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  1. Hey ...Congrats to the both of you

    I am wondering what is going on with all the AP and AR.

    But it seems that with all the documents now, they are behind, and it would seem that they are double checking all documents even if you submitted them. So for all those on AP and AR, it seems that withing a few months , most issues seem to be resolved lately. So dont give up hope, but dont sit back and ignore it either. If you dont take action, it seems that some times they wont either. As soon as you are on AP, or AR, ask questions, contact people, and get thm moving. Just a thought if you ask me, but again, Congrats, and life long hopes, and wishes to both of you.

    God Bless, and Take Care.

    Randy n Rose

  2. I am sorry about the late reply.

    sorry you have been waiting solong to get an answer on your question.Maybe others have gave you an idea,or perhaps sent youprivate messages with an answer. The fact that you were given the pink slip for Delbros, means you will get your Visa. As to the fact that gave you your pics,and other info back is alright. if they give you the passport back,then you may have issues. But in that case, they would not have had youpay for delbros,and would not have gotten the pink slip to do so. What it means, is youmay be on AR.ut if you are on AR, they will have given you a sheet called the 221G. As with us,and many others, this sheet will say please wait till you hear from us,and willcheck,or not check any of the other slots on the sheet asking for further evidence, documents, or information. So I guess, if you did not get a 221G sheet, then you should be fine, but will take a few days to receive your Visa from Delbros,as it is the holiday week,and may be delayed due to that. If you got the 221G sheet,you are in AR,and that means they are checking into your case,and for some reason are doing self checks, such as NSO, NBI, or other documents to verify yours are genuine. If this is the case, I learned from others that it can take 4 to 6 weeks in most cases, and in some cases 6 to 8 weeks, or longer . Ours took only over 4 weeks thank God..

    Good luck,and take care. If you have more questions, just ask. We are all here to help.


  3. One More post..

    Rose ...my wonderful Rose has received her Visa on the 24th in Quezon City.

    Two days after being released from the embassy. I guess that is a good thing.

    5/24/2007 7:00:05 P.M. VISA DELIVERED SUCCESSFULLY

    5/24/2007 6:43:45 AM SHIPMENT OUT FOR DELIVERY



    5/22/2007 6:06:22 PM SHIPMENT IN PROCESS


    Thank you everyone,and may everyone find their happiness,as we have.

    She will be coming to me June 4,2007.


  4. :dance: Update to all. I posted this under the AR Forum, but thought I would post here to help those wondering in the Manila forum, hope thats alright.

    After faxing papers last week to their fax number listed on line at the State Dept, we got results. Thanks to those who informed me to try there.

    Well anyway, last night , I received a reply saying that we would get results, and it would be resolved quickly. An hour later I received a reply from my wife saying Delbros had texted her saying delivery would take place in the next few days. Then the State dept sent a reply saying the issue was resolved, thank you for your inquiry into your case. Still no answer saying why, what, or anything. Would be nice to know what the issue was, so it may help others, but I don't know if I will ever know now. So anyway, it took exactly 32 days for the Embassy to release the Visa to Delbros. This is what is there as of now.


    5/22/2007 6:06:22 PM SHIPMENT IN PROCESS


    I want to thank everyone, and I truly mean that in helping me and my wife thru this, and all the others who have been given hope, and with our approval, I hope it gives hope to the others in AR. May there be fewer in the future, and may the days pass quickly for those waiitng.

    God Bless All, and now pray for a successful delivery of her Visa, and a safe trip home to me.

    I booked tickets for the 4th of June. N.W. Airlines

    Hope it happens, Bring My Love To Me.

    Happy Memorial Week to all and Thanks Again.

    Randy and Roselle Sell

  5. Update to all.

    After faxing papers last week to their fax number listed on line at the State Dept, we got results. Thanks to those who informed me to try there.

