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Sarge2155 last won the day on April 9 2020

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About Sarge2155

  • Birthday January 21

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  • Gender
  • City
    Fort Worth
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Dallas TX
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Aida and I met October 17, 2015!

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  1. Hey Todd good to see you on your last leg of your visa journey it's been awhile. You are almost done my friend!
  2. I agree with this, we threw the kitchen sink at them, of course, that was back in 2018, but nonetheless, we threw the kitchen sink at them. Had no problems, as a matter of fact, all our packets K1, AOS, ROC, and N400 we threw the sink at them. All had no problems, NO RFEs and the only interviews was the initial K1 interview and the N400 for my wife.
  3. Do not forget to make plenty of copies of his certificate. When you file for his US passport you will need to send the original certificate in. When you go to the SSA office you can hand carry the original.
  4. I think that notorious form I-944, Declaration of Self-Sufficiency, that caused so much grief was a Trump brain child. I'd look for that or something like that again! I think once things get put into place it's not going to be a cake walk for folks submitting forms for immigration benefits (unless of course you got big business or big money). Just my thoughts considering the last Trump administration. As what was said by another VJer, better get it in now whatever you are going to file before all this starts, as it is better to already have it in than to submit it when these programs start!
  5. Updating her status at the SSA office has nothing to do with her job. It has to do with any possible benefits she might be eligible for once a citizen. Why would she not go. It's probably one of the easiest things she'll ever do!
  6. An in-person visit is not only required it is necessary, especially after naturalization. She has to bring the original naturalization certificate with her so they can verify and make adjustments to her SS file.
  7. Good choice, get it done and over with don't blow it now!
  8. Of course I am for DFW too, it's very easy It's terminal D btw!
  9. Voter registrars were waiting outside in the courtyard after the ceremony in abundance I might add
  10. Perhaps it would have been better that the spouse went along to the N400 interview. The spouse should ALWAYS BRING the other spouse along with to the N400 interview and inform the IO that your spouse is there with you. My wife had an active ROC which had not been adjudicated, we requested a combo interview (wrote a letter) and submitted it during the submission of the N400 documents. Never got an answer nor did USCIS say it was going to be a combo interview. I accompanied my wife anyway and told her to tell the IO that I was out in the parking lot. The IO interviewed her without me and approved both the I-751 and the N-400. I guess its best to say that the spouse which is not being interviewed should ALWAYS accompany the spouse that is being interviewed to the N-400 interview. Does that make sense?
  11. You just made it, you have the title and all just post your filings here! Use this thread!
  12. I agree with this, as a K1 visa holder you are eligible to get a SSN, but the window is very limited. This is what we did. Get the SSN although it will be in the maiden name it will not be any problem to change to the married name later if you wish. Be sure to get your I-94 before applying for the SSN. That can be gotten from the I-94 website online be sure to print out several copies as you will need them later. SSN is most important and its a very easy process the sooner you apply. Some states do require a SSN to apply for the marriage license so you'll have to check your state requirements. The key is start building for your AOS NOW and with a SSN it makes it all the better.
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