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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. We are. I meant worser and worser. Fetterman won while speaking zero coherent words, making Biden actually look like a good speaker. I wonder if he will wear his hoodie to work? Why are all these outstanding votes still out there? Why can't ALL states put out results within hours like Florida does?
  2. We are screwed as a nation if this happens: https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1694723/John-Fetterman-president-2024-Pennsylvania-senate-midterm-election-news-dxus/amp
  3. There is zero need to carry an ID (while walking around the streets) as a USC, period. Not ever. Just like eating broccoli or buying a gun, it's a choice. I typically don't walk around unsafe places with my wallet or any"bling" other than my cheap wedding band. My phone allows me to find my way, pay my way, and communicate if I get into a bind. (Now obviously said ID IS needed for travel, checking in to a hotel, etc.) I understand their reasoning for a wanting a person to prove who they are (I have had a member of the staff accompany me to my room while they held the key, and grabbed my wallet and provided multiple IDs), but the clerk telling me it was "illegal" to walk the streets without an ID really took the cake. Especially when I was able to tell him my name, my employer, my employee ID, and even the CC I used for incidentals. And he never once offered to send someone to the room with me, I think he just caved because I knew what I was talking about and wouldn't back down on the whole "illegal" thing.
  4. A barely-able-to-speak, hoodie-wearing, tattooed dude is nothing compared to Brandon's nuclear guy in charge. I blame it on people not voting. There can be no other explanation. And those who DO vote, regardless of how outrageous their candidates are, are winning.
  5. I once left my hotel room in NYC to get some lunch. Upon returning, my key wouldn't open my room (it was a late checkout, but they didn't set the key accordingly). I went to the front desk and asked for them to reset my key. They asked for ID. I had none. The desk agent proceeded to tell me it was against NY law to walk around the streets without an ID. I laughed and asked him what statute that fell under. Of course, he could not tell me, just swore it was true. I gave my company info, my name, phone #, etc. and he still didn't want to re-key my card. I finally told him that I would just stand at the front desk for the next two hours until I was late for my company-required work, and then HE could explain to my boss why I wasn't where I was supposed to be. He finally "did me a big favor" and took me at my word (I told him he could accompany me to my room and I would gladly provide an ID but he declined) and reset my key card. Before going to my room, I stopped by the business center, looked up NY law (which like ALL states does NOT require a USC to carry any ID), printed the actual law on the matter, and stopped by the front desk and handed the 2 page article to the clerk. I explained that knowledge was power, and now that I had educated him on the ACTUAL rules, he could treat future guests with more knowledge.
  6. Never heard of her. Never heard FMVP anywhere else except from you. LOL, I should have read further before I replied.
  7. Amazing how seeing the truth blow up in your face can have an impact on people. Sad that so many have had to lose loved ones before seeing the truth. "There is none so blind as he who won't see"
  8. He's Crist is SUCH an idiot. He never had a chance. Meanwhile here's what a true WINNER sounds like. Presidential, if I may say so...
  9. Must be a byproduct of climate change. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/early-glitches-with-maricopa-county-election-machines-frustrate-voters/ar-AA13SezC
  10. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/report-voting-machines-down-in-mercer-county-due-to-glitch/ar-AA13SGbF
  11. From a friend on Long Island, NY: From a friend in AZ: Nothing odd there, eh?
  12. I truly hope that Drs. McCullough, Malone, Tenpenny, Long, and several others who held true to their convictions all end up multi-millionaires as the truth continues to unfold.
  13. A software update, at night, during the counting process, has been proven to have a DRAMATIC effect on the outcome. Be patient, oh little person...
  14. Too many elites were in that particular cabal to ever have justice meted out fairly. If Trump had actually been associated with it, I'm sure he would be in jail today.
  15. Had I been there, I'm sure I would have discovered an overwhelming need to release the pressure in my bladder all over the glued-down idjits.
  16. When you have live video of Brandon choking Klamata to death in the WH, get back to me. Until then, no crime he has committed in the past 8 years (and there are MANY) will cause him harm. Yet every time Trump farted, there was an investigation. GMA*B
  17. It boggles the (rational) mind how these people were able to gain their positions thru a stolen election. The American people are week sheep, and only a revolution will change the fate of our country. (Not my words, but I no longer scoff at them as I did a few years ago. Now I believe it is true.)
  18. Great article, thanks for sharing! I love the quote below from the article, and have enjoyed watching climate alarmists trying to explain it away (they never do). But the "experts" like to hide little tidbits like this behind their "peer-reviewed" studies (where often, the peers get paid as well as those who postulate on the causation). (Don't be alarmed by that big, scary, boldened word; it simply means caused by humans.)
  19. I am starting to understand why all the Biden voters have fallen silent. The shame they must feel. The desire to hide out, and not own their own actions. It must be overwhelming at times.
  20. As always, if you follow the money, the "science" wanes... https://noconsensus.wordpress.com/2022/11/06/one-hundred-percent-of-climate-models-overpredict-warming/
  21. Good thing the MSM is making us aware of how many lies Brandon is telling daily.
  22. Whatever it takes to give the appearance of winning. Again.
  23. It's not like any additional proof is really needed, because those that know, know, and those that continue to put their heads in the sand seem to find it the most comfortable place to be. But here's another positive story. https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/a-tale-of-two-countries-one-with
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