    Well anyway, last night , I received a reply saying that we would get results, and it would be resolved quickly. An hour later I received a reply from my wife saying Delbros had texted her saying delivery would take place in the next few days. Then the State dept sent a reply saying the issue was resolved, thank you for your inquiry into your case. Still no answer saying why, what, or anything. Would be nice to know what the issue was, so it may help others, but I don't know if I will ever know now. So anyway, it took exactly 32 days for the Embassy to release the Visa to Delbros. This is what is there as of now.


    5/22/2007 6:06:22 PM SHIPMENT IN PROCESS


    I want to thank everyone, and I truly mean that in helping me and my wife thru this, and all the others who have been given hope, and with our approval, I hope it gives hope to the others in AR. May there be fewer in the future, and may the days pass quickly for those waiitng.

    God Bless All, and now pray for a successful delivery of her Visa, and a safe trip home to me.

    I booked tickets for the 4th of June. N.W. Airlines

    Hope it happens, Bring My Love To Me.

    Happy Memorial Week to all and Thanks Again.

    Randy and Roselle Sell


  6. This is exciting because Phil-Am familes have forged a space in The Foreign Embassy and Consulate General Discussion forum and have not had a place of our own until now. I wonder if the good forks in the Manila Embassy Thread would be apposed to moving the thread here.

    Well if this is a poll, and you want votes to do so.. I'm OK with it.

    Guess I did not look as to where this will be posted as a forum.

    Hopefully it becomes number 1 instead of number 2.

    It has had to be restarted a few times already..were on our way there.

    Thanks to all...Randy

    ....In Waiting

  7. As to the question of copies.

    Copies at the Manila Embassy will not be accepted for the Interview.

    As stated ontheir web site...All Documents at the Interview must be with original Signatures, and

    must be Original Documents. This will include the Birth Certificate, Cenomar, NBI, Police Ceificates, and all the Documents asked for in your packet must be originals or Certified Copies, as is the case with NSO Documents.


  8. hi my fellow vjer's..........I finished my medical May 9-10 and its supposed to be on May 30th but i took it early. And now i am overcoming my fears for my interview on JUne 6.........I need some pieces of advice my dear.....I learned a lot from this site and im so thankful to those who are helping us new vjer's to learned more.........Thank you and More Power!!!!

    alex and lyn

    Congrats on having passed the Medical, and soon I am sure many will reply to your questions on the Interview. It would be best to post on the manila thread to get a quicker reply, and to follow those who have done the same.


    there you will see all other posts in regards to the Maila Embassy.

    Good Luck, and God Bless.

    Randy n Rose

  9. The cover sheet is nothing more then just that, a cover sheet.

    It is the same as fax and other forms of remittance, and in all cases are sent with cover sheets in black and white.

    Color is nothing more then a cosmetic affect, and does look nice, but it does not matter. Myself, like all or most others that I know of remitted mine in black and white , and there was not, and I do not know of any cases on this site that I can recall as having had problems with the black and white versionthat have posted.

    This the the same, and true with all documents remitted via James short cuts.

    Hope that helps, and hope it relieves your anxieties about the process.

    Good luck, and best wishes.


    I am doing James shortcuts and the new DS-230 coversheet has a blue logo on it...James wasnt really sure at the time of doing his write-up, whether doing the form in black and white would be a problem though he recommended having it colour printed at kinkos

    Kinkos in the UK means a sex shop so it's plan B time !!!

    The more I think about it, the more I reckon I should somehow get it printed in colour

    Has anyone sent it in without colour and not had a problem ?



  10. hi everyone,

    just want to know all of you gurls, that my waiting is over the consul approve my visa and said it was release from the embassy last may 11,i am so happy about that news atless i am now out in jail for 3 weeks,to those who are put in AR,just keep checking your status in the embassy once in a week or you will contact DOS,im sure it will help you gurls one thing also you will keep praying i know god is the most powerful person whom we can ask for help for i am sure also nothing is impossible to god if you only have faith in him....so keep update...i am now flying to USA,this coming MAY,24 cant really believe in few days i am in the arms of my beloved...thanks to all of the members of VJ,who help me during the time of sadness after i was put in AR,i know the feelings,so depress but you just wait and keep praying always....god will surely answer your prayers....


