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Everything posted by makers

  1. Interested on this, where can I send that information, I mean what address and most importantly would that make any difference for my children I have the applications for? I dont want to make things worse, make the wait time longer that how it currently is sorry, I’m an non patient mother
  2. Thank you, maybe in some years I will be posting a picture here with my children with me celebrating!!
  3. The officer will tell you when you can expect your passport at the selected, by you, office when I did my my K1 it took about a week or less
  4. Oh, ok. I saw you'd posted on the F2B thread so I assumed you were GC holders. Of Course
  5. Nope, I’m a citizen thank u!!
  6. Let’s hope our cases take shorter, as Colombia doesn’t have so many of those, We applied on 2021 yet waiting and telling my children to be patient the average for these cases is 9 years
  7. Whhat is happening? Are they taking Christmas vacations already? I know about people applying for those paroles and their family members got here in a couple of months, we have a lo g time waiting and now they are not moving frustrating sorry, needed to vent
  8. Not recent, but the officer tell you when your package is available at the end of the interview
  9. Congratulations and thank you, this give me some kind of hope!!
  10. Is not if Colombia allows dual Citizenship which I don’t really care about, to get in Colombia if you are a citizen you have to show the Colombian passport and actually in the country you have to pay for more taxes just because, also my Colombian passport is to expire in a couple of years and to avoid any hassle with multiple documents while traveling I rather renounce to the Colombian citizenship
  11. Good Morning, I know this may not be the webpage for this kind of question, but I can’t find any good guidance for the type if process, on the Colombian Embassy in Chicago website the link take me to the Colombian Cancilleria Webpage and the Colombian Cancilleria webpage take me to the Colombian Embassy in Chicago webpage. just need to know about the documents to bring, where to get the “good stance certificate” I would appreciate if someone can help me with this thank you
  12. But if I am naturalized now, my children that are waiting for their F2Bs can get married, but what would be the process? I would have to start a new process and they have to wait 15 years, or what? I mean, life is something hard to stop and with these processes is literally what our children have to do. and yes, with all that people crossing the borders illegally then getting so many benefits, to have to wait all the required legal time is very discouraging, myself I have seen some people enjoying being here and bringing family members while my children is waiting for their processes to go through. needed to vent, sorry!
  13. Idk if things has changed since 2016 when I got here, but actually the ss card is not a document that will allow her/him to work, a Parole will be needed i think is the EAD, and for that you can apply while you are waiting for the green card, also, not sure if she can apply for a Driver license or Id card only with the ss card, I got mine once I had my GC. seems like the idea is to put her/him to work as soon as possible, but for that you will need to wait a bit please guys correct me if I'm wrong
  14. Can you explain this a little better? I filed for my adult children when I was a gc holder but now I’m a citizen and would love not have my children waiting to live their life bcz of the processes, but don’t want to enlarge the waiting either
  15. Just updated the question with the timeline, please correct me if I’m looking something that is not for our cases
  16. Out of curiosity, I was checking the timeline for F2B visas, and found one that started the I130 on 2020 and got the finalized on early 2022, the NVC office is Texas, definitely not California, but how that can be possible? Is there something we need to do or they just got lucky no, no transfer, or expedited process on that timeline I needed to ask and vent! not adding the screenshot here as I don't need to get in trouble
  17. Ahhh,,, ok, happy to hear that, I was trying to find how to send those forms now thank you, appreciate your time!
  18. I sent the I864, but where I see the I130 I cant see the I864 then, can I send the I864?,I don’t care if I have to pay a fee for that btw sorry for asking too many questions and thank you for your time
  19. I think, why so long? Bcz of the backlog? Well, kind of, please, how can I check the forms I sent like the I130 and the I864, I only see the other documents I sent but the forms, sorry to bother
  20. True, true!!!
  21. Question here. first: how can I add my husband as a cosponsor on my children cases, second: apparently Nebraska has shorter times for I130 petitions, can I try to transfer my children cases, if so, how can I do that?
  22. But, that wont get denied, as the immigration officers may think they will stay once they are here? I’m just asking!!! well, his question was if he can fill the forms, yes he can then they can sign,,, sorry the intromission, for that to be approved or denied is a different thing!!!
  23. I think the question is about your time with that person, when u got divorced, not his status in the country, when I did my N400 I didn’t have to say anything about my ex, just that i was divorced and the documents were there to prove it, and during the interview I didn’t get asked about that part of my life
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