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    KCMO got a reaction from Orangesapples in I-130 Falsely denied (possibly)   
    Btw op, i found this on the USCIS website. Among the few reasons for expediating waiver of idmissibility this is clearly listed.
    41.7 Expeditious Adjudication of Waivers  of  Inadmissibility.  
    'The applicant’s qualifying family member  is a member of the military who is deployed or  will soon be deployed;
     The applicant demonstrates that, in light of the deployment there are compelling reasons to expedite the request due to  the impact of the applicant’s absence from the United States on  the applicant, the qualifying family member, or their children, if any'
    This is exactly what your situation is , so that is why USCIS has assured you of expediating your waiver
  2. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from Orangesapples in I-130 Falsely denied (possibly)   
    So sorry that you and your family is going through this . I can only imagine how hard it must be for you and your wife and kids to deal with all this. Us government should make it much easier for service members since you are giving your life for the country and have family to take care of. 
    Still, dont worry. Follow the suggestions given in this forum also research online about waiver and consult an attorney if need be , in the end i feel strongly all of you will be together. Just file the required paper work and may have to wait few months before the process can complete. Good luck and my best wishes to you and your family.
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    KCMO got a reaction from Michael2017 in I-130 Falsely denied (possibly)   
    So sorry that you and your family is going through this . I can only imagine how hard it must be for you and your wife and kids to deal with all this. Us government should make it much easier for service members since you are giving your life for the country and have family to take care of. 
    Still, dont worry. Follow the suggestions given in this forum also research online about waiver and consult an attorney if need be , in the end i feel strongly all of you will be together. Just file the required paper work and may have to wait few months before the process can complete. Good luck and my best wishes to you and your family.
  4. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from Bomzy in I-751 September 2016 Filers   
    Well said. Yes being with the loved ones is what keeps me going im CSC still waiting . I do occassionally peep into this thread to get updates . I trust all will be fine. Eventually CSC will catch up. Dont let their delay upset you , enjoy your life. All is well.
  5. Like
    KCMO reacted to Ozgirl1981 in I-751 September 2016 Filers   
    Yes, your right @sidelcampeador it is messed up. The way I see it, and this is going to be different for everyone, but it was more painful to be away from my fiance during the I-129f visa stage than it is now, seeing that I can cuddle with the man I married and love each and every night during this process. I also have 3 children (10 yr old, 13 yr old and 16 yr old) who are also waiting on their greencards. My childrens passport expire in Feb 2018 so the extension stamps they have are worthless after Feb 2018. 
    With that said, I'm not losing any hours or days waiting for this to happen because I'm just living each and every moment now with my loved ones.  
    I hope this may help those who may need another perspective. 
    Keep on "hanging in there" 
  6. Like
    KCMO reacted to ARDallas in I-751 September 2016 Filers   
    Hi All, My GC extension expires on 10/18/17. I went to info pass today and said that I needed I551 stamp. The officer is very nice and she just stamped on my passport without any questions. The expiration date a year from now (7/28/2018). She said as long as my case is still pending, I can keep coming back to get more stamp after. She mentioned that some i751 process can take years. 
    Also, I submitted my N400 application online this week so hopefully that will adjudicate my I751. 
    Good luck to everyone!
  7. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from aruadha in ROC, child question.   
    Ok. After researching tons of vj posts related to this topic ,i finally found solution that works for me. intially i thought it makes sense to just list any children biological or adopted related to Conditional resident , but since people have mentioned about this being a joint petition, I have decided list my USC step child in Page 5 and in page 11 i will supply the additional information saying she is my ( conditonal resident's ) step child , she is my husband (USC's) biological USC child from his previous marriage who stays with us on every alternative weekends and one evening every week. this makes it very clear to who ever reads the form.
    We are anyways submitting photos and other documentary evidence showing her as part of our family activities, so i guess with the explanation i have written in additional information page about her i it will even look good to list her.

    sorry about typos . im typing from my phone.
