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Posts posted by nasa2016

  1. 10 hours ago, Pinda said:

    I have a question about the divorce certificate that has been bugging me while we're waiting for the NOA2.

    When I was getting all my paperwork ready for the I-129f I called Skatteverket to ask about the divorce certificate and they said it's just the Personbevis that they stamp and sign, can anyone here verify this?



    I'm assuming that you are asking about the divorce papers for your previous marriage? In that case I was in that situation (although I was applying for an I130 for my new wife, so maybe a bit different?). I found out that the "personbevis" is *not* enough. I don't remember exactly what it is called, but you need a copy of the actual court decision of your divorce (go / call the court in the "län" were you filed for divorce). It is easy to get, but you also need to get it translated into english. I did mine myself, which was accepted when filing but when my wife went to the embassy for the interview they said they needed a certified translation, so had to run out and get that...


    Good luck!



  2. On 2/4/2018 at 7:10 AM, Unidentified said:

    There's a government website somewhere that has a list of birth certificates from different countries and explanation for how they work. Some have sent that in with their visa applications just to be on the safe side. It might help you convince them that you have the proper documents but I can't remember where I found it. If someone else reading this know what I am talking about, maybe you guys can help out too! Don't know if that would help but it would be worth a try. 



    Thanks - the only list I know of is the department of state reciprocity table, https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/Sweden.html

    and I already tried citing that. Definitely worth a try, but in my case it didn't help... But if anyone knows of a different list please share.





  3. Hej Scandinavians!


    Question for you: have you ever had problems with US authorities (the passport administration in my case) not accepting a Swedish birth certificate as proof of parental relationship?


    I'm trying to get a US passport for my son, see thread posted here: 


    The most recent reply I got from the Western Passport Center said:


    The birth certificate you submitted does not contain a file/registration date. A birth certificate that displays a file/registration date within one year of birth is sufficient for passport purposes. If the birth certificate contains a file/registration date one year after the date of the birth or does not contain a file/registration date, it is not sufficient for passport purposes. Therefore, we need early public records near the time of the birth to establish parental relationship.

    Of course the "Extract of Population Registry" does not have a registration date, so they won't accept it. (The annoying thing is that I've actually gone through this process before, for my older son, and then I didn't have any problem at all with the process - so it seems kind of arbitrary).


    Oh well, time to go find an accredited DNA sampler at AABB I guess, seems like it will be a couple of hundred dollars more for the passport :-(




  4. Hi @za3bour


    It seems rather random what they ask for. I wrote back saying that the DS-5507 is to (which it says on the form itself) "determine if a U.S. citizen/national parent(s) has met the statutory physical presence or residence requirements to transmit U.S. citizenship to his/her child born abroad.." and that I don't meet these requirements (but that I am instead claiming citizenship through the Child Citizenship Act). That did the trick, they let go of the DS-5507. So I'd advise on reading up and writing back to them.


    Unfortunately for me, they are still stuck on one issue (just got another reply from them the other day). They still don't like the Swedish birth certificate, so it seems I will have to pay to do the DNA testing :-(


    Good luck!



  5. Hi everyone and Happy New 2018


    I am a US citizen by birth, but I grew up in Sweden. After a 13 month IR1 process to get my Swedish wife and 11 year old son here to me in CA they finally got their IR1 approved and entered the US on May 11, 2017.


    My son did not qualify to be a US citizen at birth, because I had not spent enough time in the US. However, I knew about the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 and that as long as he was approved to immigrate, once he became an LPR he would also become a US citizen).


    By October I figured it would be good to have a passport for my son, and scheduled an appointment at local USPS office on November 3. I am now two months and three letters back and forth into the process (first I hadn't submitted my original proof of citizenship - I don't understand why the post office clerk didn't catch that, but no worries, I sent it in. Then I had to explain that I didn't need to fill out DS-5507 since I was claiming citizenship by the child citizenship act, not by birth for my son, etc etc). I'm now down to one final request from the passport administration, they are claiming that they either need "early public records issued at or near the time of birth" or a DNA test that proves that I am the father. I have provided them with the Swedish birth certificate (which clearly states that I am the father and that my wife is the mother) - but since all records in Sweden are kept electronically the date on it is the date of when it was printed (July 2017).


