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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Chicago IL
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  1. Thank you, maybe in some years I will be posting a picture here with my children with me celebrating!!
  2. The officer will tell you when you can expect your passport at the selected, by you, office when I did my my K1 it took about a week or less
  3. Oh, ok. I saw you'd posted on the F2B thread so I assumed you were GC holders. Of Course
  4. Nope, I’m a citizen thank u!!
  5. Let’s hope our cases take shorter, as Colombia doesn’t have so many of those, We applied on 2021 yet waiting and telling my children to be patient the average for these cases is 9 years
  6. Whhat is happening? Are they taking Christmas vacations already? I know about people applying for those paroles and their family members got here in a couple of months, we have a lo g time waiting and now they are not moving frustrating sorry, needed to vent
  7. Not recent, but the officer tell you when your package is available at the end of the interview
  8. Congratulations and thank you, this give me some kind of hope!!
  9. Is not if Colombia allows dual Citizenship which I don’t really care about, to get in Colombia if you are a citizen you have to show the Colombian passport and actually in the country you have to pay for more taxes just because, also my Colombian passport is to expire in a couple of years and to avoid any hassle with multiple documents while traveling I rather renounce to the Colombian citizenship
  10. Good Morning, I know this may not be the webpage for this kind of question, but I can’t find any good guidance for the type if process, on the Colombian Embassy in Chicago website the link take me to the Colombian Cancilleria Webpage and the Colombian Cancilleria webpage take me to the Colombian Embassy in Chicago webpage. just need to know about the documents to bring, where to get the “good stance certificate” I would appreciate if someone can help me with this thank you
  11. But if I am naturalized now, my children that are waiting for their F2Bs can get married, but what would be the process? I would have to start a new process and they have to wait 15 years, or what? I mean, life is something hard to stop and with these processes is literally what our children have to do. and yes, with all that people crossing the borders illegally then getting so many benefits, to have to wait all the required legal time is very discouraging, myself I have seen some people enjoying being here and bringing family members while my children is waiting for their processes to go through. needed to vent, sorry!
  12. Idk if things has changed since 2016 when I got here, but actually the ss card is not a document that will allow her/him to work, a Parole will be needed i think is the EAD, and for that you can apply while you are waiting for the green card, also, not sure if she can apply for a Driver license or Id card only with the ss card, I got mine once I had my GC. seems like the idea is to put her/him to work as soon as possible, but for that you will need to wait a bit please guys correct me if I'm wrong
  13. Can you explain this a little better? I filed for my adult children when I was a gc holder but now I’m a citizen and would love not have my children waiting to live their life bcz of the processes, but don’t want to enlarge the waiting either
  14. Just updated the question with the timeline, please correct me if I’m looking something that is not for our cases
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