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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. A little light reading for those that still think the virus is something from a wet market.  (Too bad ole Steelballz isn't around to counter this information, eh?  We need more hospital janitors to give us medical advice.)



    The implication is that theU.S.Government authorized and funded the deployment of noncompliant biological materials on Americans without clarifying their “prototype” legal status, making the materials not subject to normal regulatory oversight, all while maintaining a fraudulent pseudo- “regulatory” presentation to the public,” said Latypova.

    Most incredible is the fact that current Laws enacted by the United States Congress appear to make the coverup actions LEGAL!”

    Under the PHE, medical countermeasures are not regulated or safeguarded as pharmaceutical products (21 USC 360bbb-3(k).




  2. 5 minutes ago, Mike E said:

    If it was the big  thing why not lead with it in your OP?

    But if is an issue for a Brazil, they can try to extradite him. Except that because a Brazil’s constitution doesn’t allow it to extradite its own citizens to other countries, the Brazil / U.S. extradition treaty doesn’t allow Santos to be extradited.  Because America does reciprocity. 



    So given Santos is innocent until proven guilty, and given he isn’t going to trial, the check fraud allegation is a nothing burger. 

    And after that there is nothing left. 

    Unless we want to weaponize politicians lying.  

    And I do want to weaponize it.


    Do you?


    Because it's a nothing burger cuz THE BIG GUY didn't do it.  Please try and stick with the agenda.

  3. 2 hours ago, laylalex said:

    I didn't actually say he shouldn't be seated, because under House rules he can be seated. The rules are the rules and that is that. I am actually trying to keep this focused on Santos rather than looking at what other people have done, so I'm not going to address Lindsay Graham or Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden. But I think the big thing here is that he was indicted for check fraud in Brazil and skipped out on it before the case could go forward. That says a lot about character and fitness to serve. Are there other members of Congress who have been indicted and then evaded prosecution for fraud? I honestly don't know. But to me, that IS a big deal. Others may disagree. 


    We can say Biden lied about this or Graham lied about that, but I disagree that there is no difference between big and small lies. Lying about finishing college is kind of meaningless if you can do the job, and there's no requirement to have a degree. Lying about your expertise when you're leading people to believe that your expertise will help you be a more effective representative, yeah, I think that's more meaningful. Lying about your mom dying in 9/11 or your employees being gunned down in a mass shooting are just dumb lies, which point to someone who's, well, kind of dumb. Evading prosecution after you have confessed to a crime and then not telling your electorate about it, that's a big lie because it goes to character.


    Hold everyone to account, absolutely. But we don't need to be nihilists about it.

    What about politicians who lie about their sons dying in combat?

  4. 3 hours ago, laylalex said:

    Completely agree with you. Accountability is for everyone. Politicians should not be lining their pockets through their work for us, their employers. This isn't to say they should all take an oath of poverty, but that how they make their money should be more transparent. I think most people could agree with that. The next step is to figure out what accountability would look like, and how we could build structures to support transparency. Is it just tax returns? Are there other kinds of disclosures we would want to see, and why? George Santos is an outlier in terms of breadth of deception, I think, but there is almost certainly greater depth of deception by politicians of both major parties that is more meaningful. Let's find out.


    I think what I personally am concerned about is that this number of lies -- some big, some small, some consequential, some not -- by Santos is somehow treated as "politics as usual" and therefore okay. Or that because other people have told bigger whoppers his should be ignored. It doesn't make it any worse that it's a Republican or a Democrat or a Libertarian or a whatever. Honesty should be rewarded, and deception should be uncovered and have consequences. Uncover as many untruths as possible, wherever they are.


    Just my two pennies. :) 

    Are you not aware of all the lies Biden has told in the past 60 years?  Or are you just pretending?

  5. 9 hours ago, Ontarkie said:

    ~~Two more posts have been removed. If you do not like an action by moderations  you know the proper steps to take.~~

    If you're referring to me, then no, actually I do not.  All I know is that mods can delete anything they want, whether it's called for or not.  Suppression of free speech much?  Yeah, it happens here.  A lot.  But it's my own fault, I reckon, since I keep hanging around.  

    Some members become favorites of certain mods, and are treated accordingly.  Has been happening for over a decade now.

    8 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    Has Santos been charged?  All this hysterical blathering from the establishment is just laughable considering what they do on a daily basis, but whatever.  I do wonder why the Democrat running against him did not make all of this public before election day?  Clyde Shavers in Washington was called out for his blatant lies by his own father, and yet the good Democrats in his district ignored it and elected him.


