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Posts posted by Annmar

  1. 7 minutes ago, happytree said:

    My visa journey has come to an end. I am now an American citizen!

    without a doubt this has been the hardest thing I've ever done. It didn't hit me until I grabbed a voter registration form outside the room.

    I wish the very best of luck to everyone still waiting. Stay strong and positive. 2 months ago I hadn't heard anything from USCIS since I filed back in aug2020. Today, I am a citizen. Nothing happened for almost a year, then everything went fast.


     I have my ceremony on the 28th

  2. 8 minutes ago, happytree said:

    tons of people went through this whole process fairly quickly while I waited and waited. I may well be the last AUG2020 filer still dealing with this 😆


    Had my interview and it went really well. The IO was quite pleasant. Passed my civics and English tests first, then the interview. At the end of the interview, the IO gave me a white sheet saying "congratulations your case has been recommended for approval" (or something along those lines). She said it could take about 3 weeks to be scheduled for a ceremony and to be on the lookout for a letter in the mail.  By the time I got home, my oath ceremony had already been scheduled and uploaded to my account. I am scheduled for mid September. 

    I know I am not 100% done yet but this was a major relief. Finally I will be able to complete my  journey in couple of weeks. 

    The only drawback was that I couldn't change my name. The IO officer told me that my field office is not accepting name changes with N400 because their court was closed. So I had to change my name change answer to "NO" during my interview. 


    Congrats!!! Had mine on the 1st

     It was quite easy and quick. I had the opportunity to take the oath the next day but was unable to....the interviewer said it's ok if I couldn't make it. They will schedule another date. So I'm waiting on letter or will check online to see. Hope it comes soon because want to travel in December and would like  to get passport.


  3. 4 hours ago, MusicFan57 said:

    My wife had her interview today at the Orlando field office.

    We assumed that the oath ceremony would be scheduled for a later date, but got a great surprise.  After she passed her interview,

    they said, ok wait out there and we'll get you set up for the oath ceremony!


    It was quite a long wait, but well worth it.  

    She said the interview was pretty quick and I guess everything lined up with the background checks, as no documents were asked to

    be looked at, but she had everything handy, including 5 years of tax transcripts.


    She got the first 6 questions correct and moved on the reading and writing section.  Passed those and then they went over

    the application.  A couple of common mistakes were corrected and then verified information on the application.


    The interview was short and sweet and then the wait began until she had her oath ceremony.  She walked in at 9:45am and walked out

    around 2:30pm.    It was a long hot wait for me outside!    lol


    Applied on Aug 30th.

    Interview and oath on May 3rd.

    So just over 8 months in total.


    So happy it's complete and now on to the passport and SS update.


    Hopefully, there aren't too many August filers left.    Good luck to everyone else waiting and hope you get your citizenship soon!


    Congrats.....I'm still waiting. I haven't even done my Biometrics.....it must feel good to be finally done. Congrats once again. 

  4. 13 hours ago, HNZ91 said:

    Congrats :)


    14 hours ago, Karen&Marile said:

    Hi everyone,

    My wife had her I-175 interview yesterday (and 6 days later she was scheduled for the N400 interview).  Some mentioned possibly getting a call the morning of to inform it would be a combo interview, which we did NOT receive.  

    The I-175 portion was very relaxed and the officer was friendly and not at all intimidating.  Asked us simple questions about time outside the U.S., vacations we took together, what states we've visited outside Illinois (Chicago), date of marriage and where, how we met and where and then he reviewed new evidence we brought - we're selling our condo, plus new lease, most updated bank statement, plus title of new car bought together, plus recently filed 2020 taxes.  That was it and we asked if it were possible to do the N400 interview since it was scheduled for next week, he said, "oh, you have that next week.... let me see if I can".... a couple minutes on his computer and he says, "sure, I can do it" -- omg!!!!!  Luckily she had been studying the N400 test questions just in case.


    Civics Questions (she passed with first 6 questions):

    1)What is the judicial system set up for?

    2)The gov't is based on the idea of self-governance, what are the first 3 words of the constitution?

    3) FORGOT

    4)What is the political party of the current U.S. President?

    5)Who is the current President of the U.S.?

    6)For how long is the President elected?


    English Test- he held up paper, and she had to read aloud the first sentence:  Where is the White House located?  Writing part - he gave her paper and she had to write what he said - "The White House is located in Washington, D.C."  SUPER EASY!  

    Then he asked if he could keep the new taxes and our new lease to upload to the file and he approved both cases!  Final step is oath ceremony, which he said could be a couple months, but others I know have finished in a couple weeks.  

    Here's our general timeline:

    12 April 2017 - arrived in the US with marriage-based conditional Green Card

    14 January 2019 - applied for Removal of Conditions

    February 2019 - I-751 Biometrics completed

    March 2019 - I-751 Ready to schedule interview

    24 August 2020 - applied for US citizenship

    30 December 2020 - N400 Biometrics reuse notice received

    5 March 2021 - I-751 interview scheduled, which we had to reschedule due to being out of country

    30 March 2021 - N400 interview scheduled notice

    30 April 2021 - I-751 interview date - WHICH in the moment (no advance notice) became a combo interview for both ROC and citizenship

    6 May 2021 - N400 interview date

    Pending  - oath ceremony


    I hope this helps everyone.  This has been such an entirely exhausting, daunting, stressful process with the 2 year wait to remove conditions and now with N400 approved, it's just DONE.  HANG IN THERE EVERYONE, YOU WILL GET THERE.

    Congrats..... Applied in August too and still waiting. I'm confident that I will get through before the year ends. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, NikLR said:

    Too bad you never asked on here, but it's the logical assumption that if you received an IR1 vs a CR1 that your son would have an IR2.  However, you just figured the USCIS would send the correct info, but many people make that mistake.  It's okay. 

     thank you. A lawyer did my paperwork a copy of both cards were sent and I was told that he would need to remove conditions from his card. I really should be asked on here being that I'm a member for so long.

  6. 59 minutes ago, Lucky Cat said:

    It sounds like there was no card produced because it never reached that stage. If your son incorrectly received a 2 year card, you must submit an I-90 and the old card to have it corrected.


    You correctly received a 10 year card correct?  If so, your son should have also received a 10 year card....as stated by @NikLR

    I will file that later on today.... I'm just puzzled that we have to suffer because of their mistake and the fact that when I log into the case I didn't see that it was closed. If I had known I would have sorted it out long ago. 

    Thanks to you guys.

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