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Posts posted by BethyWink

  1. This situation enrages me as a feminist. There are women who are actually being abused who are not listened to, but this happens, and because of patriarchal views he is being blamed.... AGHakladh This is why we need feminism.

    But at least if she is out of the house, she is no longer your issue... be persistent and pull the app, and then she is out of your life forever!

  2. As a 30 year old, that should have been one of your first red flags! Not saying that large age gaps do not happen, but they are rare, and even more rare if all they are complimenting you on is your looks! You seem like a nice guy who is just down on himself! Finish with this drama, join some social clubs, maybe hiking or something active so you can start thinking positive about your looks as well, and meet some nice people and women! You do not want your daughter seeing this style of relationship and thinking it is normal and okay!

    And YES Do not take NO for an answer! Pitch a fit until they withdraw the application.

  3. You all think cable is not a luxury?! She admits to buying things that are not luxuries. The minimum salary her husband has to have to have her out here is 20k, So if she makes 15k, and he makes JUST A MINIMUM of 20k (assuming no co-sponsor was associated with this case) I think it is completely reasonable to split the bills! And yes, if he is not using the pots and pans, woe is me, you have to buy them yourself!

    So far the OP has stated that she has spent her money on the following:

    1. Cable - a luxury that even most executive level employees have cut since everything streams now

    2. taking her husband out to eat - SUPER luxury!

    3. Clothing - a one time expense, that can be lessened by going to goodwill

    4. her own transportation to and from work... - last I checked that should not be anyone's bill and if it takes that much to go back and forth, then find a better job. Uber, Lyft, Molly Maids, warehouse jobs all pay decent and have normal working hours

    She is complaining about pitching in for the following bills:

    1. RENT


    3. PHONE

    Tell me again how this post is not a frivolous excuse to complain about her husband and get sympathy? There are two sides to every story.

  4. She is contributing. She already says she is paying for her clothes, phone bill, etc. You are acting like OP has refused to pay anything at all, which isn't the situation.

    But expecting her to figure out health insurance when she was working part time and making $90 a week, pay half of the bills when she likely is not making as much as he is, and just the generally callous attitude he has towards the person he married and pledged his life to does not seem reasonable.

    It's wonderful that you and your husband came to an agreement before hand that you both understand and honored, but from what OP said it seems like the agreement her and her husband made, were he said he would support her, is not being fully held up on his end.

    Not sure why you brought gender into it.

    She is making 300 a week, which equals out to 15k a year... a perfectly liveable wage.

  5. I guess I'm the only one that thinks the husband is not unreasonable. He doesn't have to drive her anywhere he doesn't have to add her to his insurance he doesn't have to pamper her when she sick that's life some men are like that just like some men will do anything for their wife no questions asked. I don't think she honestly knew this man well enough before they decided to marry but it's not fair at all calling him abusive

    Not the only one, I agree with you.

    My main question is, would people think this is abuse if the female was the USC?! I know my husband and I had long conversations about where to live, here or Denmark, and we decided since I make significantly more, have a steady job, and disposable income, it is easier for him to move here for the time being. (this way we can afford on day one to fly to Denmark in the event of an emergency (sick family, funeral, etc). But we have also made it clear that ideally once he starts working, he starts contributing! It doesn't make me evil to pressure him into taking some weight off my back, and create a more stable home. But why is it abuse when a husband does this?

  6. You spend 125 a week on transportation when you are not driving yourself? So 25 dollars a day in transpo? Do you try to take the bus? Rideshare? Cut your bills first. 300 a week is 7.50 an hour, are you sure you are working full time since I do not believe this is even minimum wage.

    Do you really need cable TV? I honestly know about 4 people who still have this bill, most people have cut the cable years ago.

    I think you really need to either go to counseling, or talk to a lawyer.

  7. Hi all!

    I just sent off my front-loaded I-130 package today :D It's going USPS Express, so it should arrive tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Anyone else feeling overwhelmingly nervous? My biggest concern -- I submitted a lot of conversations between myself and my husband. They're in a mixture of French, English, and Wolof. I know foreign language documents should be translated, but since this is more proof of a continuing relationship and not a document, per se, I didn't have them translated and instead wrote a summary of each conversation. (Also, I am a poor graduate student. The cheapest translation I've found is $35 per page... adds up fast. I didn't take enough student loans out for that!)

    Fingers crossed :( Good luck to everyone!

    I think you should be fine. Some of my texts to Alex are in Danish, but I think its more to prove that you can actually communicate vs what you are saying. (unless its about something illegal)

  8. The situation is that you have a job, so you should be able to pay for your own items if you need to. You have the following choices:

    1. Divorce him and go back home

    2. Be unhappy and pay your own bills.

    To me, paying your own bills and needs is not abuse...including health insurance! I have had many conversations with my husband about US health insurance and what would be the cheapest way to insure him as he has previous conditions (Asthma, usually expensive for meds) and I have a history of cancer. We decided that for the time, he will be on my work insurance, but even that is $300+ a month, and once he gets a job, he will pay me back for the situation. It is 2016, husbands do not need to financially support their wives anymore.

    This is not abuse, this is a man who sounds tired of financially supporting someone who is sounding ungrateful and thinks more of the stigma of divorce, than doing what is best for both parties.

  9. I received my NOA1 in mail on 9/16.

    On separate note: I had submitted extra wedding (07/2016) pictures and video on USB & engagement pictures on CD (03/2015). They came back in mail from Chicago saying we cannot place in your folder for review in this format. I didn't know USB Drive/CD are not acceptable.

    NOA1 came from CSC and return items (CD/USB) came from Chicago.

    Question: Anyone knows current processing time for spouse visa at NVC if petitioner is LPR?

    Unfortunately the US Govt does not accept any digital formats of Bona Fide relationship. I guess it is a cyber security risk, as well as the need to be able to support all digital forms. (Not to mention the fact that govts are always 20 years behind the curve.

  10. Hey! Fellow Scandinavian spouses! I know that most of the Nordic countries do not get married, and I do know that Denmark did have a visa for "Partner" that is not married, but unfortunately, America does not. So I would get married to your partner, and apply for a CR-1.

    As for the lawyer, if you can understand the paperwork, then you should be good. Most people on here will tell you to bypass the lawyer fees, and do not even go for the "FastVisa" help pages who charge $400USD to fill out the form, they literally just ask you every question on the form in a website, and auto populate the fields.

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