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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. I don't live in MA, but had covid tracking notices appear at random on my phone even though I had turned that feature off. Particularly when I'd return to the US from a foreign destination. People think they cannot be traced, but a cop friend of mine says they can track the holder of a phone via GPS even if it's powered off. Google knows ALL...
  2. I have been waiting to buy fir a few years now. Didn't in 2019 when it would have been a good deal, and refuse to waste my money today on either a high price or a high interest rare (or both). In. another year or two, properties will be MUCH more of a good deal. Only way I will buy today is if it's a rental property in a market that will support the rates.
  3. Aircraft operate every single day single pilot. It's coming to airlines as well, though I doubt as soon as 2027. Maybe after the US bans all ICE vehicles.
  4. History question for ya... what happened at the end of 1893? (No web searching, cannot cheat)
  5. Now the US government is backpedaling and outright lying about their message on ivermectin this past year or two. Disgusting. https://www.theepochtimes.com/fda-says-telling-people-not-to-take-ivermectin-for-covid-19-was-just-a-recommendation_4873897.html?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=CFP
  6. So Warnock in GA is the candidate whom so many democrats are pouring out their support for. Why, I wonder? https://www.newsweek.com/raphael-warnock-arrest-criminal-record-1752705
  7. https://www.worldtribune.com/joe-biden-is-under-investigation-reps-jordan-comer-cite-documented-evidence/
  8. Has to be #fakenews. Our local CA experts tell us how great life out there is. Unicorns & rainbows for everyone. This is probably just a "hit piece" by some RWNJ who is trying to disparage the great state.
  9. We have been knowing this for a LONG time my friend. If you think THAT'S bad, you should ask your US doctor to prescribe you some ivermectin. Pretty much cannot be done any more. Sucks that I have to leave the country to obtain it. The drug that won the 2015 nobel prize has been pulled from our grasp. Sad times.
  10. Well, there's hope for ole Brittney after all... https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/brittney-griner-arms-trafficker/2022/11/18/id/1097022/ Not that we needed any further proof that Brandon is an idiot. Please, please, puh-LEASE don't let this happen. it will make Bergdahl look like a very smart decision.
  11. Sure he can. Nancy won't want to stay home and try to turn vodka into water, she will be going out to the bars in CA to get it done, and Paul will be alone once again.
  12. I know. My "wow" was more of a sarcastic nature. Bad things happen in a war, some are not always intended.
  13. I was just happy to see the NIH allowing the truth to be told, finally. Sure does put the egg on the face of certain individuals here, eh?
  14. Go to https://nih.gov In the search bar, type "covid 19, what is the truth" First link it returns is this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/ For those with short-term reading disabilities, I'll make is succinct:
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