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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. Pretty sure it was FIVE prisoners for Obama, not four. https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/us-traded-5-taliban-terrorists-for-one-deserter/
  2. Where are all our resident liberals who were crowing and talking schmack right after the election?? No election fraud? BS. Election wasn't stolen? Again, BS. I get it that in their ignorance they are PLEASED that their candidate won, the sad part is their lack of understanding that our democratic process has been destroyed, and one day, they will come to realize they have no voice at all. THEN they will cry foul, but it will be too late. #Sheeple
  3. Maybe Biden doesn't pay him enough that he can afford his own designer purses? ETA: Perhaps Biden will offer him a "slush fund" for buying new purses throughout the year.
  4. Part 2 just got dropped... https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2022/12/09/twitter-files-2-elon-musks-hyped-up-expos-unveils-secret-blacklists-and-shadow-banning--which-seem-very-similar-to-his-own-policies/ I'd bet FalseBook is doing the exact same thing.
  5. It sucks on many levels. Trading a known terrorist arms dealer for a woman who hates Amerika. But I try to soothe my nerves by telling myself that it's better than releasing 5 terrorists for one US military deserter. A little.
  6. As to the first link, someone mentioned to me this is like the 4th crypto billionaire to have died recently? IDK, haven't researched. As to the second link, only a FOOL would give their kid the toxic mRNA jabs. (Sadly, there are FAR too many fools out there today).
  7. I remember someone right here on VJ telling us that masks didn't do much nearly two years ago. Said person was mocked and ridiculed because they were not an "expert". Turns out that person was correct all along... https://brownstone.org/articles/not-even-n95-masks-work-to-stop-covid/
  8. Crypto founder Tiantian Kullander unexpectedly dead at 30 Tiantian Kullander, the co-founder of Hong Kong-based digital asset company Amber Group, died in his sleep on Nov. 23. https://nypost.com/2022/11/27/crypto-founder-tiantian-kullander-unexpectedly-dead-at-30/
  9. UNDEFEATED BOXER DROPS DEAD OF A HEART ATTACK IN THE RING 'SUDDENLY AND UNEXPECTEDLY' https://theworldwatch.com/videos/1607006/undefeated-boxer-drops-dead-of-a-heart-attack-in-the-ring-suddenly-and-unexpectedly/
  10. Vaccinated TikTok Star Megha Thakur “Dies Suddenly” At 21 Following Recent Heart Attack Did the fact that she was vaccinated with the experimental mRNA technology for Covid-19(84) have anything to do with it? https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/12/vaccinated-tiktok-star-megha-thakur-dies-suddenly-at-21-following-recent-heart-attack-press-for-truth-video/
  11. Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Friday afternoon that he will release more information about how the platform censored the New York Post’s bombshell report about Hunter Biden’s laptop just weeks before the 2020 presidential election. https://www.dailywire.com/news/elon-musk-releasing-full-details-about-how-twitter-censored-hunter-biden-laptop-scandal
  12. Not cancelled, just fell short in a quality survey I read recently. I think it was Consumer Reports, but didn't save the link. Just kind of surprised me because usually Toyotas get high marks.
  13. Yanno, I love the concept of EVs. And while I have given @Mike E a modicum of grief over the past few months, I respect the fact that he bought his for FUN (and anyone who has not test-driven a Tesla is MISSING OUT ON LIFE!!). That being said, people need to be aware of the TCO (True Cost to Own, compliments of Edmunds.com) of owning an EV. "Saving money on gas" comes at a very high pre-paid bill. EVs have been trying to become mainstream since the late 1800's, and the tech might almost be here now, but the infrastructure as well as the initial outlay of $$$ is not quite where it needs to be just yet. Maybe in a year or two. The demise of the Toyota Tundra is a telling sign of the times, to be sure.
  14. There are hundreds of thousands who feel obligated to keep America the free country is has been for a long time. FAAFO, as it were.
  15. What is this "Communist News Network" ye speak of?
  16. https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/11/30/exclusive-documents-reveal-senate-democrat-pressured-irs-doj-to-target-conservative-groups/
  17. Not to mention the CCP control of digital passports that allows their citizens to travel, purchase groceries, bank... And our politicians are trying to point things in that same direction. If we allow it to happen, our phones, passports, and EVs will be under government control.
  18. I'm sure someone will come along soon and tell us this LARGE study has been debunked, or is invalid because "blah-blah-blah". Meanwhile, people are dying "suddenly" who have no underlying health issues other than the jabs. And morticians and embalmers are seeing fibrous growths in blood vessels the likes of which they have never seen their entire careers. Must be aliens...
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