    My Dear Cherry

    Maybe you are right, and you are truly blessed.

    Wish that Embassy check really worked for everyone though.

    All I keep being told is that their has been no updates put in the system, and their is nothing they can tell me.

    But to all the others, it is a good idea to contact them and try.

    I have no idea what is so secretive that i cant be told what is going on with our case, but what can I do.

    The important part is that another is on her way to becoming one of the many who have found their place in the world.

    May you be forever blessed, and your beloved cherish your days together.

    God is testing us, and for every day of unhappiness, may there be ten times as many filled with smiles, and good cheer.

    Good Luck Cherry, and safe travels.

    Randy n Rose

  11. well today is day 25, and with elections in the philippines, i was told that there will be little done during this week by many over there. But I have a hard time believing that the Embassy will stop functioning due to that. So I want to believe, as little as I do , that they will continue to plug away at our case. All i know is that if they were to simply drop them, then they would have politiciand coming down all over them, and that would not be good. That would mean that the 68 % would be in the over 1 year spot. So I am hoping that we will be soon to be told that they are reviewing what ever it is missing, or needing to be verified. My understanding by reading all the posts, and believe me I thin k I have looked up evey AR Case in the last year, and it sounds like they find what it is needing research, review, or verification, and then send it back to the Officer who interviewed you, and leave it up to them to review it again, and make a decision, and then decide what is done, or if the Visa is then sent out without a return visit needed. I hope I have read that right, and if I am wrong, i hope some one reads this and corrects me. So now I play the waiting game for 10 more dyas before the State dept says they will help me. As I said ,they told me I need to follow the chain of command first, and then if that dont work to try other channels. But so far all I get from the embassy, and now the State dept call line is the Embassy has not updated our case, and there fore they have no update to give. Same thing happened at NVC. They approved our case and sent it to Manila, but they never posted it, updated it, or let us know until almost a month later, and we were told....."THEY FORGOT" !!!!!

    I was told by the State Dept that I have a large file, and due to the fact that I filed a previous Visa on my last wife, and the fact that I have traveled all over the world, that I have a large file documented on my so called "PLACES OF INTEREST" I have visited. I have went to Cuba, Columbia, Thailand , Cambodia, Muslim Mindanao, and many more, and I guess being interested in foreign lands may be a crime,... I just love cultural diversity, especially Asian culture. I sould have born Asian.

    Well anyway, for anyone who may read this, please wish us and all the other 100,000 plus a place in the heart of God, we just want to be with our loved ones.

    God Bless All, and remember to update your posts...many are watching and hoping to learn from you.

    Learning, and listening, and watching becomes our only way to cope...

    So update your time lines, give dates, and times, and helpful info that will help others get thru this hell we call Immigration.


  12. As you read, ours is in AR as well, and today is day 24 only, nothing compared to you folks.

    The only sad thing is , every effort we have made up till now is that of being ignored.

    Even our politicians said the same thing they said to you. You are in Ar, and nothing much we can do, but we will look into it. I would be thrilled just to know what the actual issue is. Why is it they cant just tell you that you are IN AR for____ reason and let you try to figure out what can be done to remedy the situation if it is an issue the petitioner can help with.

    It's not fair to put peoples lives in limbo, and give a reason. They leave people worrying the worst, and assuming there is some sort of black cloud hanging over them , much like a mushroom cloud after the big blast, and thinking all has been destroyed, and all hope is gone. So as you guys sit, so do we, and so many others.

    Let's hope the fall out dissipates soon, life is short, and and to be alone is a lonely waste of it.

    God Bless ...and Best Wishes to all of us.

    Just remember...update the info...others are watching with hopeful thoughts.


  13. Hello,

    Quick question?

    Is a passport required for me to obtain a fiance' visa for my fiance'?

    I do not have one.. She has a passport of course, but I do not.


    Your fiancee will be fine and yes she needs a passport to leave her country and enter the U.S.