    It is really frustrating that the Dept of State already accepted me as the father by allowing my son to immigrate - and now I have to prove it again (by spending hundreds of dollars on a DNA test)?!


    Now I'm debating whether I should send them pretty much all the documentation provided to the USCIS/NVC (I had family photos etc) or just get the DNA test and be done with it. Has anyone run into the same issue? Any advice? Any recommendation on DNA testers in northern California / the Bay Area? Did anyone go the route of applying for a certificate of citizenship first - would that have been easier?





  6. On 5/2/2017 at 9:59 AM, nasa2016 said:

    Hej Scandinavians


    So my wife and son (they are Swedes, I'm the US/Swedish petitioner) was at the embassy in Stockholm for their interview (IR1) this morning (so close now!) but of course they left with a 221(g)... It had two items on it, the first was the medical records hadn't arrived yet (no biggie, we know they are "in the mail" to the embassy, they should have them tomorrow). But the second one was a surprise (since I hadn't googled VJ properly :-( the divorce decree for my previous marriage had to be translated by an official translator (I had done it myself, which worked fine in the USCIS step - but as @mallafri76 and others has pointed out elsewhere on VJ that is not acceptable at the embassy). So we found a translator (if anyone else is looking, we went with www.elt.se, since they aren't ready yet I won't review them, but they were very friendly when talking to them). When my wife asked how/where to send it to the embassy, the guy doing the interview just said something like "oh, just send them here and put your name and reference number on it". But when we read the instructions (here: http://www.ustraveldocs.com/se/se-iv-documentsubmissioninfo.asp) it says we were supposed to be given a pre-printed adress label?! And now for the question: has anyone else had to send in documents to the embassy in Stockholm (with or without adress label) and in that case how did you mail it?





    Just to follow up to my own post: the translators at http://www.elt.se/ were really friendly, got the job done fast (even though they were super busy with other stuff). As others has pointed out (thanks!): just send the documents to the adress on your 221g (we sent it "rekommenderat" to get tracking) and include your case number and it will be fine - no labels needed. They are really helpful at the US Embassy in Stockholm, answered email quickly and when they received the translated documents they sent out the passports and visa envelopes the same day. My wife picked up the envelopes on Monday May 8. And on Thursday she and our son came here and we are finally united as a family again!


    To everyone else waiting: I so hope you will soon be united with your loved ones! Go on - you can do it, one more day, and one more day after that.


    To everyone who are still here at VisaJourney helping others: a huge thank you!



  7. On 4/27/2017 at 8:23 PM, swelove said:

    Hej everyone,

      Does anyone have an idea about how long it takes for NVC, once case is complete for CR1 or IR1, to send stuff to Sweden and then how quickly they schedule the interview? Is it on the order of one week, or one month? Just trying to figure out summer plans...


    Hi @swelove - I hope you get your CC soon!


    I received the email with the interview date 9 days after the (second in my case, long story) CC letter/email. With the interview set for roughly two weeks later than that (see my timeline). The interview time is of course dependent on available slots at the embassy - but the Stockholm one doesn't seem to be too bad. Like @A'n'L said 1-2 months from CC seems like the right expectation. As soon as you get the interview letter (email) you can (and should) schedule the medical exam (see the Stockholm embassy interview preparation checklist pdf here: https://travel.state.gov/interview/ note: for Sweden there is only one doctor, based in Stockholm, doing the exam).



