You have three options while your CR1 in processing and you spouse still outside the US:
1. Married filling separately: You are required to report your worldwide income only.
2. Head of Household: If you have a qualifying dependent.
3. Married filling jointly: You must report your and your spouse worldwide income. Under this option, you cannot efile your tax return becuase your spouse does not SSN. You are required to mail your paper tax return with your spouse signed W-7 plus your spouse' passport. It will atkes IRS 60 days to process paper return before they issuing a TIN, and return your spouse passport to a US address listed on your spouse W-7. In year 2 and after, if your spouse still outside the US, you can efile tax return with his/her ITIN.
W-7 instruction have a long list of documents you can submit with the application, but in my experience, applicant's passport is the 100% acceptance by the IRS. and the shortest time to get the W-7 application done.