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Doug & Bobbi

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    bobbi and I met in an internet chat room around 4 years ago, something which I have seen on here is becoming more common these days. I actually thought she didn't like Me much when we met and so I didn't make any approaches. A few weeks after meeting I dissapeared offline for a few weeks, and upon returned was messaged by bobbi the moment I arrived! Since then we have spoken every single day!! bobbi came to visit me in England about maybe 6 months or so after we met, and the first meeting was just amazing. bobbi visited once more before I then went to live with her in the states for 2 periods of three months.On the second of My visits I proposed to bobbi and she had said she'd been thinking about the exact same thing. We dragged our heels a little at the start getting the Visa ball rolling, but at time of writing I have my interview date fixed and it has taken about 10 months (we estimated 8).We firmly believe fate brought us together and will conspire to keep us together.

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