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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. I was just saying to my spouse recently that I wondered how you fared. Don't despair, buddy... losing the battle does NOT mean that the war is un-winnable. Just have to keep plugging ahead. We need more honest Americans such as yourself to put themselves into positions where they can balance the leaning scales once again. Having tried and lost is MUCH better than never trying at all.
  2. https://www.hawley.senate.gov/hawley-investigation-dhs-documents-expose-shocking-new-details-disinfo-board-censorship-agenda
  3. Whirlpool, Samsung, LG, Electrolux, Panasonic, Cleva North America, and Daewoo Electronics.
  4. https://nypost.com/2022/11/29/bidens-secret-service-rental-cars-left-charred-after-catching-fire-in-nantucket/
  5. The jabs are 100% effective, as shown in this collection of reports over time...
  6. Perhaps if you had SAID ear drops in the first place, I wouldn't have pointed out how bad cipro is. Words means things. I also know more about drugs, as well as drug interactions, than most people I know. I have been complimented more than once by doctors (about my knowledge) when discussing potential prescription & non-prescription drugs.
  7. Two pairs of shoes I needed for work, each at 25-30% off.
  8. 121 is scheduled, part 135 is non-scheduled (there are more differences, obviously, but that is the biggest). UPS, FDX, and DHL are all 121 operators.
  9. I'd say the military will be first, then cargo (some already only use 1 pilot on smaller craft), then airlines. How soon? Hard to gauge. I'd say probably in our lifetimes.
  10. THE biggest. But real-time monitoring of aircraft systems grows constantly. Heck, even 15 years ago computers on the ground were able to detect a problem before a part failed, and said part and maintenance personnel were on the ground waiting to change the (not quite yet) defective part when the plane landed. Of course, there are those failures that happen in the air, but between a computer, a pilot in a room, and a pilot onboard, just about everything that can happen can be dealt with, save for the plane coming apart mid-air.
  11. Exactly. I'm planning on not needing to use mine until I have to take it at 70. IFF there's any left after you drain the fund even further.
  12. It's all backed by a "promise". From people who prove constantly they are corrupt and are there mostly for themselves, not We The People. And the more money that is printed (see: 1980-2020 but especially 2021 & 2022), the less value our $$ has.
  13. Honestly, I think "the legality" of that has diminished about 437.26% since the advent of the internet and social media.
  14. No half-price motor oil? How much did you spend on gas?
  15. They can be either (hand flown or be on autopilot). But it's really not much different than a plane with two pilots (or even one pilot). Typically, the pilot(s) take off and land, but then the autopilot does 98% of the work, to include auto landing if the need arises (infrequent today, but an easy switch to flip on at any point). The biggest task of the pilot(s) is to remain in communication with different air traffic controllers (kinda hard to have highway signs and traffic lights at 39,000 feet), as well as to make any flight plan changes enroute, and of course to deal with any emergency/equipment failures that arise.
  16. I did not take the time to vet the text, my bad. But let's look at some of it. As to Myth 1 from your link, it WAS voluntary, at least at first. Myth 2 appears to in fact be completely wrong. (The original wording though!) Myth 3 - yeah, bunk. Myth 4 - Kinda sorta. While the SS fund is a stand-alone fund, the government DOES "borrow" money from it, with the promise of paying it back with interest. However, the SS fund for years has suffered from a declining balance, hence Dashinka's fear that he will never see his just returns (somewhere around 3034 or so, the SS fund is expected to be near zero). Myth 5 - Pretty much NOT a myth. SS wasn't taxed until 1983. At that time, the fund was in danger of running out of money, so a law was passed to start taxing payouts as well as adding member of Congress to the SS plan in an effort to put more working people in the position of paying into FICA. Will SSB remain for those of us in the earlier years of our lives? Not at the current rate it's being paid out at. Something must be changed to keep the plan in place. Depopulation of the elderly certainly helps the fund as much as it helps the earth.
  17. It already is. You have to pay taxes on the money made from paying taxes. Just depends on how much you earn. Also, if you earn too much, your SSB is reduced monthly.
  18. I keep hearing dems claim that 'pubs want to take SS away from us. But is that reality? https://www.bookwormroom.com/2010/08/03/a-history-lesson-about-your-social-security-card-and-benefits
  19. The military is. Drones for years, but this past year, the Air Force has been refueling fighter jets with a single-pilot tanker with said pilot doing very little to complete the mission.
  20. As long as they offer 0W20, maybe so... Then again, I may just trade my truck in before an oil change is due.
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