    But the question everyone else will wonder is how is she your fiancee unless you proposed long distance. I guess I wonder because if you do not have a passport, how did you go see her, or was she here at some point? It is a requirement that the two of you have met physically prior to filing. Just so you know, to help clarify to others who may want to help you.

    Best wishes, and good luck to both of you.

  14. Hey Doc..Congratulations.

    For us today is day 23, and still dont know why for us.

    I hope to call the Visa line, and the embassy again, or pray our poiliticians who have been contacted weeks ago come thru some day. Guess all I can do is wait, and hope, and I would just be happy to know why..or so I hope.

    But again..God Bless, and dont ever let go of her.

    Have a great day..

    Randy n Rose

  15. I spoke with my beloved congressional folks today, and got exactly what I expected.

    They gave me no info, no answers, and no hope.As they put it, "I should learn to be patient and this kind of thing happens and can take some people as many as 2 years. I should sit back and enjoy my life and not worry, and just think that some time in the future she will probably be allowed to come here" and thatw as after calling yesterday to get some lady tell me that we should forget about each other for now cause that is best for both of us, and learn to be patient. Sounds like our politicians talked to the same people I did. Thank You Uncle Sam for making me feel better. So now i am more thankful then you will ever know in hearing replies, and well wishes from you folks. All i can do now is do what I knew they would say...sit back, and hold my breath, and try to survive without losing me, and all I believe in. So i want to thank you folks for your thoughts, and as the weeks pass, I will make an entry counting the weeks, and months as they go. God Bless all of you, and hope to see and hear from you again in the future. I will be here...waiting for my Rose (F)

  16. Thanks to all for the replies.

    As to your thoughts, it was just the dreaded sheet that has nothing checked on it. It just says further review is required and to bring back the documents requested on the sheet above. But nothing is checked, that is what threw me.

    I have heard of AR and not being approved, but did not know that people are put on AR even if they are approved.

    Guess I just keep learning here like everyone else. So i guess I can say that VJ is and has been everything I Love about it as well. Always ready to help, and ready to lend a hand. Thank You Very Much, and now hopefully I can get Rose to stop crying as that is all she did after finding out. Now I know how lonely it can feel for those at every hurdle, and not knowing if you will make it over each one. I am going to try and call as soon as the holiday is over there.

    I will let everyone know what happens, and the time frame it takes.

    God Bless ...and Happy :huh: May Day to all. Now I can celebrate my birthday this week end in thoughts of better days to come. I only hope she is off of AR in time for our Anniversary June 20.

    Have A great day folks.

    Randy and Rose (F)

    I felt sorry that u are in AR jail but dont worry for sure they will released ur visa as soon as they finished the checking/s they supposed to do. Tell Rose it will be alright, just need more patience.

    Who knows you will get it anytime soon, keep on praying and u guys are in our prayers too!

    Happy bday in advance...Smile! everything will work-out fine :) .

    Thank You so very much for the thoughtful response, and kindly words.

    Nice to hear when your down, and nice to be noticed as well.

    Ever since we found out, it has felt like we have been slipping away, and getting further from the things, and the people I have loved most.

    And as that thought goes, yes Happy Birthday To Me :crying:

    I had thought this would be an over joyous occasion and celebrating with the others.

    But I guess not all in life is at is supposed to be.

    My prayers are with all in AR, and all those yet to come home.

    God Bless. and Thank You.


  17. As you probably read, we are in the same boat as you as well.

    The only thing is every time I have tried calling, all I have gotten is no information, cant help you, or cant get thru. I guess after reading your posts, they told you 3 to 6 months to resolve this?

    Can that really be true, what in the world is with that? I was told by others in forums that this is a 4 to 6 week delay. If it truly is a 6 month delay...then I dont know what I will do. Has anyone tried their elected officials at this point, or is this a total waste of time?

    Up to 6 months is like going thru this whole thing all over again, I dont get it.

    That is like taking your life and flushing it down the drain, and living your life is not living knowing you are approved, and a wife sitting half way across the world crying and lonely.