  8. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from ARDallas in I-751 September 2016 Filers   
    I am in the same boat too!. My case was received on sep 19th 2016 by CSC. and my NOA says my resident status is extended for an year. Which i assume means till Sep 19th 2017?. I dont know the process of info pass stamp and how late should i wait or can i make an appointment now in june or july to ask for infopass stamp etc... can someone please give step by step instructions on the infopass stamp process and time frame to get it , I very much appreciate that . I have learnt a lot here than through any attorney. Thank you !  I know USCIS slow processing since i began my immigration journey via , K1, IR/CR1 etc so i dont mind letting them do their work in their own time and waiting , i just want to make sure i am doing what is required to keep my resident status from expiring . so please guide me about this infopass process thanks! I also remember reading somewhere that if it shows the appointments booked for 14 days then try little after midnight and the system may show them available. is this accurate?
  9. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from usernamebilly in Bad situation   
    beautifully put. i am appalled to read some of the comments here about making it sound like marriage is just roommates with benefits and they do seem so angry or lacking empathy . so disconnected. its a connection and a bond , emotionally ,mentally , soulfully,physically. Trust and emptional support are the foundation in which everything else springs forth from. i am glad however to read some sensible comments here pointing to that bond. Op its up to you what you choose to focus on. focus on positive comments that truely help you.
  10. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from nane1104 in Bad situation   
    As i have said in my other post op has expressed in her posts to the best of her ability that she feels that there is lack of care in her relationship ( its not just about splitting bills , its about feeling like there is emotional support, which i feel is lacking in op's marriage based on what she has written in her posts).i feel she is perhaps contemplating divorce and starting an roc with divorce waiver (but is afraid to do so because of the cultural diffferences), while knowing may be thats what she needs to do. i dont think she is dishonest here. all i see is many people jumping to harsh judgements without understnding tht for someone who is from different culture where divorce is not normal and the decision can be difficult .She perhaps now is in ' i dont know what to do or how to do ' place. she cane here for advice on manythings including roc but now i see she is having to defend herselfbecause of various misinterpretations or misunderstandings. sad. that is why i suggested to her to seek advice of her friends and family about not only the possible divorce but also next step in Roc.
  11. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from Teddy B in Bad situation   
    beautifully put. i am appalled to read some of the comments here about making it sound like marriage is just roommates with benefits and they do seem so angry or lacking empathy . so disconnected. its a connection and a bond , emotionally ,mentally , soulfully,physically. Trust and emptional support are the foundation in which everything else springs forth from. i am glad however to read some sensible comments here pointing to that bond. Op its up to you what you choose to focus on. focus on positive comments that truely help you.
  12. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from TBoneTX in Bad situation   
    i see two kinds of perspectives here. one from the western culture and one from a culture where divorce is not common and emotional support and financial support are very common. i can understand OP is coming from the latter. it may seem strange for the people brought up in western culture about op's wording regarding the paying bills etc. there is more here than that. like someone mentioned its about the warmth and companionship and a feeling of belonging to each other. that is what is lacking in Op's situation as per her posts. its not just about splitting the bills. many people from western culture suggest getting a divorce and i understand & support that perspective , but for women from many countries their marriage is tied into their family honor. i know no one should stay in a abusive situation . and abuse is not just physical , it totally can be emotional disconnection and cold treatment of a wife or a husband who came to another country trusting their spouse. abuse can take many silent forms. and for someone who grew up in a culture watching long lasting relationships and very minimum divorce rates and financial support and warmth , divorce may feel like more than just freedom. it may feel like how can they face their family and culture. so Op i believe is asking for some sort of emotional support here to make that choice. she has figured out that her husband is not affectionate towards her and does not probably care about her as she had thought . and her family might not get this, her culture might not get this, she feels going back with this truth is more painful and staying , divorcing , starting her own life can be a choice but that does not mean OP is not scared about such a choice. we all can offer her the right advice while sparing the harsh judgement about her life or making it seem like something is fishy or she is dishonest etcetc. we dont know her situation fully , but with compassion we can try to understand without jumping harsh judgement as some of us have done here. we probably should encourage her to get out of marriage and start her life and telling her that its fine she can do it instead of scolding her for her fear about this. she is from a different culture . if we were in her shoes we would know too. compassion and true advice to help is what is needed here. I am sorry op you are experiencing lack of love in your marriage , but you must listen to your own heart in this matter. if you decide to stay in this country and get out of marriage , you must file for divorce and use appropriate steps to make sure you to extend your GC . good luck! it may indeed bring you a freedom from any cultural repression you may have faced in your own country .