  8. Hej Scandinavians


    So my wife and son (they are Swedes, I'm the US/Swedish petitioner) was at the embassy in Stockholm for their interview (IR1) this morning (so close now!) but of course they left with a 221(g)... It had two items on it, the first was the medical records hadn't arrived yet (no biggie, we know they are "in the mail" to the embassy, they should have them tomorrow). But the second one was a surprise (since I hadn't googled VJ properly :-( the divorce decree for my previous marriage had to be translated by an official translator (I had done it myself, which worked fine in the USCIS step - but as @mallafri76 and others has pointed out elsewhere on VJ that is not acceptable at the embassy). So we found a translator (if anyone else is looking, we went with www.elt.se, since they aren't ready yet I won't review them, but they were very friendly when talking to them). When my wife asked how/where to send it to the embassy, the guy doing the interview just said something like "oh, just send them here and put your name and reference number on it". But when we read the instructions (here: http://www.ustraveldocs.com/se/se-iv-documentsubmissioninfo.asp) it says we were supposed to be given a pre-printed adress label?! And now for the question: has anyone else had to send in documents to the embassy in Stockholm (with or without adress label) and in that case how did you mail it?





  9. 9 hours ago, swelove said:

    Hej everyone,

       Just got notified that my case was sent to the department of state from USCIS (YAYY approval after 218 days!) I have a question for those of you who've gone the I-130 route, because I want to avoid getting a RFE at the NVC. Anyone on here get a RFE at NVC for particular Swedish documents or affidavit of support? Do cases go through NVC quickly to the Swedish embassy? Thanks everyone for your input!



    Congrats on moving along in the process!


    There aren't that many Swedish documents at this stage (for example I assume you already sent the right version of the "Extract of the population registry" from Skatteverket the one that includes *parents*). I did get a checklist on my wife's AOS because I hadn't included a copy of my W-2 with my tax return (but the checklist just said I could bring it to the embassy). Just make sure you double and triple check all the forms, good instructions here: http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/NVC_Process also good to scan the "Stupid RFE" thread for other common misstakes.



    If you have kids don't forget to include separate AOS for each I-130 application (or I-864W when applicable, my personal downfall).


    I don't know if it is quick to schedule an interview at the embassy in Stockholm after your case is complete at NVC since my sons case isn't complete yet, and they won't schedule my wife until his is complete :-( but I sure hope it is quick!


    Good luck!!



  10. 1 hour ago, alicia98981 said:

    Multiple denials and restarting the process


    That sounds so painful! I really hope you get CC soon! I wouldn't worry too much about how many weeks someone on the phone on NVC says it will take - since they seem to know about as little as we do. This 6+6 week and now 8 week thing is just their estimate, and it doesn't seem very accurate at that.


    As you can see in this (and the January) NVC Filers thread currently the waiting time for those with Nov/Dec scan dates has been around the 12 week mark - hopefully it will start to come down a bit as NVC catches up. Hang in there!




    -- IR1 for Wife and Son
     11/28 NVC Scan date
      1/11 Flagged for Supervisor
      1/18 "Sent to review team"
      2/15 Wife CC, Son checklist for missing I864W

  11. 3 hours ago, Zebracakex said:

    Call in a week? Ummm NO !! I would suggest to call very early tomorrow. I know for a fact you will have better luck speaking to a supervisor in the morning.  Hopefully they will let your wife bring the form to the interview. Good Luck ? you're almost done ❤️

    Thanks @Zebracakex! Yeah, waiting a week isn't an option - I'll be back on the phone again when I wake up tomorrow...


    It does feel good to see all the CC's reported here though! - Seems like the "big machine that is NVC" (as one of the phone reps said:-) is starting to move again.



  12. Sigh. Well it is back to uncertain waiting again. Without my sons case being complete they won't schedule interview for my wife. But no one at NVC can tell me if I actually need to send in the I864W for my son or if they can bring it to the interview (the check list instructions say to bring it to the interview, but they can't schedule the interview since his case isn't complete)... Gaaaahhhhh!


    I've called three times today, but now "a supervisor has to look at it to decide" (i.e. decide wether I need to send in the form or bring it to the interview). Last rep suggested I'd call back in a week... yeah...