    I am so sorry I ran across this forum, now I am really depressed.

    If this takes 6 months i will probably be committed by then, and considered crazy.

    God help all of us then...

    Thanks and have a good night folks..


  18. Thanks for the emoticon...and yes that is exactly how we feel right now.

    I will let you know if and when we here why, when, or anything..we still have no idea why except that as others siuggest ,it is for additional background checks.....lord knows a young catholic girl might be a terrorist, or something.

    sorry...my sense of humor is a bit tweaked lately.

    Update: Randynrose - Approved but on AR :crying:

    Member Name--------------NOA1---(CSC/VSC)-----NOA2 Approval-----NVC Complete-----------Date

    w1n78 ------------------ 06/13/06 (CSC) ----- 09/05/06 -------- 11/16/06 ------------- 03/02/07

    The_dip_sticks --------- 06/15/06 (___) ----- Pending

    tomrein ---------------- 06/26/06 (CSC) ----- 09/11/06 -------- 12/21/06 ------------- 03/27/07

    Yocasta ---------------- 06/30/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Michael and Milahjean -- 07/13/06 (CSC) ----- 09/07/06 -------- 11/15/06 ------------- 03/15/07

    MarocAmer -------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Amarceau --------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ----- 09/07/06 -------- 01/11/07 ------------- 03/20/07 (visa granted)

    randynrose---------------07/20/06 (CSC) ----- 09/29/06 -------- 02/06/07 ------------- 04/20/07 (Approved but on Admin Review)

    dims1 ------------------ 07/25/06 (CSC) ----- 09/20/06 -------- 12/01/06 ------------- 03/19/07 (visa granted)

    Our Mao ---------------- 07/27/06 (CSC) ----- 12/01/06 -------- 02/13/07 ------------- 04/13/07

    Xuemei ----------------- 08/16/06 (___) ----- Pending

    a1angied-----------------08/19/06 (___) ----- 10/11/06 -------- Pending

    niagara_falls ---------- 08/22/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    manana ----------------- 08/25/06 (VSC) ----- 12/06/06 -------- Pending

    BelwinMills ------------ 08/28/06 (CSC) ----- 10/12/06 -------- 01/17/07 ------------- 05/03/07

    knowledge -------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    vonicks ---------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    NYC__girl -------------- 08/29/06 (VSC) ----- 04/03/07 -------- Pending

    PMRS ------------------- 09/01/06 (___) ----- 11/08/06 -------- 02/13/07 ------------- 05/04/07

    Florida-Photo ---------- 09/06/06 (CSC) ----- 11/02/06 -------- 02/01/07 ------------- 03/27/07

    Bosnia ----------------- 09/07/06 (CSC) ----- 12/05/06 -------- 03/14/07 ------------- 03/30/07

    Natty Bumppo ----------- 09/08/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 -------- Pending

    AmberBee --------------- 09/11/06 (CSC) ----- 11/21/06 -------- Pending

    Heina ------------------ 09/11/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Elle ------------------- 09/11/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Brian & Elena ---------- 09/11/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    donquijote ------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 -------- Pending

    dougyceci -------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ----- 11/22/06 -------- 02/15/07 ------------- 04/12/07 (visa granted)

    Justo/Sheyla ----------- 09/18/06 (CSC) ----- 12/27/06 -------- 02/13/07-------------- 05/07/07

    Arpita & Deven --------- 09/19/06 (___) ----- 11/27/06 -------- 02/20/07 ------------- 05/24/07

    Dennis & Ezgi ---------- 09/21/06 (VSC) ----- 01/18/07 -------- 04/10/07 ------------- 05/08/07

    riblet ----------------- 09/25/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 -------- 02/20/07 ------------- 04/18/07 (visa granted)

    anneiy ----------------- 09/28/06 (CSC) ----- 11/28/06 -------- Pending

    bsuboyus --------------- 10/05/06 (CSC) ----- 01/16/07 -------- Pending

    jediknight ------------- 10/10/06 (VSC) ----- 03/11/07 -------- Pending

    hcheun02 --------------- 10/13/06 (VSC) ----- 03/22/07 -------- Pending

    Exodus2006 ------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ----- 01/16/07 -------- Pending