  13. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Bad situation   
    beautifully put. i am appalled to read some of the comments here about making it sound like marriage is just roommates with benefits and they do seem so angry or lacking empathy . so disconnected. its a connection and a bond , emotionally ,mentally , soulfully,physically. Trust and emptional support are the foundation in which everything else springs forth from. i am glad however to read some sensible comments here pointing to that bond. Op its up to you what you choose to focus on. focus on positive comments that truely help you.
  14. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from Ksenia_O in Bad situation   
    beautifully put. i am appalled to read some of the comments here about making it sound like marriage is just roommates with benefits and they do seem so angry or lacking empathy . so disconnected. its a connection and a bond , emotionally ,mentally , soulfully,physically. Trust and emptional support are the foundation in which everything else springs forth from. i am glad however to read some sensible comments here pointing to that bond. Op its up to you what you choose to focus on. focus on positive comments that truely help you.
  15. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from njs051914 in Bad situation   
    beautifully put. i am appalled to read some of the comments here about making it sound like marriage is just roommates with benefits and they do seem so angry or lacking empathy . so disconnected. its a connection and a bond , emotionally ,mentally , soulfully,physically. Trust and emptional support are the foundation in which everything else springs forth from. i am glad however to read some sensible comments here pointing to that bond. Op its up to you what you choose to focus on. focus on positive comments that truely help you.
  16. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from SunflowerSweet in Bad situation   
    beautifully put. i am appalled to read some of the comments here about making it sound like marriage is just roommates with benefits and they do seem so angry or lacking empathy . so disconnected. its a connection and a bond , emotionally ,mentally , soulfully,physically. Trust and emptional support are the foundation in which everything else springs forth from. i am glad however to read some sensible comments here pointing to that bond. Op its up to you what you choose to focus on. focus on positive comments that truely help you.
  17. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from ijay in Bad situation   
    i see two kinds of perspectives here. one from the western culture and one from a culture where divorce is not common and emotional support and financial support are very common. i can understand OP is coming from the latter. it may seem strange for the people brought up in western culture about op's wording regarding the paying bills etc. there is more here than that. like someone mentioned its about the warmth and companionship and a feeling of belonging to each other. that is what is lacking in Op's situation as per her posts. its not just about splitting the bills. many people from western culture suggest getting a divorce and i understand & support that perspective , but for women from many countries their marriage is tied into their family honor. i know no one should stay in a abusive situation . and abuse is not just physical , it totally can be emotional disconnection and cold treatment of a wife or a husband who came to another country trusting their spouse. abuse can take many silent forms. and for someone who grew up in a culture watching long lasting relationships and very minimum divorce rates and financial support and warmth , divorce may feel like more than just freedom. it may feel like how can they face their family and culture. so Op i believe is asking for some sort of emotional support here to make that choice. she has figured out that her husband is not affectionate towards her and does not probably care about her as she had thought . and her family might not get this, her culture might not get this, she feels going back with this truth is more painful and staying , divorcing , starting her own life can be a choice but that does not mean OP is not scared about such a choice. we all can offer her the right advice while sparing the harsh judgement about her life or making it seem like something is fishy or she is dishonest etcetc. we dont know her situation fully , but with compassion we can try to understand without jumping harsh judgement as some of us have done here. we probably should encourage her to get out of marriage and start her life and telling her that its fine she can do it instead of scolding her for her fear about this. she is from a different culture . if we were in her shoes we would know too. compassion and true advice to help is what is needed here. I am sorry op you are experiencing lack of love in your marriage , but you must listen to your own heart in this matter. if you decide to stay in this country and get out of marriage , you must file for divorce and use appropriate steps to make sure you to extend your GC . good luck! it may indeed bring you a freedom from any cultural repression you may have faced in your own country .
