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Everything posted by Joyoussinger

  1. Financial institutions have a later deadline than everyone else. My 1099Bs aren't usually available until the middle of February and they often come with a notification that it's just a preliminary 1099, and will probably need corrections. The corrected one sometimes comes in March. My husband's interview was in April, too. I sent him copies of the tax return to take to the interview.
  2. We sent everything we had from the start of our marriage as per the I-751 instructions. - That means we sent evidence we had already submitted with my husband's AOS. They asked for it - we sent it. It never hurts.
  3. It's been a while, but AOS was much more than just filling out one page. This was 2019, and it was normal to have an interview.
  4. We used RapidVisa, and only because we hadn't found VisaJourney until a bit later. They were okay, and they were efficient, but they did make a mistake that could have been a problem during our AOS interview. RapidVisa advised my husband to say that he doesn't have children, because they are all adults and not accompanying him. This was wrong, and the IO was kind enough to let us correct it at the interview. I would choose DIY, with advice from this forum. Many of the people here really know how it all works and you'll get great advice!
  5. My husband and I had a combo interview, too. Take along everything you can think of because you never know what they'll ask for. I have a checking account of my own, that I've had for decades, and didn't think it was relevant to our marriage so we didn't include statements from it. The IO saw transfers between the accounts, and asked me to send her a recent statement from mine. She gave me 15 minutes to send it to her. I had to use the bank app to download it and email it to her. Within minutes, she confirmed that my husband's oath ceremony would be that afternoon. So, if you're on the fence about something you may or may not need, take it with you.
  6. My husband was still married when we met, although he had not seen his wife in decades. They just never bothered to divorce. He got the divorce and we sent in the I-129F. It wasn't a problem at all. No one ever even mentioned it.
  7. "Refused" doesn't mean denied. They're just waiting for the medical.
  8. I attended my husband's oath ceremony and noticed there were quite a few families, some with children, there.
  9. None of those questions came up at my husband's interview, either. He studied all 100 questions and I drilled him on them. He was able to go to the interview with confidence and he passed.
  10. My husband's I-751 was still pending at the time of his N-400 interview. We mentioned this to the security guards, to be sure they would let me in, too. He also told the IO and she looked it up. It was approved that day because of this. He was actually able to take the oath that day, too. You should all go to the interview, because not going could be a missed opportunity. Best of luck!
  11. I would think so. You have lots of other good evidence. I didn't have older bills, either, because I just didn't think to put my husband's name on them at first. Even then, not every company has a way to do that. I think you're fine.
  12. It's important to send all pages of each bank statement. We sent one statement for each quarter, with all pages included, and had no problem.
  13. This is from the USCIS website: "You are only required to receive a single dose of each vaccine when you visit the civil surgeon. You are encouraged to follow up with your private health care provider to complete the series. Once you have received the single dose appropriate at the time, the civil surgeon can sign and certify the Form I-693." https://www.uscis.gov/tools/designated-civil-surgeons/vaccination-requirements#:~:text=Certain vaccine series,Technical Instructions.
  14. My husband's N-400 interview letter said nothing about his pending I-751 or a combo interview. There was nothing saying I was required to be there. We knew there was a chance it would be a combo interview, so I went along. To be honest, I felt it was important for me to be there, to support him on what could be a huge event in his life. It did turn out to be a combo interview and he took the oath that afternoon! It would have been a mistake for me to not have attended. Since we were both there, it was easy for us to go out, when it was over, and celebrate!
  15. Congratulations! Best of luck with your N-400! It's pretty easy!
  16. We have pillows filled with organic buckwheat hulls, and they are wonderful!
  17. That's fantastic! It will make preparing for the N-400 interview so much easier! Congratulations!
  18. You say, "Besides, I do not know what she is up to." Also, the thing that made you start to think of remarrying her is that "She appeared younger and more desirable". It seems to me that it would be a good idea, for both of you, to take this slowly in order to get to know each other again and to really understand what each of you wants.
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