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Posts posted by britybrit

  1. 5 minutes ago, JessieABC said:

    If the rep won't help, might be little chance to reschedule unless you have a valid reason .


    Expedites can be requested via https://uk.usembassy.gov/visas/visa-information-services/contact-us-immigrant-visas/

    Expedite reasons: http://www.***removed***/us-visa/expedited-appointments.html


    From what I've been reading, seems like they only offer limited expedites to non-immigrant visa applicants although I'm sure for emergency situations, they may consider an expedite:  https://specialrelationship.uk/2015/02/12/januarys-most-popular-question-is/


    Hope that helps!


    To lighten up your day, at least this didn't happen to you:  US embassy interviews three-month-old British baby to make sure he’s not a terrorist:D 

    Yeah this all makes sense - totally get it. Just wish there were an awesome little calendar for me to drop in on. 


    I mean you'd like to think they'd have some form of cancellation system to avoid wasted time when people inevitably rearrange interviews. I'm going to call back tomorrow and try speaking to another advisor...sometimes you get the new kid y'know.


    Haha yeah the baby...bureaucracy is only one letter off from bureau-crazy.

  2. 2 hours ago, JessieABC said:

    You might be able to call them and check.  If someone cancels you can potentially get bumped up. Think someone had a 22 day case complete to interview recently for London. There's also more information in the first post for the case complete threads.


    Good luck!


    looking forward to your review for london. Heard it's very lax and straightforward. :) 

    I'm just trying to chase this info up - called the embassy (use 02036086998 for when your husband wants to call - its not the same as the one listed online) to ask about it. The rep was a little useless - said "you do not have the option to do this - you should request to expedite". When I asked how others have managed it, he just kept reciting the same bit of into on expedite. Not sure if he was clueless or whether there is something I'm missing...

  3. 2 minutes ago, JessieABC said:

    I love you.  Hahaa


    I'm the USC and my income more than covers the requirements so I guess I'll stop fretting though I wish the amount I paid in taxes would get me a free expedite.

    Someone else just suggested NA and it worked perfectly.  On a separate page, the phone number field didn't accept text but miraculously, it did on this page so all that's left is for my husband to review.  



    Yeah they make you work for it on these forms. Then you just have to wait. And then just when you think you've waited enough, you have to wait to start waiting. Then they have the nerve to ask if the relationship is real in the interview...as though we do this for fun. *rolls eyes*.

  4. Just now, JessieABC said:

    yes, that does help.  Makes me feel a lot better lol


    Unfortunately, the question is displayed as "Were you previously employed? 

    • If No is selected, you don't enter any previous employment.
    • If Yes is selected, you must provide the previous employment information for up to 10 years.

    Didn't feel like "No" would have been the right answer.  I'm in constant fear of a checklist  !

    Yeah US bureaucracy at its best. I would personally read that as "are you working or do you not/are you not able to work?". Clearly if you have had a job or multiple jobs, you are able to work. As they aren't giving you space to write "unemployed for three months" - I would probably just give the dates as accurately as possible and have that gap present. The most I can imagine them doing is asking about it during interview. We can probably hazard a guess that the only reason they care about the work habits of the immigrant is so that they can work out how much they will rely on their spouse. Im guessing you're both going to work and have both got evidence of working PLUS the USC is well over the poverty line and earns enough to not need a co-sponsor? That would probably mean you are 100% fine and not in the running for a checklist as there will be no financial burden to the state AND you will both be paying taxes - something they are happy about. Obviously...I'm not a lawyer haha, but I'm sure being honest is all thats needed. It most certainly isn't "no" anyway, in that question!!

  5. 38 minutes ago, JessieABC said:

    He's been with his current company for 3 years or so, 3 months unemployment prior, then 12 years in the military before that.  

    DS 260 requires 10 years so I'd have to include that 3 month gap :( but you won't.


    Anyone else have any advice?  Save me from a potential checklist!!! :crying:


    I was as accurate on my DS260 as I could be. But I've moved around a lot and had multiple jobs with many employers, sometimes at the same time. I severely doubt you'd get a checklist for 3 months missing...just be as honest and as accurate as you can be - and thats all you can do. I can't remember, is there a place to put unemployed for x amount of time? 


    I mean...three of my past employers don't even exist any more, so there wouldn't be a way to check! 


    Hope that helps. 

  6. I've been told progressively:

    "we have your files - Wait 4 weeks"


    "wait 8 weeks"


    "wait 11 weeks"


    "pending review"


    "up for review" 


    "being reviewed" 


    Ive been pretty relentless with calling as our 10 weeks is up on Tuesday. But I think there is a difference in what they're saying...just staying patient is boring at this point. 


    Does anyone know if *everyone* gets the three n/a anomaly..or is that just occasionally?



  7. Interestingly I just spoke with a very cool, calm and collected guy on the phone at NVC and he said that our case is currently under review. I asked about getting a supervisor to look at it and he said that it wouldn't be a smart choice because it could delay it at this point if someone had started it. 


    Our case has been a day away every time they've changed from 4weeks to 6, 6 to 8 and now to 11. More than just a little frustrating. 

    It seems everyone is in the same boat at the moment. 




    NVC Receipt date: Jan 31st 2017



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