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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Potomac Service Center
  • Local Office
    Boston MA
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    My name is M. I met S (love) on a trip to California but when we decided to go to Vegas actually, I know you are thinking it can't get any worse, actually he was on his last day of his mission and was ready to go to Afghanistan. He always Describes the first time he saw me like this " there were hundreds of people in the casino but when I walked in you were the only one I saw". We talked all night but when he asked me to go to his room I said no and we exchanged numbers. So after a crazy trip we happen to both lose the contact details. So I looked for him online and found him. A year later I decided to go back to America and contacted him. He was so happy to hear from me and well the rest as they say is history. The moral of the story is "what happens in Vegas well turns out does not stay in Vegas". Any how jokes aside we love eachother dearly and we have been through hell and back with all aspects of life but we have kept going. Hopefully we can close the gap and finally start our lives together.

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