    Again I ask, what is the point of focusing on Santos while ignoring all the rest of the DC hypocrites?




  6. On 12/20/2022 at 7:25 AM, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Well since you left no links. I will do you the honor. It appears you got sucked in by some fake MEME. Of course I remember when you

    very vigorously insisted Michelle Obama was a man. So I don't fund your gulbuility for  Rouge website garbage surprising..



    Fact check: Fabricated CNN report of Brittney Griner DNA testFact check: 






    Fact Check: Was Brittney Griner Ordered by Russia To Take DNA Gender Test?

    BY TOM NORTON ON 8/08/22 AT 3:01 PM EDT





    Do you REALLY think Russian prison guards need a DNA test to prove anything?

    At least "Brucelyn" Jenner had the balls back then (as well as the other appendage) to be honest about it.

    (And I give you a plus 1 for attempting to affiliate this concept with Michael Obama.  Very creative!)


  7. On 12/23/2022 at 12:03 PM, Boiler said:

    After the mega boom that trailed the long COVID months for Netflix, the streaming platform has had to endure a shaky year so far. The platform had to endure a huge subscriber exodus in the first quarter of 2022, partly due to the fact that fewer people were spending time at home. Since then the company has been mulling over initiatives that might help boost its subscribers once more. One of the tactics discussed was the ending of the password-sharing feature, and per The Wall Street Journal, the plan may well and truly be upon us in the very near future. The streamer intends to set up systems that will hinder subscribers from sharing their Netflix passwords with devices outside their homes unless they pay to do so.


    I am aware this could impact some of our Members.

    I can assure you that not all of us that elected to ditch Netflix did so because we were spending more time outside the home.  Some of us did it due to disgusting shows.


    I think I shall have to add netflix (who tries weekly to get me to come back) to my blocked senders list.

  8. 9 hours ago, Nature Boy 2.0 said:

    Wanna bet some money on that?  I got $500 that says your belief in #fakenews, which has gotten worse over the past three years, is DEAD WRONG.  The Russian guards in her prison released some incriminating evidence while he was there.

    And then there's this:



    Brittany Griner is not a transgender person, and neither is she a man. Instead, he is a homosexual. In an interview on February 11, 2013, he publicly discussed his sexuality for the first time. Griner has been bullied because of her sexual orientation. Brittany’s father did not embrace her graciously for coming out as a lesbian. Just because his personality is different and different from other women, doesn’t mean he is transsexual.


    But you believe what you will.  And call me whatever names you feel are appropriate for proving you wrong (again).

  9. 9 hours ago, Neonred said:

    Might be interesting when a WNBA team picks up a couple of trans players.  


    I'd like to see how that goes down.

    You say when, so obviously you don't know that "Britney Grinder" is a homosexual man, playing in the league, who was imprisoned in Russia for a while before being traded for a terrorist arms dealer?

    Russian prison guards are not held to the same journalistic standards as Americans are, FWIW.

  10. 7 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    The New York Times’ shameless Covid contortions


    The New York Times has just discovered that some Americans are no longer wearing masks.  Welcome to life in the mainstream-media bubble.  [...]



    Haven't worn a mask anywhere in about 16 months.  That includes Commiefornia, NYC, Boston, outside the CONUS, etc.  

    For those that are still disillusioned into thinking that masks "protect" them at all... think about a fart.  It passes thru two layers of material, offends the senses, and is about 1,000 times larger than a viral particle.


    Masks only help sheeple feel better about themselves, that is all.

  11. 16 hours ago, Dashinka said:

    So Sam Brinton was a glass ceiling breaker being the first non-binary Biden official being fired.



    Just a disgusting example of where our country is today.  We are quickly losing credibility among other nations of the world.

  12. While I expected this to happen eventually, it is happening MUCH faster than I expected, given events over the past two years.  I can only imagine it will be used to detract focus from what our Traitor-in-Chief is doing.  Apparently, his refusal to testify did not set well with someone.



    FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested by Bahamian authorities Monday evening after the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York shared a sealed indictment with the Bahamian government, setting the stage for extradition and U.S. trial for the onetime crypto billionaire at the heart of the crypto exchange's collapse. 


    Before his arrest was announced, Bankman-Fried had been expected to testify virtually before the House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday, but his attorneys told CNBC that he will not testify.


    His arrest is the first concrete move by regulators to hold individuals accountable for the multi-billion dollar implosion of FTX last month.




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