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Posts posted by LIBrty4all

  1. On 5/3/2021 at 12:09 PM, sl1pstream said:

    If only Biden didn't have to write executive orders to undo the ones Trump signed. He literally has to issues new ones to undo the others, that's how they work. It kind of sucks that the author didn't just start off with writing about that and that I had to make it all the way past garbage about how Biden is an old man (which is extra funny coming from the old man writing the article), but at least he didn't put it all the way at the end. I just stopped reading after that. There's no point in reading a political article by someone who's bad at writing about politics.


    Imagine if you were saying this under FDR.

  2. Just started Night on Earth, looking to another good series.


    On 4/30/2021 at 8:18 PM, Bug&Bug said:

    Same, watched Blackfish years ago and was like welp! Shows are cancelled and seaworld is dead to me.

    Did you happen to search for the situation online?  Tillikum eventually died after making many babies, and Sea World said they were closing the Orca shows.  The very next day, they opened a NEW show, featuring killer whales.  Corporate Sham(u).

  3. https://www.wnd.com/2021/04/recorded-murdering-patients-covid-nurse-goes-public-shocker 


    Olzewski said patients who repeatedly tested negative for the virus were being labeled as "COVID confirmed" in their medical charts, and that triggered a higher level of compensation from the government.


    She told LifeSiteNews those "perverse incentives" from the Department of Health and Human Services provided $13,000 for each COVID patient, or $39,000 if they were put on a ventilator.

  4. 4 hours ago, Steeleballz said:


      Yes, by definition, a fact is something that can not be disputed. 

    Well, 150 years ago, it was a fact that owning slaves was a good thing.  A few years before that, it was a fact that the earth was flat.  Some think it is a fact that we never landed on the moon.  For as long as I can remember, it was a fact that Columbus discovered America.  Facts change sometimes.  

  5. 3 hours ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    So overstays don't bother you ? Only DACA ? I rarely read where people discuss of a way to monitor who break the law and overstay. 

    None of it really "bothers" me.  I have never met an illegal immigrant that I know of, nor a DACA recipient.  They have zero impact on my life, and I would imagine the same is true of the majority of people discussing it in this thread as well as other venues.  (At least here, people know what it takes to immigrate legally, as opposed to the people I see online asking why the DACA recipients haven't applied for citizenship in the past 5 years.)


    But if you are asking me if I think that overstays are as wrong as the DACA illegals, then of course they are basically the same.  Illegal immigrants.  By our current laws, also subject to deportation.

  6. 3 hours ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    Your definition of a criminal like any criminal the world over and mine aren't the same. The rest of your comment is also totally not of my perspective. What do you mean they don't want to work for "it". What is it ? They come to survive and work hard here. Obviously they are escaping the status quo at home. 


    "It" is legal immigration.  I understand they are desperate, that is why they break the law to get out of their own version of hell.  Unfortunately, the way they choose to do so is illegal in our country.  It's a lose-lose situation, and they pick the best option for them.  But unless we are willing to forgive the millions that are already inside the US borders, and open those same borders, there isn't a good solution for them.  


  7. 4 hours ago, Il Mango Dulce said:

    So you feel that there is no source of facts we can trust?  I feel you are strongly overstating the bias built into the media, possibly because they are bringing facts that don't fit your view.


    Facts are facts. There are a variety of biases in which facts are highlighted, reported on or emphasized but the answer is to consume information from a variety of sources and think critically.

    Yes, facts are facts.  In fact, I remember in the month or two before the election was completed, we were told my SEVERAL sources that it was a fact that Donald Trump would ever be President.  Ever.  Fact.

    Actually, when I find something of interest, I research it, and need to find similar facts on multiple sources before I believe it.  Makes REAL news very exhausting.

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