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Everything posted by LIBrty4all

  1. Only CNN could spin a black-on-black confrontation as racist. That being said, I think these cops messed up bigly.
  2. I once drank a margarita made with the ice that had just fallen from a calving iceberg. The parasites trapped in the ice didn't kill me, so I guess it's a win!
  3. Oh, I though this thread was about politicians that are dishonest? Biden has lied thousands of times for decades, and yet you sent him money. It's clear where your loyalties lie.
  4. Rather than deal with the media, let's visit the source (Revision Number 7.): https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/Archives_4.pdf Which hyperlinks to more detailed explanation: https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/aam/ame/guide/media/Normal_Variants.pdf Yes, the FAA changed the limits by 50%, the level which previously triggered the need for a pacemaker.
  5. https://dailytelegraph.co.nz/news/undercover-bombshell-pfizer-director-says-company-is-considering-mutating-covid-virus-to-cash-in-on-variant-jabs/
  6. Good luck on your next flight! https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/letter-to-susan-northrup-from-a-pilot
  7. What about when your candidate for president had classified documents at his house for years? Are THOSE the kinds of "potential violations" of which ye speak? Or does it only matter when one doesn't agree with the "person of interest"? Asking for a friend... 1000% Hypocrisy. The fundamental root of the left these days.
  8. Gotta do SOMETHING to detract from classified documents, eh?
  9. Let's see if I can sum up this thread in 4 words: Is that about it?
  10. Just bear this in mind when libs come for your gas stoves, or try to force you to buy an EV, or any other "green measure" they try to force down our throats: This was how the self-chosen elite arrived for the Davos meeting.
  11. I'm sure Jesse Smellitt's attorneys can help her achieve justice.
  12. I appreciate you NOT assuming my gender. I'll PM you my preferred pronouns. Meanwhile, the FAA has their own way of dealing with pilots whose hearts are damaged... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/faa-quietly-updates-requirements-pilot-ekgs-indicating-pilots-hearts-no-longer-normal-attributed-vaccines/
  13. They claim the threat is to "65 and older". Because all those "coincidences" dying from ages 15-35 are not relevant. Carry on, CDC. https://www.foxnews.com/health/cdc-identifies-possible-safety-concern-certain-people-receiving-covid-vaccines
  14. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/2-year-old-child-dies-suddenly-one-day-receiving-covid-vaccine-annual-flu-vaccine/ Get yer boosters while they last. They're FREE!!
  15. This narrative is crumbling all over the US, thankfully. The draconian mandates were never lawful. Sad to have seen how so many people just caved under the pressure. Greatest experiment in human control that I am aware of. Definitely one for the history books.
  16. Gotta wonder what is killing all these people, if it's not covid any longer? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/temporary-morgues-built-across-uk-due-unprecedented-increase-excess-deaths/
  17. If I had been able to keep all the upvotes from my 4 or 5 accounts, it would only be a competition for a distant second place.
  18. Had they pointed out that he's often confused as to who is president of the US today, or that he cannot remember what he had for breakfast, their story would have had more merit.
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