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Posts posted by Moh-Kris

  1. Hello VJ members,

    I've already completed the I-129F and my G325a application, now for my fiancee that's a different story as she moved quiet a lot in the last five years that there is no enough space to write them all.

    What should I do? Also if I used a blank paper, there is no question number, should I just state the form name and write down the question with the answer and then sign and date it?

    Also Should I mention the apartment number for example? or just the street name and number? for example "123 Address Name" or "123 Address Name Apt. 4B"?

    Finally about promotions, if she worked in the same company but got two different job titles due to promotion, should I write them both which will require me to write the employer name and address twice to state the different occupation? or just the last one? There was no gap between them, she just got promoted.


  2. In person meetings are valued way above other communication - so start with frontloading evidence of that. Tickets, boarding passes, passport stamps, hotel receipts and pictures from every visit. Pictures with each other's friends and family are golden.

    You can also add excerpts of your written communication, but don't send everything.

    You two sound like every other couple here. You have met each other in person more, and have even known each other longer than many members here. You seem to have all the evidence you need, and It's the good in person evidence.

    Front loading is providing anything extra. Follow the k1guide on this website. In person evidence is huge, I would load up on that. That and chat history.

    Yea, you're right about your age, gender and religion being a red flag. I'm sorry you have to deal with other people's bullshit. I like to think you will be judged by the same standards as the rest of us, love. Double, triple check all your paperwork.

    Just a thought but if I was you then I would hint at being a moderate Muslim(if you are), and I would never say the word terrorist, don't even say "I hate ISIS". I would try so hard to describe my feelings for her, and show them she owns me and heart

    Your case sounds similar to ours and we were just approved for our K1.

    As others have said actual face to face time is important. Big time!

    Also when it comes time for the interview try to have the petitioner be there. We did that for ours and I found it to be a big help.

    Other than that if you've included pictures, conversation proof, and travel receipts you should be ok. (When I sent mine I sent 'selections from different dates of time' to cover the range that we knew each other but certainly not every single message back and forth)

    As to the politics question, well I don't think any of us can rightly say what would happen. I think it would be difficult to make sweeping changes like those that are being proposed in a short time period (i.e. its not like a light switch on/off). But I will say I hope it doesn't come to that.

    You probably already know this, but expect extra security checks. Whoever is president.

    Thank you all for your great help.

    I'll make sure to do all the tips recommended for me here, another question.

    We do have pictures with her lovely family. BUT..

    We did meet her friends plenty of times but unfortunately we didn't take pictures of that, is getting an affidavit from them would be helpful that they acknowledge that it is a genuine relationship? and do they have to be notarized or just leaving their phone number/email would be enough in case the embassy wanted to contact them to confirm what they said?

    Again, thank you for your help.

  3. Hello VJ members,

    We're about to file I-129F petition this month and we've had some questions to ask.

    My fiance who is the USC is 7 years older than me (29 years old) Christian Catholic and I'm a 22 years old Muslim from Egypt.

    We don't care at all about our age differences or religion. We make each other happy and been dating for two years now and I just proposed three days ago and fortunately she said Yes :-)

    Now I know the U.S. embassy in Egypt is very pessimistic about couples who do not fit the norm in the Egyptian culture. (Muslims rarely marry Christians and males tend to be always older than the females). However, I was raised with different set of principles and those cultural norms do not apply to me at all. BUT, proving that to the U.S. Councilor might be very hard.

    I've visited her 3 times now (I'm currently with her) each time was a month or maybe two. She came and visited me for a week in Egypt as well. We do have pictures and passport stamps of that. We have over 28,000+ messages on Facebook messenger, as well as hundreds of Skype calls/chats and texts when I was in the U.S. and a handful of emails and a 3,000+ pictures of us during those years we've been dating from.

    We are a genuine couple and we know it, but reviews of the Egyptian embassy and even some of the people I talked to gave me the impression that it is very, very hard to issue a fiance visa to people with "red flags" like us.

    Can anyone give us an idea on what should we send? I already saw the guide on VJ and planning to implement every single item on it, but should we add ANYTHING extra? should we send them ALL of our Facebook messages, pictures, calls/chat logs? That would mean thousands of pages of application.

    Also I'm sorry for getting a little bit into U.S. politics, but IF Donald Trump was elected, will that pose any sort of problem when it comes to the immigration process of a Muslim male in his early 20's?

    Thank you.

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