, never eaten fried grasshoppers, only live ones.  I'm sure they are good though, they sound delicious.

  8. 12 minutes ago, laylalex said:

    It got split from the induction stove thread, where you convinced me that that was the way. Ordering the craft ice maker separately too!


    Do you mean Vantablack? https://www.surreynanosystems.com/about/vantablack


    Walls went in first because there has been considerable work involving re-routing pipes beneath the earth floor. Getting walls up sooner allowed for the workers to keep at it instead of having them around idle. The floor had to be dug out to the tune of over 10 tons of dirt. We were the only unit of 4 not to have a finished room there. It adds over 200 sq ft to the property, which is great. Currently we are planning on it being a hobby room.


    My contractor is amazing -- great communication, great work ethic, great finish. No complaints at all. He trained as an architect in Panama before he came here, and it shows. He's also very affordable. My broker introduced us -- he'd redone my broker's kitchen and bathrooms so I had a personal recommendation.

    Ahh, gotcha.  I need to get on with my project of replacing a propane stove top with induction.  Been putting it off too long.


    Makes sense on the floor now.  Since it's a basement, have ye considered a sand base with tiles over the top, as opposed to cement?  If cement is THE choice, make sure you have a good drain system.  Flooded basements are NO FUN.


    Did you get the ice ball maker yet?  Those things are truly things of beauty.  I'm sure Alex will appreciate it.  I make several batches and store them, but beware, they shrink over time as the defrost cycle happens.  And takes about 30-36 hours to make 4.  

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