    StarProg --------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ----- 12/28/06 -------- Pending

    karina ----------------- 10/30/06 (CSC) ----- 03/13/07 -------- Pending

    misfitsbalzac ---------- 11/01/06 (VSC) ----- 04/11/07 -------- Pending

    sjmartins -------------- 11/07/06 (CSC) ----- 04/25/07 -------- Pending

    Richisusie ------------- 11/12/06 (VSC) ----- 04/16/07 -------- Pending

    Radu & Mari------------- 12/12/06 (CSC) ----- 02/12/07 -------- 04/17/07 ------------- 05/02/07 (Visa Granted)

    jacob88 ---------------- 12/12/06 (CSC) ----- 03/14/07 -------- Pending

    Singha ----------------- 01/03/07 (VSC) ----- Pending

    nyseness --------------- 01/06/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    John & Erica ----------- 01/24/07 (CSC) ----- 04/06/07 -------- Pending

    Kathy & Prabh ---------- 01/29/07 (CSC) ----- 04/10/07 -------- Pending

    Kiya ------------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Singh77 ---------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ----- 04/17/07 -------- Pending

    arwensun1965 ----------- 02/08/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Comelly ---------------- 02/09/07 (CSC) ----- 04/19/07 -------- Pending

    MegDan ----------------- 02/13/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Trailmix --------------- 02/13/07 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Mononoke28 ------------- 02/14/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Geist ------------------ 02/21/07 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Jasmin ----------------- 02/21/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    vylex ------------------ 02/28/07 (VSC) ----- Pending

    greeneclipse ----------- 03/01/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    LvivLovers ------------- 03/13/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    mdpo ------------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    CHERRI1 ---------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

  19. can you update ours (randynrose) No Visa Granted-Approved ,then put on AR

    Update: Justo/Sheyla - Interview date granted!

    Member Name--------------NOA1---(CSC/VSC)-----NOA2 Approval-----NVC Complete-----------Date

    w1n78 ------------------ 06/13/06 (CSC) ----- 09/05/06 -------- 11/16/06 ------------- 03/02/07

    The_dip_sticks --------- 06/15/06 (___) ----- Pending

    tomrein ---------------- 06/26/06 (CSC) ----- 09/11/06 -------- 12/21/06 ------------- 03/27/07

    Yocasta ---------------- 06/30/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Michael and Milahjean -- 07/13/06 (CSC) ----- 09/07/06 -------- 11/15/06 ------------- 03/15/07

    MarocAmer -------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Amarceau --------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ----- 09/07/06 -------- 01/11/07 ------------- 03/20/07 (visa granted)

    randynrose---------------07/20/06 (CSC) ----- 09/29/06 -------- 02/06/07 ------------- 04/20/07 (visa granted)

    dims1 ------------------ 07/25/06 (CSC) ----- 09/20/06 -------- 12/01/06 ------------- 03/19/07 (visa granted)

    Our Mao ---------------- 07/27/06 (CSC) ----- 12/01/06 -------- 02/13/07 ------------- 04/13/07

    Xuemei ----------------- 08/16/06 (___) ----- Pending

    a1angied-----------------08/19/06 (___) ----- 10/11/06 -------- Pending

    niagara_falls ---------- 08/22/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    manana ----------------- 08/25/06 (VSC) ----- 12/06/06 -------- Pending

    BelwinMills ------------ 08/28/06 (CSC) ----- 10/12/06 -------- 01/17/07 ------------- 05/03/07

    knowledge -------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    vonicks ---------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    NYC__girl -------------- 08/29/06 (VSC) ----- 04/03/07 -------- Pending

    PMRS ------------------- 09/01/06 (___) ----- 11/08/06 -------- 02/13/07 ------------- 05/04/07

    Florida-Photo ---------- 09/06/06 (CSC) ----- 11/02/06 -------- 02/01/07 ------------- 03/27/07