    -- IR1 for Wife and Son
     11/28 NVC Scan date
      1/11 Flagged for Supervisor
      1/18 "Sent to review team"
      2/15 Wife CC, Son RFE for missing I864W


  13. Well it had to be to good to be true... This morning, as every morning, I checked the ceac web-site and my wife had 3 N/A's!! I couldn't believe it. I checked my son as well, and he did not have 3 N/A's - oh well, I figured it was about to be updated as well, but clearly time to call and check what was going on.


    After the usual 5-10 times of busy signals, and 20 minutes on hold I reached a very friendly representative, with some very bad news. My wife's case was on hold, because my lawyers had not submitted an I864W for my son. What was even more confusing (even to the representative) was that the email that they were about to send out said that I did *not* have to submit the I864W to NVC - but instead bring it to the embassy. But at the same time the case was on hold - which according to him meant I *do* have to send in the form... He was very nice, and tried to get hold of a supervisor to straighten it out - but he couldn't get one (recommended I call again).


    So here I am. I may get another 12 weeks delay from a stupid form that basically says I don't have to submit a form (which is what the I864W is - a waiver). NVC already has all my financial information since I submitted the real I864 for my wife. I can't believe it...


    I guess the good news is that end of November is finally seeing some CC's - so hang in there the rest of you! Hopefully NVC is getting over the hump and the processing times will start to come down again.



  14. 2 hours ago, Jorcruzina said:

    Guys.. i am not joking i just got my THIRD N/A!!!!! :D

    What?? I think i am seeing things. 

    I guess involving the Congressman does the trick, at least in my case it did.  The Congressman's Aid did an Inquiry on the 8th of February. 

    Scan Date was Dec 13th

    CC either today Feb 11th (but it's Saturday..) or Feb. 10th

    That is great - congratulations @Jorcruzina!!! I can't believe you and @bcking and others have to wait *so* long for NVC to look at a single sheet of paper, it's just crazy.


    Hmm, time to look up contact info for my congress representative... :-) 11 weeks for me on Monday.




    PS. I was also able to get through to NVC on Friday, after a number of attempts that just led to busy tone. Of course I didn't learn anything new about my case :-( but she did confirm that they had been closed Thursday because of the snow "and another storm is coming on Sunday"...


    -- IR1 for Wife and Son - 11/28 Scan date - 1/11 Flagged for Supervisor - 1/18 "Sent to review team"

  15. 56 minutes ago, Slution said:

    I think I have just got 3 N/A, I've been checking the status more than 10 times today and just now my AOS fee changed to N/A

    That is great @Slution - congratulations!!! Finally some good news this week - that will help me stay positive over the weekend.




    -- IR1 for Wife and Son - 11/28 Scan date - 1/11 Flagged for Supervisor - 1/18 "Sent to review team"

  16. 1 hour ago, Ahmed & Amy said:

    I truly hope that you get CC this coming week. I am so sorry that it is taking so long. Praying for you and for all of us to be reunited with our families. 

    The government has no idea what it's truly like to be sitting, waiting, hoping, anticipating getting our families legally to the US. The time, the money, the effort, the emotional toll is has on us all. 

    Stay strong my friend, you're almost there. I wish I had better words to comfort, but hopefully soon you'll see those 3 N/A's or get news on the phone of your CC. :)


    Thank you for keeping it positive @Ahmed & Amy! The waiting is so hard, especially with this unpredictable delay. It is also so hard to explain to others what is going on, it really helps to share with others in this same situation. So I'll second you: hopefully soon we will all see the 3 n/a's and get good news from NVC!



    15 minutes ago, lsu_mike said:

    2 quick questions.   


    1.   The "n/a's" everyone is referring to for the AOS fees, is that updated in realtime, or would it be updated over night?


    2. I don't get to check in here much, and I've been reading thru some replies trying get an idea on average times that cases are being completed at the NVC?   Just the ones I've been able to kind of follow, seem on average of about 10 weeks.  I know some have gone further.  But does 10 seem to be about average?