  18. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from B_J in Bad situation   
    i see two kinds of perspectives here. one from the western culture and one from a culture where divorce is not common and emotional support and financial support are very common. i can understand OP is coming from the latter. it may seem strange for the people brought up in western culture about op's wording regarding the paying bills etc. there is more here than that. like someone mentioned its about the warmth and companionship and a feeling of belonging to each other. that is what is lacking in Op's situation as per her posts. its not just about splitting the bills. many people from western culture suggest getting a divorce and i understand & support that perspective , but for women from many countries their marriage is tied into their family honor. i know no one should stay in a abusive situation . and abuse is not just physical , it totally can be emotional disconnection and cold treatment of a wife or a husband who came to another country trusting their spouse. abuse can take many silent forms. and for someone who grew up in a culture watching long lasting relationships and very minimum divorce rates and financial support and warmth , divorce may feel like more than just freedom. it may feel like how can they face their family and culture. so Op i believe is asking for some sort of emotional support here to make that choice. she has figured out that her husband is not affectionate towards her and does not probably care about her as she had thought . and her family might not get this, her culture might not get this, she feels going back with this truth is more painful and staying , divorcing , starting her own life can be a choice but that does not mean OP is not scared about such a choice. we all can offer her the right advice while sparing the harsh judgement about her life or making it seem like something is fishy or she is dishonest etcetc. we dont know her situation fully , but with compassion we can try to understand without jumping harsh judgement as some of us have done here. we probably should encourage her to get out of marriage and start her life and telling her that its fine she can do it instead of scolding her for her fear about this. she is from a different culture . if we were in her shoes we would know too. compassion and true advice to help is what is needed here. I am sorry op you are experiencing lack of love in your marriage , but you must listen to your own heart in this matter. if you decide to stay in this country and get out of marriage , you must file for divorce and use appropriate steps to make sure you to extend your GC . good luck! it may indeed bring you a freedom from any cultural repression you may have faced in your own country .
  19. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from Teddy B in Bad situation   
    i see two kinds of perspectives here. one from the western culture and one from a culture where divorce is not common and emotional support and financial support are very common. i can understand OP is coming from the latter. it may seem strange for the people brought up in western culture about op's wording regarding the paying bills etc. there is more here than that. like someone mentioned its about the warmth and companionship and a feeling of belonging to each other. that is what is lacking in Op's situation as per her posts. its not just about splitting the bills. many people from western culture suggest getting a divorce and i understand & support that perspective , but for women from many countries their marriage is tied into their family honor. i know no one should stay in a abusive situation . and abuse is not just physical , it totally can be emotional disconnection and cold treatment of a wife or a husband who came to another country trusting their spouse. abuse can take many silent forms. and for someone who grew up in a culture watching long lasting relationships and very minimum divorce rates and financial support and warmth , divorce may feel like more than just freedom. it may feel like how can they face their family and culture. so Op i believe is asking for some sort of emotional support here to make that choice. she has figured out that her husband is not affectionate towards her and does not probably care about her as she had thought . and her family might not get this, her culture might not get this, she feels going back with this truth is more painful and staying , divorcing , starting her own life can be a choice but that does not mean OP is not scared about such a choice. we all can offer her the right advice while sparing the harsh judgement about her life or making it seem like something is fishy or she is dishonest etcetc. we dont know her situation fully , but with compassion we can try to understand without jumping harsh judgement as some of us have done here. we probably should encourage her to get out of marriage and start her life and telling her that its fine she can do it instead of scolding her for her fear about this. she is from a different culture . if we were in her shoes we would know too. compassion and true advice to help is what is needed here. I am sorry op you are experiencing lack of love in your marriage , but you must listen to your own heart in this matter. if you decide to stay in this country and get out of marriage , you must file for divorce and use appropriate steps to make sure you to extend your GC . good luck! it may indeed bring you a freedom from any cultural repression you may have faced in your own country .
  20. Like
    KCMO got a reaction from Deleted_Account in Filing i751 tomorrow! last minute check list.   
    Happy chic thank you! yes i have done exactly that , i put my green card and other official id name on i751. and in the other names i put the variation of my current name. Also i have written a detailed cover letter and have put colorful tabs separating the documents with content mentioned on them. i just now mailed our package via priority mail to CSC. now the waiting begins! btw your evidence list looks great!
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