    Bosnia ----------------- 09/07/06 (CSC) ----- 12/05/06 -------- 03/14/07 ------------- 03/30/07

    Natty Bumppo ----------- 09/08/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 -------- Pending

    AmberBee --------------- 09/11/06 (CSC) ----- 11/21/06 -------- Pending

    Heina ------------------ 09/11/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Elle ------------------- 09/11/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Brian & Elena ---------- 09/11/06 (VSC) ----- Pending

    donquijote ------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 -------- Pending

    dougyceci -------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ----- 11/22/06 -------- 02/15/07 ------------- 04/12/07 (visa granted)

    Justo/Sheyla ----------- 09/18/06 (CSC) ----- 12/27/06 -------- 02/13/07-------------- 05/07/07

    Arpita & Deven --------- 09/19/06 (___) ----- 11/27/06 -------- 02/20/07 ------------- 05/24/07

    Dennis & Ezgi ---------- 09/21/06 (VSC) ----- 01/18/07 -------- 04/10/07 ------------- 05/08/07

    riblet ----------------- 09/25/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 -------- 02/20/07 ------------- 04/18/07 (visa granted)

    anneiy ----------------- 09/28/06 (CSC) ----- 11/28/06 -------- Pending

    bsuboyus --------------- 10/05/06 (CSC) ----- 01/16/07 -------- Pending

    jediknight ------------- 10/10/06 (VSC) ----- 03/11/07 -------- Pending

    hcheun02 --------------- 10/13/06 (VSC) ----- 03/22/07 -------- Pending

    Exodus2006 ------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ----- 01/16/07 -------- Pending

    StarProg --------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ----- 12/28/06 -------- Pending

    karina ----------------- 10/30/06 (CSC) ----- 03/13/07 -------- Pending

    misfitsbalzac ---------- 11/01/06 (VSC) ----- 04/11/07 -------- Pending

    sjmartins -------------- 11/07/06 (CSC) ----- 04/25/07 -------- Pending

    Richisusie ------------- 11/12/06 (VSC) ----- 04/16/07 -------- Pending

    Radu & Mari------------- 12/12/06 (CSC) ----- 02/12/07 -------- 04/17/07 ------------- 05/02/07 (Visa Granted)

    jacob88 ---------------- 12/12/06 (CSC) ----- 03/14/07 -------- Pending

    Singha ----------------- 01/03/07 (VSC) ----- Pending

    nyseness --------------- 01/06/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    John & Erica ----------- 01/24/07 (CSC) ----- 04/06/07 -------- Pending

    Kathy & Prabh ---------- 01/29/07 (CSC) ----- 04/10/07 -------- Pending

    Kiya ------------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Singh77 ---------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ----- 04/17/07 -------- Pending

    arwensun1965 ----------- 02/08/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Comelly ---------------- 02/09/07 (CSC) ----- 04/19/07 -------- Pending

    MegDan ----------------- 02/13/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Trailmix --------------- 02/13/07 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Mononoke28 ------------- 02/14/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    Geist ------------------ 02/21/07 (VSC) ----- Pending

    Jasmin ----------------- 02/21/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    vylex ------------------ 02/28/07 (VSC) ----- Pending

    greeneclipse ----------- 03/01/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    LvivLovers ------------- 03/13/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    mdpo ------------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

    CHERRI1 ---------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

  20. :thumbs: Congrats :thumbs:

    Thanks..but our dance has come to an end.

    Put on AR, and no idea why...and worse yet is not knowing if it will take 2 weeks or 2 years like some.

    Now we go home, put our heads under a pillow and pray to God that this is all just a bad dream, and we'll awake to a better day..but then the reality hits, and see all the stories of others in AR and realize we may not even see each other for months, and months. I give up, and wish they would tell us why, or when. I have tried calling and gotten the sorry cant help you...wait, we are still processing your case, now go away, and dont call back attitude..

    I'm sorry..just so down right now it hurts..

    God Bless


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