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Sun Wukong

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
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  • Our Story
    I met my fiance during a study abroad trip to Beijing, China during the summer of 2014. We became friends, and maintained contact when I returned to the United States. I graduated from my Undergrad a few months later in December of 2014, and decided to return to Beijing 2 months later in February. My friendship with my fiance became romantic in March, and we began dating. I remained in China for a year and 2 months, traveling around the country, studying Chinese, and teaching English. This past May I returned to the United States in order to begin my career, and am now looking to bring my fiance back here to the United States. She is the love of my life, and my only regret is that we did not start this process sooner due to new career paths and moving to new homes (both me and her). Any and all advice regarding to the K1 visa process would be greatly appreciated!

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