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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. 5 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    "One of the biggest issues in the mid-terms should have been the Administration's direct collusion with Twitter and Facebook to censor thought.  That, alone, is enough to correctly label Biden as a tyrant.  A private company's censoring posts is one thing.  But, when the US government direct and purposely violates the Constitution by directly dictating what views and thoughts are censored, those are dangerous acts.  EVERY American should be outraged.  Unfortunately, we have to, too many uneducated, low information, teet-sucking voters who don't have the IQ to know when an Administration has overstepped it's bounds.  That, my friends, is the true danger to our Republic."

    - GB


    Yes, I quoted myself.

    YOU'RE GEORGE BUSH???  Welcome to the forum, buddy!!


    Look back at history.  Most "democracies" (a word that is NOT in the constitution, BTW) fail after 200 years.  What follows?  A dictatorship.  It's all about control by those who have money & power over those who do not.

  2. Global warming (now climate change) sure is a finicky thing, making it really hard for scientists to make accurate claims about the doom we are facing.





    In addition, here's some factual data from NASA from a few years past:



    NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses


    Antarctic Peninsula
    A new NASA study says that Antarctica is overall accumulating ice. Still, areas of the continent, like the Antarctic Peninsula photographed above, have increased their mass loss in the last decades.
    Credits: NASA's Operation IceBridge

    A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.




  3. 2 minutes ago, AlexGR said:

    I don’t think they will take the House but it’s a shame if they win the senate. They should’ve have lost both by a long margin. I guess I don’t understand why don't the thousands of R voters go and protest that their votes are still being counted after all these days and expose the corruption and shady things that are taking place form the election ballot staff and democrats. I just don’t see any pushback or protest over this obvious shady election.

    It's because the party that is "winning" controls the justice department.  Nothing much was done when voter fraud and corruption were shown to have occurred during the 2020 election, either.

  4. 3 minutes ago, flicks1998 said:

    They should have given every American $10K to be split between basic math and personal financial management classes with the other half spent on weight management and health.  Would have had much better long-term results than throwing money arbitrarily at student loans.

    Or Ukraine.  Or Pakistan.  Or Israel. Or Germany.  Or Europe.  Or "global warming".

    Imagine, if we just put our own citizens FIRST, for once.

  5. On 11/10/2022 at 1:32 PM, yuna628 said:

    Lots of reasons why they can't put out results. Mainly money I think. Also for MD they didn't want employees counting before election day. Judges ruled they could, but counties such as mine kicked off about it and now it could take until next week to count them. There was quite a lot of those ballots, as by mail is very popular and easy here. Most everyone I know voted that way. There was one time we had significant delays and basically said the employees needed to go home by a certain time, because school was in the morning. All I can tell you, from my husband's perspective at least, voting at schools and colleges often go awry, usually because there is a great deal of dysfunction behind the scenes. We had delays at a few schools on election morning, lag in machines caused passwords not to be entered in properly. As of this afternoon my county has still not tallied any mail in ballots.




    Florida took HOW long to tally their votes???

  6. 20 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    The real threat to the US Republic/Democracy.  I suspect this plan will evaporate soon as it was only used to buy votes.


    Biden admin to appeal Texas federal judge’s ruling on student loan handout


    In the ruling Thursday night, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman said the court's role is not to decide what "constitutes good public policy," but to decide if Biden's plan is too large of a decision to make without congressional authority.


    "In this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone. Instead, we are ruled by a Constitution that provides for three distinct and independent branches of government," Pittman said. "The Court is not blind to the current political division in our country. But it is fundamental to the survival of our Republic that the separation of powers as outlined in our Constitution be preserved."



    The "red wave" was quashed.  Screw the promises to those who voted now.

    Wash, rinse, repeat...  For what, about 120 years now?

  7. On 11/10/2022 at 2:27 PM, yuna628 said:

    How about this one?




    So I'm glad that the police responded well, though I don't know why they responded at all. Hope the guy is charged with wasting police time or harassment? Reminds me of the guy that got arrested for watering his neighbor's flowers as they asked him to (also for not carrying an ID)....

    Pretty solid response, I'd say. 

    Put yourself in THEIR shoes.... with 100's of calls per week, ranging from as tame as this one to the domestic disturbances where the caller AND the perp turn on the cops and start shooting.

    It's all good in da hood, until one walks a mile in their moccasins, eh?

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