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Everything posted by assila

  1. I'm sorry to hear this. I guess I got lucky, after I figured out how to use the website, THere were a lot of slots available. Maybe you'll have to wait for the next month. Sorry.
  2. Have you registered for https://www.ustraveldocs.com/?
  3. Thank you all so much! Still waiting for the visas to arrive, but we are at least approved for the visas!
  4. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask, sorry. I'm coming from Manila with my two sons who will be citizens once they get here. I live near Cleveland, but I'm not sure if I can use it as a port of entry. Thank you!
  5. Do I still need to go to VAC or is this good enough being done at St Lukes?
  6. My sons are 9 and 11. Everything is done, interveiws are on January 6th. I'm not sure about the process for CFO's. I thought it would be better information to just ask all of you. We're in Tacloban City. I read the kids don't have to come, but we can't do the seminar until we have visa stamped passports.
  7. Nevermind. I figured it out. I'm an idiot. hahaha I missed part. Got it! Thanks guys!
  8. Can you send me a link or tell me where to find the online portal. My sons got split up and one of them got am expedite Nov 1, but we haven't been able to get him scheduled. The other son who didn't get one has been scheduled for January 6. We keep calling and emailing, and chatting with the people at embassy USdocs, and congressman, but no one has helped us. If you have a link that would be the best Christmas gift ever. Thank you!
  9. My son received his expedited approved to post notification, but no interview letter. This was from November 1. I was told I needed to schedule an interveiw, but I don't how to do this. Can someone please direct me to a website? Thank you!
  10. My sons are 9 and 11. On November 1st, the 11 year old got an email from NVC saying his expedited request was approves for posting, but that was it. We never requested an expedite. Nothing else, so we waited. Then on November 28th, the 9 year old got an interview letter for January. Still waitng for the letter for the 11 year old. What should I do? Thank you!
  11. Yes. We got that too. Relax, it'll take some time. We're over two years, DQ'd in March 2024 - still waiting for interview letter.
  12. Leave them blank. You've already answered 1a, so no need to bother with the others.
  13. They are IR-2's according to the NVC website. I'm just waiting for the interview date. I had filed for my husband with our children as derivatives, but he found another woman and doesn't want to come. I canceled that visa and filed for my children on Sept 22, 2022.I became a citizen after I filed.
  14. I'm waiting for my two sons interview letters to come, too. Applied September 22, 2022 Approved March 8, 2024 August 5, 2024 ... still waiting for letter I check the website all the time. I've contacted the Congressman, he's written letters. ...and I'm a citizen.
  15. I don't think you'll need an interprter. Most of the employees at the embassy are Philippine citizens, but I'd think they would allow you to interpret if they need you. Oh, how long did you have to wait for the interview letter?
  16. Hello Ann, Can you tell me when you got your interview letter? I've been waiting for my sons letter to arrive for almost 4 months. Thank you! I've heard you can go with them, but only you because you're the petitioner.
  17. I don't think you can speed up the process unless you have a special situation - minors aren't a special situation. I filed for my two sons, 9 and 11, in Sept 2022 and we've just gotten to the NVC approvals and waiting for the interview times.
  18. I am bringing my two sons, aged 8 and 10 from Philippines to the US. I submitted everything to NVC, last week, then got this last night: The National Visa Center (NVC) updated the status of your immigrant visa application. Please go to the Department of State's Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) at https://ceac.state.gov/IV. You will need your NVC case number and invoice ID number to log into your account. Once you have logged into CEAC, please look in your message box or on the Status Chart at the bottom of the page. If NVC has feedback on any items you submitted, there will be a new message with details. If not, please simply follow the updated instructions on your Status Chart to complete your case. If any column says "Pay Now", "Invalid Doc", "Incomplete", or "Re-Opened", that means you must take action by paying a fee, submitting a form, or uploading a corrected/missing document. Regards, National Visa Center, U.S. Department of State https://nvc.state.gov/ask However, after logging in, I see no changes or messages in the case. I've looked multiple times. Anyone have an idea why this is?
  19. We just got ours, like last week. Once the documents show up, it was just a couple days time. I just finished submitting the NVC documents, yesterday.
  20. I am USC who is petitioning sons, who are in Philippines, aged 8 and 10. My USC parents, who I live with will be sponsoring. I think I should file I864A, so I'm just checking. Thank you!
  21. Hello, I an uploaded my tax return info, last paycheck stubs, and same with my co-sponsors. What is the additional AOS Supporting documents I will need for the Philippines? I've tried looking online and in this forum, but I haven't been able to find a clear answer. Thank you! I am at the NVC stage for my sons, who are 8 and 10 years old.
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