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About caagirl

  • Birthday 05/01/1985

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met in christianchat.co.uk I needed a prayer partner...He had to answer lots of questions...slowly our friendship started growing we would have imaginary pillow fights and water fights over the internet...we would talked about everything slowly I started getting a crush on him on Dec 25 2004 he asked me if I loved him due to some computer problems I could not reply until dec 26th 2004 we were internet dating...on april 24th 2005 I flew to India was doing missionary work! On april 27th 2005 I met him in person he stole my heart all over again... We only got to meet for three hours and we were very shy lol... He gave me lots of gifts! On May 31st 2005 I flew back to the usa..But Praise the Lord I got to go back to India in August! This time I was there for 6 months...Having a glorious time...He proposed to me on August 27th in front of a hand water pump! I am so happy on August 27th 2006 will be our one year engagement! We both are very excited! On Feburary 24th I flew back to usa! We had been working on stuff for the fiance visa! We wanted to marry in India but, My parents could not come to the wedding! So we decided to do this visa! On March 29th I sent off the I-129F petition along with the $170.00 check...
    on July 24th 2006 we receive the approval from the uscis Praise the Lord! Now it is at the NVC! so waiting patiently...
    On July 1st I think it was we receive the paper that was just done in March 6th 2006... The next say I sent it back very fast! so now waiting for the NvC to transfer it to India.... thats is how we met my fiance and I have sent each other over 4000 emails! Since we started dating and written each other lots of letters! Praise the Lord he will be coming soon I miss him So much

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