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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. I reckon some here who tend to remain in the left ditch will claim this is just a coincidence, or due to climate change. https://fb.watch/hVZEWQjD01
  2. A little light reading for those that still think the virus is something from a wet market. (Too bad ole Steelballz isn't around to counter this information, eh? We need more hospital janitors to give us medical advice.) https://armedforces.press/2023/01/05/breaking-dod-controlled-covid-vaccines-from-the-start-under-national-security-program-lied-the-entire-time-were-never-safe-and-effective/
  3. Forgive my ignorance, but I don't grasp the significance of this photo. Can someone explain it in small words?
  4. Because it's a nothing burger cuz THE BIG GUY didn't do it. Please try and stick with the agenda.
  5. What about politicians who lie about their sons dying in combat?
  6. Are you not aware of all the lies Biden has told in the past 60 years? Or are you just pretending?
  7. If you're referring to me, then no, actually I do not. All I know is that mods can delete anything they want, whether it's called for or not. Suppression of free speech much? Yeah, it happens here. A lot. But it's my own fault, I reckon, since I keep hanging around. Some members become favorites of certain mods, and are treated accordingly. Has been happening for over a decade now. +1,000
  8. Do you REALLY think Russian prison guards need a DNA test to prove anything? At least "Brucelyn" Jenner had the balls back then (as well as the other appendage) to be honest about it. (And I give you a plus 1 for attempting to affiliate this concept with Michael Obama. Very creative!)
  9. Whlle I like to think of myself as a man of higher-than-normal moral character, I gotta say, I'd probably do the same thing for $45,000,000,000,000. One can buy a LOT of facial cleanser and mouthwash with that kinda payout!
  10. I can assure you that not all of us that elected to ditch Netflix did so because we were spending more time outside the home. Some of us did it due to disgusting shows. I think I shall have to add netflix (who tries weekly to get me to come back) to my blocked senders list.
  11. Wanna bet some money on that? I got $500 that says your belief in #fakenews, which has gotten worse over the past three years, is DEAD WRONG. The Russian guards in her prison released some incriminating evidence while he was there. And then there's this: But you believe what you will. And call me whatever names you feel are appropriate for proving you wrong (again).
  12. And the hits just keeeeepppp on comin'. And some will keep denying the facts, no matter what.
  13. Welcome to CEHST. You're only about a month late. 1894 happened, as pointed out by one of our astute members.
  14. You say when, so obviously you don't know that "Britney Grinder" is a homosexual man, playing in the league, who was imprisoned in Russia for a while before being traded for a terrorist arms dealer? Russian prison guards are not held to the same journalistic standards as Americans are, FWIW.
  15. So bad that not one single resident liberal has tried to defend it. Telling...
  16. Haven't worn a mask anywhere in about 16 months. That includes Commiefornia, NYC, Boston, outside the CONUS, etc. For those that are still disillusioned into thinking that masks "protect" them at all... think about a fart. It passes thru two layers of material, offends the senses, and is about 1,000 times larger than a viral particle. Masks only help sheeple feel better about themselves, that is all.
  17. Just a disgusting example of where our country is today. We are quickly losing credibility among other nations of the world.
  18. https://www.prageru.com/video/esg-woke-to-broke
  19. Cuz we didn't silly!! That was just a Hollywood stage set, remember?
  20. Tomorrow night is the peak. For you non-city dwellers, should be a good show! https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/meteor-shower/geminids.html
  21. While I expected this to happen eventually, it is happening MUCH faster than I expected, given events over the past two years. I can only imagine it will be used to detract focus from what our Traitor-in-Chief is doing. Apparently, his refusal to testify did not set well with someone. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/12/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-arrested-in-the-bahamas-after-us-files-criminal-charges.html
  22. Not exactly recent, but it deserves a watch. It's a short video, so even those who find it hard to stay focused should be able to watch it all the way thru. https://www.bitchute.com/video/oJTmbffvnChF/
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