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Everything posted by Sarge2155

  1. Don't sweat it, my mortgage was only in my name since I had bought my house before my wife and I were married. I just wrote up a simple explanation stating that fact and included it with our I-751 packet easy peesee!
  2. USCIS has been known to turn and change on a dime, what you are on the fence about today might be sorrow tomorrow. I say get it while the getting is good, don't wish you had later!
  3. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, there will be plenty more times to curse USCIS enjoy this one and congrats!
  4. Some people might just want to spend their golden years as a citizen, and be a citizen when they cross over. Could be many reasons, but that reason is hers!
  5. Your response is at the least callused, you have no idea what this family can or can't do. The OP asked for advise not speculation!
  6. Welcome to the thread everyone, hoping everyone's journey is swift!
  7. Yes, it happens all the time. I don't know why USCIS continues to advertise they adjudicate cases in the order they are received, we all know that's bull!
  8. Did either of your cases mainly the I-751 get transferred after you submitted your N400? Your interview should be any day now! Your cases are straightforward right?
  9. Just got the status about the oath ceremony it's April 25, 2023 at 1:30pm never got so many status updates in the whole time we have been dealing with USCIS. The start of the journey with the K1 was rough took an excessive amount of time to approve for the time frame (2018.) Then wife got caught up in the sputum thing lucky after the culture growth she was fine, on to the K1 interview wife said the lady was extremely difficult but she passed and got through that. Then on to AOS we caught a break here as it was just as COVID kicked in (2020) full strength everyone was scared, we got waived and approved for AOS no interview. The rest is history ROC and N400 was a no brainer. I'm glad I watched others namely @Crazy Cat and followed suit to what him and his wife did, it paid off BIG TIME!!! After the 25th it will be done, I'll throw all those documents in a big box and seal them up, put them up in the attic and we are DONE! It's been a great journey, bad and good you just have to stick with it and have faith in yourselves!!!!!! See everyone on the flip side as I'll be around to help where I can!
  10. Well just to keep everyone informed my wife got an updated status a few minutes ago that her I-751 was approved. She had her N-400 interview yesterday so I guess they are trying to catch everything up now. I truly do think that submitting the N-400 did help things along and for those of you that are considering naturalizing I would recommend you do it. Hang in there everyone you are almost at the end of the tunnel!
  11. Will do maybe we had the same IO his name is on the paper work but I dare not publicize it in public!
  12. I will say this though the I-751 is an after thought when attending the N-400 interview they hardly spent much time going over it at all. So if you plan to submit your N-400 when your window opens and your I-751 is still pending I recommend it whole-heartily!!!! It has happened many times this year already for other folks too!!!
  13. I posted a detailed after actions report in the January 2023 N-400 Filers so I did not want to double post so use the following link to get there:
  14. Well, the wife had her interview today 10:30am appointment time. I want to advise everyone that this is second hand information from a wired and excited woman so I had to glean portions of the following events: The interview was conducted at our local FO in Irving, Texas or for those not familiar with Irving, you can say Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex. For that reason we left the house at 6:30am, why you ask so early the traffic in this area is horrendous and we did not want to risk traffic and a back log due to a wreck or construction so we gave ourselves ample time (it's about an hours drive anyway). We arrived about 7:50am so we had a long wait until her appointment time, but we were ready we had pillows, blankets snacks, etc. You know the wife had to bring her make up kits and comb, brush, lipstick, etc since she would be messing her hair up while waiting (women) 😁. The place had interviews starting at 7am so they were in full swing once we got there. They would not let her enter the building until 15 minutes prior to her scheduled time. I knew from talking to several other people as they came out that I would not be allowed to go inside the building. These are the questions they asked her remember you need 6 correct out of 10. The wife got the first 6 correct so they only asked 6 questions: 1. Who is your US Senator 2. Name your US Representative 3. Who veto's bills 4. What state borders Mexico 5. What is Benjamin Franklin famous/known for 6. What is a constitution She had a short sentence to read: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Sentence to write: What is one promise that you make when you become a United States citizen? She said the IO was cordial and told her she had passed the civics and reading and writing portions. The wife said she saw our I-751 package on his desk all 6lbs of it. He asked where her spouse was and she said in the car, it was at that time he told her the interview was a combination, but there was no need for me to attend. She said he was concerned to see 2022 taxes and he wanted proof that we were living together. He also asked for items from the filing of the I-751 until the interview, which by the way served as items for the N400 too. Mind you all this happened in about 15 minutes she said the IO seemed rushed but he did not miss a beat. The IO gave her a Form N-652 which stated she had passed the civics, written and writing test. It also stated that he would be recommending approval of the I-751 and the N-400. One important detail I think everyone should know she said the I-751 sitting there in all its glory was basically an after thought and the IO did not waste to much time on it. He had already gone through it as it was in disarray sitting on his desk. All in all the wife said she was relaxed and the everything happened like she had studied and we had rehearsed (we did plan on her going inside the interview alone without me.) She was not bothered by that fact since we covered it as a possible scenario before hand. As of a few minutes ago we got status saying "Oath Ceremony Will Be Scheduled." Just a side note in all the excitement the wife forgot to take a picture besides the USCIS name plate, so I have to drive out AGAIN this Saturday so she can get dressed up again just to take a picture of the sign on the building geeezzzz!!!!! End of story!
  15. Yes it was a combo, but without me lol. I was not allowed in the building. I was going to wait to post until we got status but folks wanna know (can't blame them). Let me get the wife calmed down she's absolutely stoked and wired and I can't get a complete sentence out of her yet. I'll post again once she comes back down to earth. She did pass and got recommended for approval though both I-751 and the N-400!
  16. Don't wait to long especially if your window is open now. The fees for many forms are increasing big time!
  17. As far as the bank statements it's a personal choice whether you send monthly statements or quarterly. We sent monthly. Cases get approved just fine sending either monthly or quarterly. That will be up to you. As far as the credit card accounts, one or two would suffice, we sent one. They all should be joint!
  18. Yes your NOA will tell you exactly where it is, just look in the lower bottom left corner it will be there including the address.
  19. Just like you are giving YOUR experience I gave mine simple as that! They do make I guess they are called drugs, like car sickness type items, which you can get for dogs and cats to calm them down. You traveled many times just fine you say that's cool. I just gave MY experience. Additionally, that's something I don't have to worry about cause I would never transport a cat or dog via airplane!
  20. But still considering, you are off to a good start. When does your N400 window open?
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