    I don't know about 1 - I am also curious about how it works (especially since I sit and load that page several times a day, it feels a bit like insanity: repeating the same task over and over again expecting a different outcome :-)


    Hard to say what the average is - since it seems like it has increased a lot since November (and still going up?) last year @grad_student kept a spreadsheet, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bLgqeV5tr9zHOSY5IqtYn3RURVO3C0iMBGVwUviVruk/edit#gid=0

    and back then the average was four weeks and change. There has been a lot of case complete reported for mid/end November in this thread - but I haven't seen anyone report cc for December yet? (I have scan date 11/28 - 11 weeks on Monday).


    (And as others reported, I'm also just getting a busy signal today at NVC)




    -- IR1 for Wife and Son - 11/28 Scan date - 1/11 Flagged for Supervisor - 1/18 "Sent to review team"


  17. 3 hours ago, vintash said:

    Omg all I do is cry. We've been doing this for 3 years and I keep getting upset thinking how time is passing us and we haven't started our life together. I hate it so much. Our scan date was dec 8th. They said it got sent to supervisor/ document review on jan 24 I believe. We're almost don't the 9 th week next week will be 10. I kept asking does it go over 12 weeks and the one rep said in her experience she hasn't seen it. But allow up to 6 weeks from the time it got sent to supervisor.  Its so nerve wracking. I have to go on with work and life like I'm not in pain or freaking but I'm freaking !!!


    Hang in there @vintash! I know the feeling, and I think we have all done a lot of crying - I know I have, as well as had days at work where I just zoom out, log in to ceac over and over again, or spend time calling the NVC - which as many has pointed out doesn't really help :-(


    So do we have anyone (except you lucky electronic filers :-) with CC that had a scan date in december? I'm 11/28 (10 weeks and 3 days...) and still nothing.


    -- IR1 for Wife and Son - 11/28 Scan date - 1/11 Flagged for Supervisor - 1/18 "Sent to review team"

  18. Well something must surely have happened at the NVC! When I look at the spreadsheet from last year that @grad_student created,




     in this thread:


    Then pretty much all of the cases are in and out through NVC in just over four weeks. We are all in here at least 10 weeks, and they can't even explain it?! Yes, I've also gotten the "sorry it is taking unusually long" from the reps on the phone (and I don't envy their job) but as you keep pointing out @bcking at least admit what is going on and give us some more realistic and transparent information (and maybe we'd stop calling all the time).


    I'm going nuts here, checking ceac website far too many times a day, and calling far too many times a week... :-(




    -- IR1 for Wife and Son 11/28 Scan date - 1/11 Flagged for Supervisor - 1/18 "Sent to review team"



  19. 16 minutes ago, aidensbubba said:

    Thank you!


    Scan date is 11/22


    Congratulations @aidensbubba!! @bcking hopefully up next, I have 11/28 scan date too. (Just came off the phone with NVC, nothing new :-(




    -- IR1 for Wife and Son

    Nov 21, 2016 DS-260 filed
    Nov 23, 2016 Mailed NVC Package
    Nov 28, 2016 NVC received package
    Jan 11, 2017 Flagged for Supervisor Review

    Jan 18, 2017 "Sent to review team" (whatever that means:-)

  20. Hi Everyone!


    The waiting is sooo hard, it is really starting to get to me. Just called the NVC for the fourth time - problem is I don't know what to say. When I ask for an update they just say "we will notify you when there is any" and from there on I just have a hard time not to start to cry, let alone think of something to say :-(


    It does help to read all of your comments though, really happy for those of you who got cc - hopefully soon I'll be there too.




    -- IR1 for Wife and Son

    Nov 21, 2016 DS-260 filed
    Nov 23, 2016 Mailed NVC Package
    Nov 28, 2016 NVC received package
    Jan 11, 2017 Flagged for Supervisor Review


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