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Everything posted by SalishSea

  1. I assume by "petitioner" you mean the applicant? They should carry the extension letter and the expired GC.
  2. So clearly she isn’t currently here, and as a result what you are contemplating is actually immigration fraud. Don’t do that, or she risks a ban. Your ONLY option is to petition her properly for an immigrant visa and wait in the queue like everyone else.
  3. You can (and MUST, for immigration purposes) spend time together in person, regardless of religion.
  4. I think if you really do go to work for USCIS, you'll find that's not what goes on there...
  5. Could be, if they have questions about the circumstances of adjusting. Is he adjusting from an overstay of ESTA?
  6. Great points. Especially since most of us would never consider marrying someone local to us that we had met online 4 months ago. That just is not the organic progression of a lifetime marital relationship.
  7. Your visa category is numerically limited. They need to petition you for an immigrant visa first, and when a visa number is available, then you can apply. You have to be in status to adjust status, so if you overstay and then a visa becomes available, you will be ineligible.
  8. Unfortunately, this is not something that will be considered by immigration.
  9. He will not get a tourist visa, unfortunately. "Meeting" online is not relevant for immigration purposes. Morocco is very high fraud, so expect scrutiny if you petition someone with this timeline. They will suspect it is a greencard marriage.
  10. Using a B visa to try "living" here is risky (you risk losing it). CBP may wonder how you can afford to stay for so long without working, and you may not realize that working remotely is also not allowed. More frequent, shorter trips is generally recommended, in order to get to know each other.
  11. Why would you need passports for the medical exam?
  12. Personally, I would wait until you've filed and received the receipt notice, which will serve as her evidence of authorized stay. Everyone's risk tolerance is different, but that is my opinion. I live in Washington state, and I know people who have gotten turned around in Blaine, and ended up going through the border crossing inadvertently. YMMV.
  13. This could change if the incoming administration resumes the extra public charge vetting that we had previously.
  14. That would be a big reason to pick a CR-1- you would be able to work straight away.
  15. Marrying in order to stay in the country is fraud. Clearly in this case it would not be a bonafide marriage.
  16. Hi! I remember you! The US is fine with you having two passports. And you’re now eligible to file the N-400 form any time. Good luck !
  17. Luckily this website is about US immigration only, and Utah online marriage is most definitely accepted.
  18. The question of drivers licenses is totally state dependent. Where will you be living?
  19. As long as you did not lie to CBP when you arrived, you should be okay.
  20. You can look up the current N-400 processing times for your field office at USCIS.gov.
  21. Unless they’ve lived with and been actively parented by said stepmother, I wouldn’t think they’d go for that.
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