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Posts posted by phx1

  1. Thank you everyone for the advice.

    There were plenty of red flags after we got married. I thought we would be able to work through our problems when she moved here.

    She always had a reason not to move. Her son was in school or her permiso/Visa expired.

    When we filed out the papers we did put her as living in Mexico.

    When i signed the I-864 I was only given the page to sign. I did not know anything about it until she said she wants a divorce and I will have to support her.

    It was then I found out about the form and this forum.

    I met with USCIS friday to let them know several things I think she is doing in violation of her green card.

    I do want to thank you all.

  2. Thank you both for your replies. Her son was born in El Paso so he is a citizen. Early in the marriage I wanted to put them both on my insurance. My insurance wanted her sons socal security number and she would never give it to me. Always had a reason for not giving it and I finally gave up. I thought of lot of our problems would be resolved when she moved here.

    A lot have people have been rough on me for being duped so I can take it.

    I do Thank you for the kind words.

  3. When I met my wife she had a tourist visa. We were married in a border town in the United States and started the process of her getting her permanent residency. I live 900 miles from where we were married. After the marriage she was granted permission to travel to my house. She visited me 2 times for a week each but had to return to mexico because her son was in school. When her tourist visa expired she could no longer cross the border and we had to wait for her new visa. While we waited I did visit her about every other month but could only stay for a day because of work. It took a very long time for everything to go through immigration. After 2 years she was given permission to visit me again. She came to my house for a week but had to return to mexico because her son Is in school. A couple of months later her permanent residency card was mailed to me. She asked me to mail it to her. I mailed it to her and 2 days after she received it she says she wants a divorce. She never moved to my house and is still living in Mexico today. I believe she wants I-864 benefits from me. What can I do?

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